Chereads / This Is Where I Want To Be / Chapter 203 - Where Am I

Chapter 203 - Where Am I


Ian had given me the office of killing Jade or instead finding a good opportunity to do it. It was turning out to be an impossible task. I had been to Palmyra so many times and had access to the palace. Not once did I see Jade or find out where she could be. Fahan kept her somewhere safe. Although I was allowed to stay in common areas, I had no idea where their rooms were. Dimitrios shadowed me everywhere I went.

There was no way we could kill Fahan unless we trapped him somewhere and overpowered him with a lot of men. He was never alone and had not once traveled to En-gannim. Ian didn't want to show our hand before he was done using him, and we were sure we could take over their teleportation power. To take over all the planets was Ian's end goal. Conquer and dominate, just like Qadir. I had more respect for Ahasuerus, who had tried to save everything, than Ian, who destroyed his way there. Regardless, I needed Ian.

The constant running around, training, and fighting was taking its toll. I was exhausted but determined to push through to reach my goal. Ian had decided to do everything in his power to make Marcus move. If he would hide in The Tower. We would drag him out. So, giving him the information about Earth was well-timed. As soon as I told Ian, Earth was open for teleportation. He jumped. Very high. Knew we could survive a drawn-out attack. His soldiers could literally kill and eat at the same time. They would be stronger and more revived than before they went into a fight. Trained over hundreds of years. Strong, fast, and moved like a machine. They did not fight in water or out in a field, nor did they care about collateral damage. Ian's men were trained to fight in densely populated areas. Go into a building and clear it out. The heaps of bodies were endless. He also wanted Earth out of the way so there would be no help from them later on.

Above everything else I had to do, I had no clue what the other stone was worth. I'd been looking for a way to open those doors, and nothing I did worked. The weight of my decision was creeping in. It tugged on my insides, and nothing I did wanted to ease the tension I had. No amount of sex or alcohol could take away the road I had chosen. The fear of dying. The constant vigilance and looking over your shoulder. I knew at some point Marcus would come for me. It was only a matter of time. Marcus had the stone but had not once used it. If Ian had it, the war would be over. It might have been my age or lack of understanding, but I could not figure out what Marcus was waiting for.

Watching Earth destroyed and in turmoil was not what I had hoped for or even wanted. Nevertheless, I tried to make a list of all the things Juliet cared for, valued and fought for over the years. It was only the people in her life. She had come for me… Anyway, Earth was her home, and with the one thing she cared for out of the way, I was busy taking over Palmyra she wanted… After that… it would be to destroy her family. That was where I was facing a dilemma. Killing everyone I knew. Liam Cindy, who took me in. Caleb trusted me. Michael, that didn't have an issue with me. Louis asked me what my intentions were. My hatred for Marcus and maybe Chris had driven me to do something stupid, and there was no turning back.

The door to my study opened. Rana stood at the entrance with a tray. It had snacks and something to drink. I lifted my hand to call her in. The women had to learn how to do their hair and to make themselves more appealing without their veils. Rana had perfected the art in no time. Crouched down and on her knees, I took in all of her. I pushed a button on the table to close the doors, tugged my shirt from my pants, and undid my fly. Rana didn't flinch and continued with what she was busy with. I nudged her chin toward me and sunk myself into her mouth. Her hands gripped my waist and strayed over every part of me. For four months, I had told her what I liked and didn't. She had obeyed every word and knew I wanted to be touched. I fisted her hair, and came undone in her wetness. Whenever I closed my eyes and had my release, I thought about Juliet. I didn't fight it anymore. I embraced it. Revelled in the fact that I would see her again. On her knees, begging me at some point to let her go. And I never will. 



With the Ittoqure dead, I had only to figure out where I was. My hands moved together to sheath my short swords. I picked up the red knife and cleaned it on my pants. My head lifted to take in my surroundings. It was like an urgent drum had started playing. A wall of vampires were marching down a road past me. Chadari overhead, actually flying. At the front of their platoon were vamps with massive shields at the front, overhead, and at their backs. Earth had sent in a helicopter blasting down on the fortress. I took cover for the ricochet mess that followed. The vampire shield was bulletproof, and they were strong enough to brace against the power of the cannon. A Chadari soldier had jumped from the roof of one of the buildings and hung on the helicopter landing gear. Another did the same on the other side. The chopper pilot had a hell of a time trying to salvage the situation. Yet another Chadari flew in out of nowhere and went right through the passenger hold, slicing through the humans as if they were nothing. He then drove his sword into the pilot and then the co-pilot. All they had to do was jump, let go, and fly away. The chopper circled itself and came crashing into the street.

