"I am really fine, I will keep on waiting for her and one day we might just…." I said feeling a bit let down by the cool fresh breeze which seemed to have almost stopped blowing.
"Cheeeer-up…Cheee" A soft purr like voice responded diligently to my swaying mood.
"That's a funny way to say it, but you are really saying that to cheer me up aren't you." I responded to the weird clatter of the oblique lips.
"Cheeeer-a-leee" the quirky voice kept on making the same set of abstract sounds, when suddenly a large group of giant eagles, five times larger than the ones on earth, took a jump on us.
"Don't scare us during our conversation like that…" I simply controlled the wind flow and send them straight up in a heavy wind vortex. I looked beside me and took a deep sigh.
"That really gave you a scare, huh, Niboro."