Yu Ri and Yooha both fell down harshly. They got hurt. It was a centre of attention for a moment, people started watching, gossiping and clicking pictures of them. They took the pictures because Yooha was the most coolest guy from their school and the girls turned out to be jealous.
Yu Ri pushed Yooha back. And then she ran away. She started to blush but at the same time she was embarassed for falling over him.
She went inside the girls washroom and then she looks in the mirror and washed her face. Then some girls out of nowhere started bluburring things.
Girl 1: she's so shameless to fall over him.
Girl 2: I don't think it accidentally happened. She might have did it on purpose.
Girl 3: Trying to win over him.
Yu Ri: Yah! shut the crap out . That was just an accident.
Girl 1: I see , good for you.
Girl 2: Shithead.
Third girl pushed her and they went away.
After washing her face Yu Ri went out of the washroom....
She went to there friends.
Dam: hey girl, I heard you fell down the steps. Are u ok.
Yu Ri: yeah, I'm fine.(in a sad voice she looked down.)
Yann: u sure.
Aerum in her mind, "something is wrong".
Aerum: Yu Ri u know u can share with us.
Yu Ri: I'm fine guys, I just need some time alone.
(she gave a fake smile)
Aerum went to buy some drinks from cafe. While she was going there suddenly Taehee brokes the line.
Taehee: Avocado please.
Bartender: Sure.
Aerum: Why did you broke the line?
Taehee: I'm in hurry, step aside.
While Taehee pushed her away the avocado which was in Taehee's hand fall over Aerum's uniform.
Aerum: Shit, how dare you huh!
Taehee with a sorry face: Surry.
Aerum: This guy doesn't even know how to say sorry.
Taehee: Look, I know that I was rude to you but I didn't mean to do that. Spare me.
Aerum: Spare me, how could I spare you.
Taehee: Look, I'm extremely sorry. I really didn't mean to do that.
Aerum: .......... (blank out of anger.)
Taehee: You give it to me. I'll was and bring it back to you. If it's okay.... than .
Aerum: Leave I don't want to talk to you.
She ran out of that place and went to change her clothes. While she came out of the room. Taehee was waiting there for her.
Taehee: I apologise please I'm sorry. Tell me, I'll do anything for you.
Aerum: Anything....
Taehee: Lemme clear this out, not like murder or kill someone but.
Aerum: Chhhhsss... crap. (her anger suddenly went away).
Taehee: So what do you think.
Aerum: Okae deal.
Taehee: Great.
Aerum: Now move I have to go.
He moved out of the place.
Inside the art room. Biho was alone there making some creepy and cringe drawings . Alone where the sunlight pass through the window falls in his face. Lee Dam was in the another room.
Dam speaking to herself: Aaaaa.... what do I do now , I have ruined everything.
Dam you don't deserve to live.
Biho heard her voice .
Biho smiled and said to himself silently: Who's inside ? puhahaha... she's funny anyways.
Dam speaking to herself: I'm not even funny.
Biho: huh! did she heard what I said.
Dam to herself: No...
Biho: I think she heard me .
Dam to herself again: No no no, can you hear me no.
Biho: okae I'll stay silent now.
Dam to herself again: Silence (in a loud voice that made Biho tremble) Don't be silent. Why is this painting so silent. Haaaaa... I wanna cry.
Biho: I hope she's fine. But who could be it possibly. I think I should go and check.
Biho stood up from his chair. Dam was sitting on the floor with legs apart and her hands touching her forehead.
Biho: are u ok.
Dam:oh Biho, sorry I guess I disturbed you.(in a sad and funny tone)
Biho: No that was pretty.
Dam: What?
Biho: Ah! Nothing. I guess you need help.
Dam: Yeah in place of blue I put the wrong colour there . Now what am I supposed to do.
(pov! that wasn't a big problem at all)
Biho: oh, I see. You put the black on it .
Dam: yeah, that's the problem.
Biho: in that case why don't you put white again.
Dam: Oh .... yes. Why did that not come to my mind.Gosh, thank you so much Biho.
Biho: hmmm.
Yann was inside the library trying to get the book which was on the top of the shelf.
Yann: Gosh, how do I get it now.
She jumped again and she reached the book but she was still standing in her tip toe.
Yann: yes!
when she was pulling out the book, the whole shelf was going to fall over her.
Yann: Shit, what do I do now.
(she started shaking . And then she fall. Suddenly from behind, someone hold her back and with one hand the shelf.)
See you in the next episode stay tuned.