Chereads / This Is Where I Want To Be / Chapter 200 - Days To Come

Chapter 200 - Days To Come


Our team had taken three different routes when we split up to search the tunnels. The gunfire I heard over the walkie had started and stopped a few seconds later. As I ran down the tunnel, I pressed the button one last time. Nothing. Only silence. It could only be Lyla, and we had no idea who was helping her. One of us might already be dead if they couldn't sort out the problem. 

Once I reached the fork in the road, I took the tunnel Warden had gone down. It took me hours to filter through and rendezvous back to where we had split up the first time. I had one exit left to cover. I didn't find any sign of Warden down the path he had taken. It was strange. Where was Jack and James? I bent down to pick up the note I had left, illuminated by a propped-up flashlight. No one was waiting or had left me any reply. All three of them? The flashlight flickered. I felt my pockets. No batteries. I had hours ahead of me if I took the last tunnel. My gaze flickered, quickly lighting up the three directions I could go. My brow was sweaty, so I took off my helmet to wipe away the irritation, pausing to make a decision. I couldn't go back to the outside world. Leaving my team was not an option, but dying was also not. I had too much I wanted to do. Way too much to sort out and be a part of. If I also got shot, I wouldn't be able to help them anyway. I peered down the tunnel Jack had taken. It leads to Agatha's house. Maybe they were wounded, and Warden already caught up to them? I stood for a long while, weighing my options. I took my first step into the darkness. 

"I wished you would have turned around," said a voice. A small, dainty, annoying voice. Two giant hands were around my throat, lifting me up into the air. My gun was cut off my shoulder, and my legs dangled in the air. I would not fight. The light from a flashlight shone into my eyes and obscured whoever was behind it. 

"Put him down. He can't do anything to us. Strip him and bring him to the cages."

I found my feet and flung around. An infected vamp. I recognized the giant. It wasn't hard to remember the few of them that got lost in the exodus. 

"What are we going to do now? Won't they come looking for them?" Another female voice spoke in the darkness. 

"Lyla… if you do what I think you will do. I'll think again."

"Of course, you would say that. It is why you're here. To stop us from revealing all their secrets." The other female voice said. 

"Lyla. What you've done has caused havoc, chaos, and destruction… And I can live with it. Maybe the species shouldn't mix. It doesn't seem to work."

"But, if I released Louis's feed, it would be… What? Crossing a line."

"No… Not really. You did that a long time ago."

"Then what?"

"You are touching the one thing Juliet will not forget. All of this she is fine with. I even saw her leaving. It's what you wanted. They are not here anymore. But Louis. If you touch Louis… She will come for you. Do you really need to make this personal?"

"Juliet isn't invincible, Carl. It's time she realizes it. She bleeds and dies. I have some protection now."

We had come to the end of our walk. It was a sizeable area, dimly lit with a few lanterns. A sad, dingy way to live for months on end. My eyes drifted over to the walls lined with cages. Jack, Warden, and James were separated into different ones along the wall. A few sets of stairs led up into what I guess were access hatches for the compound. There were beds and a cooking station. Lyla was there the whole time. She waited for Earth to send everyone off and had the entire place to herself. "Do you understand that the few Vampires here are the only ones left? Who are you anyway?" I asked.


"I guessed as much… I thought you had a thing for Louis."

Jacklin mouth lifted into a slight smile. "Not really. But there's no harm in trying. I did try… He made another choice. So I did as well."

"How long are you going to keep us here. Why are you not killing us, Lyla?" Warden asked.

"I don't know. Won't go down that path myself."

"Self-righteous! Do you even care what happened to Nevin?" Jack asked.

Lyla had a crack in her armor. Her head snapped around, "Of course I do. You probably won't tell me."

I was manhandled into my own gage, and the gate slammed behind me. Yeah, I would not be confined for months while Lyla hid from all her mistakes. I positioned myself on the floor, crossed my legs, and closed my eyes. I was going to nudge until I could nudge no more. 


I heard Lyla talk to Jacklin, and my eyes opened. "Are you sure you want your encounter with Louis out there?"

"Shhh," Jacklin looked around them. Warden and James were far away from us. It was only Jack and I. Jack looked at me, and I raised my eyebrows in question. Jack nodded, looking murderous. I swore under my breath. "No one knows who I am. I have my own plans." Jacklin continued.

"Lyla, please don't do this," I begged again. It was bad enough that Juliet's feed was circulating. But if she had to see Louis sleeping with so many women. And she will eventually see it. With her jealousy?

