After waking away I decided to skip the last two hours of school. For a bit of a visual of me and Rebecca, I'm fairly small at 5'0 I'm a medium brown color and I have short black hair that falls right at my shoulders with brown eyes, Rebecca has long golden brown hair with gorgeous ocean blue eyes and she's 5'6. But back to the story. As I walked out of the school I went to the gas station across the street to grab some chips. When I got out of the store I saw Rebecca's boyfriend it was a little unusual cause he had just told her he was skipping school to play basketball with friends. Sitting in his car was him and Rebecca's best friend kissing I was stunned. I took out my phone and took a video my hands were shaking with disbelief. I sent the video to Rebecca hoping she hadn't blocked me yet, I walked the rest of the way home with my head down anxiously waiting for Rebecca to reply. When I got home my phone was blowing up, I didn't realize it cause my phone was in my pocket and my ringer was off.
Rebecca was texting me saying that it wasn't real and that I was a lying bitch and how much she hated me. I quickly tried to reply but she just kept at it, eventually, I got tired and sent her a voice message saying if she didn't want to believe it that was fine but I wasn't a liar. I ended up having to block her because she said she would kill me. I turned my phone off and sat there for a minute, just thinking about everything made me tear up, I don't know when it started but tears started to wash down my face. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and just disappear. After a few hours, I got a message on my phone from her but on Instagram. I didn't know if I should open the message or not, first, she said that I was a bitch for blocking her then she talked about how she confronted them and how they told her the truth. Honestly, I felt bad for them because Rebecca is the most popular girl in school and could destroy them, then she ended with thank you for telling me after what happened. I didn't reply I just turned my phone off, a weird sense of happiness washed over me.