I stood closer to see what was happening behind the barrier. Groups of flanking vamps entered buildings on either side of the street. The wall was waiting while they cleared the building, killing everyone inside. And so they moved from building to building. I glanced to the other side to hopefully see the humans with a plan to counter this strategy. There were a few tanks that had been disabled. Heavy machine guns were stationed in their places. A sea of men with assault weapons in hand. What did they think they were going to do.

My eyes drifted over the streets. The Ittoqure had dropped me in an alley in the middle of some Asian city. She had probably thought about home. A home that was no more. I sighed heavily. Got a little ticked off that Marcus, Louis, Michael, and Chris were still not sharing. I thought we had crossed that bridge. It seemed that I was the only one required to make the journey. 

I squared my shoulders and walked into the street. Stood between the wall the vamps had created and the humans. There was a good piece of distance between the two. I came back out of my vanished state and waited for all of them to notice me. The vamps didn't move and came to a marching halt. The Chinese behind me were yelling something. I had three Chadari in my periphery. One had guts. He came at me. I ran for the vamp wall, giving him time to get low enough. I used the shields to boost myself up, turning in the air, gripping the Chadari's leg, hosting myself up, and driving my sword under the armor they wore on their heads. It had to get through his chest to end up in his skull, but I got it done. The beast crashed into the flanking part of the vamps.

I landed and jumped off the wall, running towards the humans, knowing the other Chadari would follow. He dove at me. I somersaulted over his head, taking off his helmet and tossing my blade through the big fat target on his neck. The second one was down. I walked towards the Earthlings and held out my hand. The one man reluctantly put a pistol in my grip. I flexed my fingers, asking for a belt. I tied it and put the gun in the holster. I turned and walked to the one my sword still had stuck in his head. I yanked it out, sheathing it. I glanced around the sky, waiting for the last Chadari to try. They really had only one way in or out. This one was clever. He came stampeding toward me out of an alley. I smiled. He didn't think I was going to be a match for him. I waited till he lifted his sword and slid towards him, cutting him around the ankles and making him fall flat on his face. It was a girl thing, and I didn't care. Needed to incapacitate before you could strike. I walked to his head, pulled off the armor, pushed the gun to his head, and took the shot.

The vamps had finally joined the fight. The wall had resumed its march and was coming toward me. I started running and jumped over the secure barrier that protected the flankers. Between the wall in the back and the few soldiers that went into buildings, one young vamp didn't belong. I dove right for him and made him disappear with me. The vamps were trying to find me.

Another wave of Chadari was coming with their own guns blazing at the humans who were firing at the flying beasts. As the boy and I disappeared, the Chadari lost control of their flying and fell from the sky. One by one. Some broke various body parts, and others dived into the ground. The human men had finally woken up and used the opportunity. I destroyed the square bag the vamp had carried on his back and smashed it to pieces with my boot. Then, everyone always comments on why I'm in cargo pants and thick-soled boots. It's for situations like this.

With the Chadari out of the way, the only thing left was penetrating the wall. I jumped on top as they progressed to be close enough to the humans for hand-to-hand combat. I bent down, returned from my vanished state, and drove my sword into the most strategically located vamp. He dropped. I rolled, shooting the one behind him in the face. I kept shooting as they tried to stay in formation. Disappearing, jumping, moving. I kept going until every vamp was dead. It exposed the flankers, and the humans behind me blasted into the groups. The wall at the back was the only one left.

I walked towards the Chinese and said, "Now you know how to take them out… Relay it to the other countries."

They did not understand me. I pointed at them. "You need to call." I lifted my hand to imitate a phone and pointed toward the outside world. They had no clue. I stomped my two feet next to each other, throwing a little tantrum. "Translator! Does anyone speak English in this place?"

"No English."

I stomped my feet again. "This is why Ahasuerus ruled the universe. English!!!" I sighed and stepped away, pointed to the men I wanted, and gestured for them to follow me. They looked to their leader, who nodded. I took two of their hands and motioned with my chin for the others to follow. We created our own wall. I started running, pulling them at first until they joined me. Approaching the last barrier, I jumped, and the men jumped with me. I let go, and they all followed my lead, getting the shields separated, and a shooting fire ensued. The vamps were fast and strong but insufficient for bullets from every angle. Luckily, the men could aim. It was quickly over. The men cheered, and it lifted my spirits a little. I stood surveying my job. I held up my hand to the guy closest. He hit it, at least, and I holstered my gun.

