—---------------------------Codes of Jalpa—----------
According to Nayashastra ( an ancient book on the regulations of debates), the two debaters having a Jalpa has to follow five codes, which are—
1. A debater must be given half ghadi (12 minutes) to come up with an answer.
2. Each answer must be written on a Bhojapatra ( dry birch leaf), and given to the All-Knowing -Eye for validation.
3. If a debater fails to give an answer in the allotted time, he will lose a point.
4. If a debater's answer is found invalid by the All-knowing -Eye, he will lose two points
5. if a debater is unable to answer his own question, he will lose his two chances to raise a question.
6 . Once a debater loses five points, he will be considered a loser.
7. If a debater accepts his defeat before he loses five points, the jalpa will be terminated. The other debater will be the winner.