I pet the white bunny as I wait for the elf girl to come back with my things. 'For some odd reason this bunny reminds me of my main manager in my past life. Is there any way I can see if this bunny could have a human form?'
"You can use your extra skill, knowledge." Klotic says. "Would you like to know more of your extra skill, knowledge?"
'Sure, I do want to know what more I can do.'
"Immortal extra skill, knowledge, knowing all things." Klotic says. "Such as, skills, spells, species, lands, and languages. This extra skill also boosts your experience to gather more skills and spells in short times."
'Cool, so basically I can use my knowledge to do almost anything.'
"Correct." Klotic responds.
The elf girl finally comes back with my things, and I put them on. She picks up the bunny and places her in the pouch. She also gives me an extra bag that has my gold coins.
"This is one of the elves products, a bag of infinity." She says. "It won't feel heavy, and it won't let sound come out of it when it's closed."
"Thanks a lot," I say. "I never got your name."
"It's Jastria Xil." She responds. "What is yours?"
"You have a nice name for an elf." I say. "Al Krelin, it's good to be of help."
"Your name doesn't sound very human, but that's that anyway." Jastria says. "I hope to see you again soon, good bye."
"Bye." I walk out.
I leave the building and see a small group of people looking at a bulletin board. It seemed to be a job board. 'Can I use my boosted sight and hearing to know what's going on over there? I'll also need a description.'
"Yes, confirmed sense boosts." Klotic says. "It seems to be that they are looking at jobs paying from 1-5 thousand gold coins on the top section. The middle section pays 1-5 hundred silver coins. The bottom section pays 1-5 hundred bronze coins."
I walk over to the board and look at the golden pay. 'So I just got a lucky start in money, can I buy a lot with my 5 thousand gold coins?'
"Many shops, bars, and bakeries, are known to charge from 10-50 of each coin." Klotic says. "Would you like to know the coin system?"
'It's better to know something than having a picture of a blank canvas.'
"Precs are like dollars, the only name for the value is one prec or more precs." Klotic says. "Bronze coins are 1 prec each, silver coins are 10 precs each, and gold coins are 100 precs. As for the minerals, diamonds are 10,000 precs each and emeralds are 100,000 precs each."
I read all the jobs on the board, and I was about to walk away just as someone stepped in front of me. I face my head down so no one can see my face, their shoes look like they have pigs drawn on them. 'I'm not trying to get noticed here, please move.' Instead of standing there I ignore them and walk quickly to the opposite direction. I look all over to find a shop with masks to keep a low profile. I'm able to come across a shop that has cloth on the outside and I go there instead. When I get inside a bell rings from the door and I'm a lot calmer.
"Welcome to the aesthetic shop." The lady shop owner greets me. "How may I help you?"
"Do you sell masks here?" I ask.
"Absolutely." She responds. "We have them made and put out right over there behind you."
"Thank you." I walk to the masks.
'Hm, they all look much like masks for rituals.' I keep my eyes on the masks. 'Hey, Klotic.'
"Yes?" Klotic responds.
'Do you think that the shop owner could make me a mask that I design myself?' I tap my chin, still looking at the masks. 'Maybe I can ask for two?'
"That is a possibility, the owner seems to be very fond of you." Klotic says. "She has been looking at you ever since you walked in."
'That seems weird since there are others in here too.' I walk back to the owner.
"Do you make any custom masks?" I ask.
"As a matter of fact, we do." She says. "Would you like to come with me to the back and design it to be done in short time?"
"I would love to." I smile.
We walk all the way to the back where workers are making all sorts to sell. The lady sends a worker to stand in at the front for her. Then she gives me options of which material to have the mask made out of.
"There is wood, cloth, and all sorts of material to choose out of." She says.
"How about I draw out the design first?" I ask.
"Of course!" She says, getting paper, quill, and ink.
I take the paper and draw out the small details that keep up the mask. Then, after the small details, I draw out the base material and design. Once I'm finished explaining where everything goes, she starts on the mask. I ask for two separate masks, a normal mask and a gas mask. I watch her make it with all the precision that is needed for the masks. 'She is amazing at her work, I almost thought because of how she acted that she'd be reckless.'
"All done with your custom masks." She says handing them to me.
"Thank you so much." I say. "How much do I need to pay?"
"Only 50 precs for each custom mask." She adds. "So that'll be 100 precs."
"Okay, again, thank you." I say reaching for a gold coin.
"Not a problem dear." She smiles. "You have an interesting and creative mind."
I give her the gold coin and wave goodbye as I leave the shop. Stepping out of the shop lead me to a beautiful sundown. 'Klotic, do you think I could go to a bar before heading out to test my magic?'. I walk around and there are lights and people dancing, singing, having little parties.
"The nearest bar is past two buildings ahead." Klotic says. "You can drink but with a 70% chance of passing out until the next sunrise."
'Okay, then I'll have to do that another time. I need to make sure I can perfect my abilities.'. I put on my normal mask to cover up my identity and speed through people. I'm able to reach the gate I came through, but I notice a small area where someone is selling potions. With my attention drawn, I walk over to check it out. It's a frail old lady that wears a long black hood.
"Hello there, young one." She says. "What potion would you like to look at?"
"I'm looking for a healing potion." I ask. "Do you have any?"
"Oh, yes, I had re-stocked on healing potions." She brings them out. "I have all three different kinds of preyshlic potions. There, small, medium and large."
I examine the bottles she shows. 'Klotic scan the potions for me please.'.
"These potions are pure and are very effective, there are no other seen places inside this city." Klotic responds.
'Hm, then it wouldn't be bad for me to buy them two each. That'll make me sure of keeping my bunny safe from all sorts of danger.' I look back at the old lady.
"Do you have any more of these?" I ask.
"Yes!" She responds. "How many would you like?"
"I just want to buy two each." I say. "I won't need them, but my bunny will."
"Oh, I see." She chuckles. "You are an immortal being as well."
'Is she another one too?' I scratch my head.
"She is." Klotic responds.
She brings out all the potions I asked for, then points to the paper with the prices. Large is 200 precs, medium is 150 precs, and small is 50 precs. 'So I have to add all that up to know how many gold coins I need? Can you please do it for me Klotic?'
"Yes, all three together is 400 precs." Klotic says. "Double it, you need 800 precs, 8 gold coins will let you pay."
'Thanks, I would've wasted more time trying to do the math in my head.' I take out 8 gold coins and give them to the old lady. She happily gives me the potions and waves as I leave, I wave back as I walk away. I finally walk out of the city back to the forest lands I appeared in. I'm able to feel safe after looking around for that killer elf and not seeing him anywhere, I keep walking. Then, I get to the hayver plant and carefully pick it out of the ground to put in my bag. 'Klotic can you find me an area I can place a safe base?'
"I found one that is hidden from the visible eye." Klotic responds. "It is a little long ways from here, would you like to confirm this information?"
'Sure, I do specialize in moon activities so it will help a bit.'
"The direction of the moon is where you can start your walk." Klotic says. "Once you see a small cave entrance, you can slide inside."
'Great, let's get going then! I'll feel much better getting a rest after this hectic first day as a secret elf.' So I walked all the way until I got to the little cave entrance Klotic told me about. As I slid down, I saw lights quickly getting brighter until I got to the floor. The cave was a little small but it had plenty of space for me and my bunny. There was even a little pool of glittering water in the corner. 'Klotic, this place is amazing! Has anyone else been here before?'
"There has not been anyone here in 100 years." Klotic responds.