The troops regrouped at the tanks. I was trying to ask for a map. They understood that one word. Another man came running, "Translator, translator."

"Oh, thank heavens."

"Tell them to take out the box first to immobilize the Chadari or anyone that can fly. Blast them with rockets! Why are there not more rockets? And attack them at close range, getting in underneath their helmets. Their heads are the weakest."

"He re-laid the order.

The Chinese were indignant at first, trying to protest his abilities.

"Tell them to send the information worldwide, not keep it to themselves. Evacuate everyone into rural areas and get everyone out of the freaking cities. The armies should also scatter looking for bases the vamps are scrambling signals."

The translator tried to keep up between the two of us, saying there was no communication and they couldn't be all over the place. Switching to Chinese to tell the leader what I had said.

"I will see what I can do about them being able to teleport. But how the hell do I get home." I had to put my hands on my hips, thinking. No communications. Nothing. The leader spoke, and the translator wanted to say something. I was hurled forward and skidded over the road. My arms and hands were burning. The Ittoqure was a total amateur, unlike the woman I had fought with earlier. I stayed with him until we were somewhere else. I took out my knife and cut him. He didn't know what was going on, and I drove my sword through his chest. The women wouldn't follow, and I was relieved I didn't have to do it one more time. Chest rising and falling, I turned around, wondering where I had come out that time. Jade was staring at me with Aries clutched to her chest. "How could you kill him? Them. What about your mate." I tilted my head, thinking, taking a delayed moment to connect the dots. "Oh, not for those. They are special."

"You are not here to kill me."

"No! Completely by accident. Sorry for the intrusion."

"Hide." I disappeared at the command.

A dragon came through the door. "Jade. It is time for your walk."

"I wish you would come with me."

Dimitrios stared at her. "Of course, I will come with you. I have my orders." I figured she was talking to me.

"How long do you think I must stay in the garden?"

"You know the answer, Jade. If you were my mate. You would not need to ask such a question. You chose Fahan and let him put that mark on you. Another thing I would never have done…" The Chadari's chest started to glow, and he grunted low sounds of frustration. Seems that there are love triangles all over the place. If everyone could just embrace them and go with the flow. Everywhere would be so much more peaceful.

"It has been four cycles, Dimitrios. I am finding it very difficult."

"The one thing Fahan and I can agree with is that Ian can only be trusted if you can see him. If he can not see you. You are safe."

"The war on Earth has only begun. What did Ian promise him."

"Flying. It is rather helpful if you think about it. No more water problems."

"You do not take me seriously."

"No. Not my role."

Jade was kept prisoner. I knew how she felt. "You will sit there and take care of my child." I tried to mimic Marcus. I was at least allowed outside. I laughed at my own joke. It would be very dull being stuck in Brylee's harem garden. No family but a sister. I took in the other woman who had joined the party, remembering her from that night. Jade had five Chadari on her left and five on her right. Swords drawn, glowing red. Did Fahan think I would come and kill Jade after giving Aries back? What did he take me for? Oh, Marcus would. Would he convince Caleb, though?

The walk took us through the whole palace out into another garden. It was beautiful. Oh, how I longed to live there. A summer home for every planet and one winter one on Earth. Jade wasn't allowed much time outside. The whole party followed her back into the palace. "I want to help. I can fight."

I scoffed with Domitrios. Jade was upset. "If he dies in battle it is right. I am allowed to die when he dies, but not the other way around.

"Yes." Dimitrios and I said at the same time.

I knew what her next words would be. "It makes no sense."

I feel you, girl. You're a broodmare. If you can't disappear. I would be as useless as you. Controlled. I shook my shoulders in disgust. Immediately after Naji's birth, I began taking Romero's unique formula. It was time that I was not pregnant for some time. Louis had not said anything or told anyone. So, I guessed it was what they all were thinking. Where was Chris? Why had he not come for me? I've been gone for a very long time. Does no one care?

The party was making its way through the foyer when two enormous wooden doors were pushed open. A rush of wind swept over us. Soren was on the threshold, waiting. Dimitrios saw him. The surprise was clearly visible on the dragon's chest… but not as much as I was. The world stopped for a moment. Soren was so handsome. His hair was tied in a small bun on top of his head. I instinctively drifted closer to him. His acting had become better. He had brought gifts. Dimitrios forgave him on the spot. I took in his new clothes and saw how much muscle he had gained. The scrawny boy had become a man. Seemed like the urge to hate and all the sex you wanted was enough to make any man work on himself. Soren excused himself. Instead of following Jade, I went with Soren. There were vamps at the teleporter. They were there to send and receive vamps and Fahan's people. It was heavily guarded.

