"I haven't," Azriel said and inclined his head to kiss her.
Penelope didn't return the kiss, and when Azriel lifted his head, he watched her closely. She stepped back and leveled her gaze back to his chest.
"I'm sorry, my Lord," she apologized.
"I thought I could handle it," she told him. "Have a few nights with you and that's over, but it isn't. I believe by pushing you away, and rejecting you, it would be easier for me, but it's hard for me as well, so hard."
Azriel was struck silent.
"But now...you're going for battle, and I am even more scared than before. I can't have you doing this to me now," Penelope said.
"Pen...," Azriel pulled her to him. "Are you scared I am going to die?"
Penelope's tears fell. "No one can guarantee life or death, my Lord."