Ramanujan told the boy to clean the room and he was waiting outside. In the meantime his boss came with a British Man Gary Layers. Gary told Ramanujan, 'I am very impressed to see your work. You can write a letter to Professor Hardy of Trinity College, Cambridge University. He is my very good friend and he is a very famous mathematician. This is his contact address, you can write to him'.
Ramanujan took the address and after that evening he wrote a long letter to Professor Hardy and the next day he posted the letter. After one month he got a letter from Mr Hardy. Hardy wrote,'I am very impressed by your letter. They are very new things to me and I would like to work with you. I am inviting you to come at Trinity College to work with me.'
Ramanujan discussed with this matter with his mother and wife. His father already died three years back. His mother said, 'We are Brahmans. We cannot leave our home land. You should not do this.'
But Ramanujan decided to go and he wrote a letter to Dr Hardy. He wrote, 'Dr Hardy, I am coming to work with you.'
Then the rest things that means the collaborative work of Ramanujan and Dr Hardy made a history in the world of mathematics.