I saw a tiny chink in their well-laid-out plan. Soren and I traveled to the embassy. It would be my only chance. It happened simultaneously. I appeared and drove my arm out towards his throat. I had never seen such lightning reflexes. His arm had jumped up, and the blade went through his flesh until the point was visible on the other side. He closed his eyes and smiled. "Thank You." I pulled the knife out and disappeared again. Soren had manifested, clutching his arm. He just kept walking. I was dumbfounded and stood gaping at his newfound attitude. How did he stop that? He was in the teleporter looking at where he had left me. "See you soon."

I was seething. Livid at the amount of arrogance he had accumulated. Is this where we become enemies to lovers. Or, no lovers to enemies. The next vamp entered the teleporter, and I made sure he would go to the palace. My tete-te with Jade was not over. I appeared before her, and she took a step back. My white hue manifestation was back, and I had no control over it. I picked up the closest thing and tossed it across the room. It shattered on the wall.

"Are you well?"

"A lover's tiff."

Marcus and I really were made from the same mold. We needed to vent after irritation. Jade gestured to the sack hanging from the roof. I punched it once, and a gaping hole made the seeds fall to the ground. Jade made some weird noises. I looked at her. Her chest was sending sparks flying. Aries was on the bed, and she was coming at me. I blocked her first punch. She bowed down and side-swiped me in the ribs. I retorted by turning around, my leg bent, and landing my foot on her ear. She rolled away and stood on bent legs. She extended them to her full height. I closed the distance between us, grabbing her forearm as her fist grazed my chin, using my shoulder and body to slam into her torso. She toppled, and I rammed my knee on the inside of her leg. It made her waver. Her claws dug into my scalp as she balanced herself and dragged herself towards me, lifting a knee to slam my face into it. I dove forward, lifting my head, taking the pain of my hair pulling, taking the hit to my chest. My teeth sunk into her scales with ease. I bit and tore one off. She let go of my hair and turned outward and toward me, slamming her fist into my ribs. I could feel and hear a few crack. Jade had no intention of letting that be it. She kept coming. I blocked every blow. Her size was the problem, and she pushed me around with ease to keep moving and spend my energy. I had to reach for my short swords. The blades scraped the scales of her abdomen but left no indentation. I changed my position, turned, crouched, and rammed back and underneath the scales. The blade pierced flesh, and the blood covered the tip.

As soon as I saw it, I stopped and stepped back a few paces. Jade felt the cut and looked at her finger. I came back to myself. I sheathed my swords. "Thank You. I needed that." She said.

I smiled. "Me too." I surveyed all my injuries, trying to get tar out of my arm. "Ach."


I had to smile, laughingly. We each sat in a chair. Aries lay in a bassinet next to her. The view would never get old from there. She at least had that and water to flush away her poop. What I wouldn't do for a normal toilet. "Ian and Fahan are on Earth?"

"Yes. It does not sound in favor of the humans."

"Soren is trying to kill you."

"Yes. Now, my privileges will be less, and I will be moved again. You almost had him?"


"What will you do now? How will you get back?"

"I have no idea."

"Do you have coordinates?"

"I do."

"No, that won't work. How would I have coordinates? I will help you… Slavos." The doors opened, and I disappeared. "Can I see Dimitrios?"

The man left, and we waited in companionable silence for Dimitrios to come in. There were no emotions on his features, but his eyes widened, and he seemed to be struggling. "Why are you hurt." He stepped toward her quickly, taking in the wound on her shoulder.

Jade gestured to her room, "Accident with… that sharp tool over there."

Domitios moved closer and towered over her. He bent down and slowly slid his hand over her waist. They shared a longing look, and I was turned on. He lifted his hand and looked at the blood. "That is more than an accident."

"No. Accidents can be less or more serious."

"You know, Jade. When he struck you. I wanted to kill him."

"Yes, me too. And now we never can. So, will you do something for me?"


Jade stood up and pushed Dimitrios to his full height, their faces only inches apart. " I want…" Jade didn't finish and held his gaze. The man's chest lit up like a rave. "I want… to send Juliet something."

