At that moment...
"Miss York, I think this Idol Era aims to select a successful idol, not a failure. Your 12 points have gone to a loser, which I find puzzling."
Members of the director's group were immediately trying to pull people back from the stage...
What was Hallie Morgan doing?
Catherine York's lips twitched, she turned around, once again saw Hallie Morgan, and was so angry she couldn't speak coherently.
"Miss Morgan, these are my points, the Program Team requested us to rate the strongest, and Aria Morgan's performance has always been excellent..."
"But she failed, this is competition, it's not fair to the other members for you to so blatantly favor her."
"It's not unfair, you all have points as well, and you can give them to whomever you please. Why can't I?"
"When did the four of us ever award points to a loser?"
Hallie Morgan shrugged.