Q- Who/ what is The 2 Homage Assassins?
A- The 2 Homage Assassins were a group of 2, honorable Assassins of Darknara, they slaughtered millions, causing people to turn against Dark Death nation.
Q- What/who is The Horde?
A- The Horde is a group of 8, made as a crowd to ' defend' the O.T.H.E.R.S. The Horde consists of people mostly of fire. People in Horde are; Achlys Romano, Aiden Jones, Armani Edwards, Casey Williams, Ethan Andreyev, Liddie Garcia, Mara Smith, and Omisha Otis.
Q- Do people know about Dark Death Nations power to see Death Dates?
A- Some people do, others know, but refuse to believe it, so they consider everyone from Dark death a unnecessary Assassin.