Dimitrios did not pull back, nor had one thing changed in his demeanor. "How could you not know who would be better for you. I would die for you. How did you not know."

Oh man, I felt like Jade was playing with fire. This is why a woman had four husbands. When one is off to war, the other is there to satisfy her. Or if three didn't talk to you or sleep with you. One was the sacrificial lamb. Poor Chris.

"Come. I know you will not do anything. That is why we are not together."

I wondered how it worked. Their lips seemed fleshy. I wished Dimitrios would kiss her so I could see how it all worked. Don't think Marcus would tie me up if I watched them. It was for educational purposes. But Jade was right. Dimitrios was a cut-out for Carl. Happy to be in the shadows. Never the guts to ruin a good thing with love. Oh, I hoped Michael had found him.

"Where do you want to send it? We do not have any of theirs."

"Ask Soren. The same ones Fahan went to when he went to get Aries the first time. Right before he hit me."

I did feel bad that I had caused the whole fight that day. But was it my fault Fahan could not control his temper.

Dimitrios lifted the plate. I had to step forward and stand on my toes to see what Soren would say. He had to know that it was me Jade was transferring from Palmyra to En-gannim.

"No! Jade could have sent it with me…." Dimitrios read the message out loud. "Jade, what is going on?"

Soren was pushing me to do something stupid. What was his play leaving me there? I wanted to stomp my feet again.

Her chest rose and fell, and she sat back in a huff. "A lover's tiff. I think."

"A lover's tiff? Your language is different."

"Yes, what good friendships can not do."

"What did you want to send her and why? What does it mean?"

Jade pointed at a beast on the table. "To say thank you for sending Aries back. It is for females to understand. Now, leave me alone. I am tired of not having what I want."

Oh, Jade, you're playing with wildfire. Dimitrios was struggling with himself. The man did leave. Coward. Take what's yours. Jade's head was resting back on the chair. Her eyes closed. "You need release. How long has it been?"


I made a crude gesture with my hands. If she could laugh, she would have.

"It has been too long."

"Monogamy. It sucks."

"You are fortunate to have someone with you each night."

I laughed. "If only. No."

"No!? I would tie them up."

I laughed. "Funny you mentioned it. They like being tied up. All but one." I also didn't think even a dance would get a rise from any of them.

"So, will you stay the night?"

"I wish I could. But I have to go do something. You don't mind me disrupting Fahan's plans for a day or two."

She waved her hand in the air.

I left, but before I stepped over the threshold, I turned to her. Jade was not happy. When a woman was on the precipice of desperation. It would only end up in a tragedy. "Jade."


"If you ever needed to disappear. Call me."

"Can I go with you now?"

"Not today. Give me… two days."

She agreed.

It was getting late. I was tired and had been waiting at their teleporter for a gap to get it done. Jessy and I had studied those tubes of Ahasuerus together. I knew what I had to do to disable their teleporter. I didn't have enough time to take back what belonged to Chris, but we could still have Ian stuck on Earth. At the same time, I would send out a distress signal.

The Chadari were predictable and vigilant but did not have a man at the back of it all, and they had no idea I was there. My distress was sent. I took one part of the machine they would need to replicate before fixing it and putting it on again. I tossed the part up in the air, waiting. The droning stopped suddenly. It was a whirlpool of chaos. I knew they would leave to call someone. Very stupid. I stood and waited. The pain in my ribs and all my other injuries were starting to become acute. I hoped Jessy was at his post.

He threw his arms around my neck. "I'm never letting you out of my sight."

I patted him on the shoulder. "Don't want Marcus to see you."

He slowly detangled himself from me, letting his hands slide over my shoulders until he took hold of my arms and squeezed. Jessy took in my person, his features contorted. "I wonder if he would even care?" Jessy said softly. I stared at him in disbelief. Was Marcus that angry at me? Had I been ignorant to leave it? "You don't look so good." My knees buckled. Jessy caught me, scooped me into his arms, and held me tight. "Jessy."


"Soren was there."

"Oh boy."

Everyone was waiting. Marcus took in the scene with his stoic features. Louis was dragging a cigarette. His eyes came up quickly and went back to the ground. No, Michael. Chris took me from Jessy, and the doctor came right over. "Before you put me out. Marcus… I almost had him. Soren. He would've been dead. I think he's taking Rodrigo's formula… Fahan's teleporter will be out for about two days. They're not on Palmyra. It's time we talk. Whether you're ready or not." I nodded and closed my eyes.