"Carl… What are you doing?" Jacklin asked. 

I had been nudging for a few hours. Wondered if it was working at all. If I had a teleporter with me, maybe it would've worked. Where was Caleb when you needed him? "I'm meditating. What are we going to eat?"

The women ignored me and went on with their conversation. "Why are you doubting the decision all of a sudden?"

"I'm not. I'd press the button right now. It's different when you see yourself like that, and everyone sees it."

"It's fine, Lyla. I'm a big girl. Release both Louis's and my feed. The world needs to know that vamps will only keep using humans. After your sister, they were angry… After this… The governments will never be able to align with them again after." Jacklin laughed lightly. "One-night stands would've been nothing." She shook her head. "Killing them after." 

"You didn't know?" Lyla asked seriously.

Jacklin snickered. "Me? No… I only helped him when he came to America with the names of prostitutes that wouldn't be missed. I thought it was for a… feeding." 

"Your footage is not much better… You guys would've been perfect for each other."

"I know…" Jacklin sighed and walked over to the kitchen area, "Let's see them get through this."

I looked at Jack again. Our eyes met. I can't believe my father never did anything, and Ahasuerus never reprimanded Louis. Qadir probably applauded him. It wasn't like Jack could stop Louis or intervene in any way. He had to watch. Jack dropped his head into his hands. 


3 Months Later 


Of all the places I thought I would be, of all the things human people deemed necessary. Money, climbing the corporate ladder. Children. Looks. Houses. Their lists were endless. At that point, a home would be nice. I chuckled, taking in the scene before me. The small village had to suffice for the time being. I just didn't want to stay there. No indoor plumbing. I glanced at the teleporter station in the distance. Jessy and the Dheka had constructed that giant field-size teleporter. It had taken Michael a few days to teleport everything after they had dismantled it. If we could move it once. We could move it again. Jessy knew more about the mechanics of the stations than anyone. Jessy could put it on and off. Separate the signals. Program and manage all its aspects. Couple the source power and build his own station to connect with another. He seemed happier doing that than in the few years I'd known him. Not all of them were cut out for army life. I knew he wanted a wife and a family. I could not expect him to be my personal guardian for the rest of my life. I had a lot to wrap my mind around and get used to before it ever happened.

Charlene, me, and my mom. Cindy's parents. Agatha and her mom. Marcus's grandmother and some other family built the house in front of us. We had placed the last stone and stood with our hands on our hips, admiring our work. Iku and his wife were finishing the last bit of detail on the roof. The whole situation left a smile on my face. We did things, made things, plan things. Did it matter what happened in between until we got to settle down? I rubbed over the colossal baby bump along my midsection. Two hands came around my waist. Marcus put his chin on my shoulder. He wouldn't talk to me. Had not spoken to me since that night... they tied me down. Marcus would say, "Hello," go on his knees, kiss the baby, and whisper to him so no one but the Vampires would understand. But then nothing. I would run my hands through his hair, very happy to see him. Marcus would not respond. There was no sex, no talking, no touching. It was our relationship all over in France when he first joined us. A nagging irritation had kept me back from intruding any further. I was doing everything again. 

The men were taking shifts, coming and going. Marcus got two days, and then they alternated. He had not been there as much as I think he would have liked. As soon as he stood up, he dragged me to my appointment with the midwife. She was tired of having to see me every time that Muslim was on the planet. She couldn't say anything because Romero was right beside him, Charlene grumbling more than me. Kubra usually took the day Marcus came, and the three men would talk well into the night about their pasts. Share stories and dream about the future. Charlene and I were so tired from manual labor by the end of the day that we fell asleep as soon as they started talking. Marcus's allowed me to rest on his lap. His fingers didn't caress my hair, and luckily, I was too pregnant and too tired to say anything. Charlene rested back on Kubra's chest while Romero rubbed her feet. 


The following morning, Charlene was lounging on a chair in the shade. If you could call a sand heap with a carpet draped over it, a deckchair. Charlene heard my treads and glanced back over her shoulder. She smiled and waved me over. 

"Do you feel better now?" I asked, trying to avoid thinking about all the angry men in my life.

"No! I feel fat. Humongous. Carl is stuck on Earth. I still have that constant tugging on my insides. But only my life in danger can bring him here… And he needs a person who is able to teleport. It's been months, and I can't do anything about it. He is in trouble, and Michael can't even find him… He is with a woman! This Lyla girl… It's driving me up the wall. I want to go there and…"

"Kill her?" I laughed. "He would not be nudging if he was busy with other things."

"Yes," Charlene said unashamedly. "Regardless, I want to kill her for taking the Earth away from us." 

"But you can't."

"No! I can't… Because my husband wanted to sleep with me in a secret room." I had a burst of boisterous laughter. Charlene was losing it. Just like Michael had. And she was pregnant. I counted the months on my fingers. "Yes," Charlene interrupted my thoughts. "It's been months of you guys staying here. You're about to pop. No progress in taking back En-gannim or Palmyra." I snickered again. Charlene swatted my shoulder with the back of her hand. "Why are you laughing? This is serious."

I nodded. "You are where I was years ago… It's funny that I'm the more mature one."

An incredulous stare was directed at me. Her eyes softened, and the corner of her mouth lifted. "How many times am I going to complain?"

"It doesn't matter. You're an alien creature now. You're entitled to do whatever the hell you want."

Charlene's shoulders drooped as she relaxed back into her sand pile. "Not really. I have a thousand stuck here."

"Look. Why don't we, me and you. After the birth, I mean... We both heal so quickly anyway. You will heal three times faster than me. You'll probably pop both out in under an hour, lie down for the rest of the day, and be fine by the next."

"Are you going to get to the point?" She mocked. 

I pointed my finger at her. "Anyway! Why don't we travel Mirach, and you finally tell Ben and the other werewolves everything. When do you think that will happen?"

"You going to leave Marcus and the new baby here. Who's going to breastfeed him."

"What!" I jumped up. "No! I'm not doing it again. Nursemaid! They should have dozens here."

"Oh, didn't you hear? Their babies don't breastfeed. They don't need food at all. The parents touch them three times daily, and they grow healthy and strong."

"You don't have to breastfeed," I shouted, pushing her on the shoulder.

She sat up, and her head jerked around. I stood up and towered over her. She was in front of me in one transformation, grabbing my upper arms and squeezing them. I did the same, and soon, the two fat whales on the beach were wrestling. The best two slow pregnant aliens could. "I… still… do… You idiot. Well… just one, anyway!" Charlene grunted while we twirled around each other, trying to kick at each other. Our foreheads pressed tightly together. Hands on the other's shoulders. Miné and Sammy were cheering, copying us in their own little match. Caleb was laughing his ass off. Romero made the first appearance and wrapped his shadows around his wife. Next was Louis's arms around my middle. Charlene's legs and arms were flailing out at me. I was in a rage. 

"What is going on?" Louis asked, irritated. 

"I have to breastfeed… They don't have nursemaids here or formula. I'm going to have to sit around for six months or more. That's if I have milk or we don't have any other complications we would need a doctor for."

"Yes, and then we all might die anyway. We've talked about this." Louis raised his voice. 

I pushed out of his arms and turned around to face him. "Well, I want to talk about it some more." A stabbing pain jolted down my back and instantly made me double over. 

Louis braced as I fell into his arms. "The baby is coming!" Louis yelled. "The baby is coming! Marcus! Jessy, get Marcus." 

It was my turn to be irritated. "Why are you in such a panic? It's just a contract…" I couldn't finish my words. 

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I yelled at you. Here, let me pick you up… Romero!" The whole village was in an instant uproar. The kids were running at his feet. 

Caleb wore a concerned expression, peeking over Louis's shoulder at me. "The baby is a bit early. Isn't he?"

"Where is he?" I said as another pain pulled my skin together over my belly. "Arrgh. It hurts. It's never hurt like this. Somethings wrong."

"Nothing wrong. It's just different." My mom said as she took my hand. "Every time is going to be different."

Charlene was by my side as Louis put me down on the pillows on the floor. Dheka females were ushering the men out while Agatha came in at the same time.

"Are you okay?" Charlene asked, stroking a strand of hair out of my face.

"No!" I said between grunts as the next contraction burst forth. 

"You're already sweating." She held out a hand. I gladly took it to brace for the quivering pain. Miriam handed her a wet cloth. 

"Where is he?" I sounded pathetic even to myself. I didn't even know who I wanted there more. Marcus or Michael.

Charlene looked at the door. "I don't want to leave you. Yazen hasn't consented that the men can come in during the birth."

I relaxed back into her arms, drooping my head onto her shoulder. "I want to go home… He has to be here. One of them has to." My head went side to side while tears welled up in my eyes. 

"Oh, don't cry, Queen Juliet." Miriam tried to soothe. "I will make a plan." She jumped up and left the tent. 

"I won't leave," Charlene spoke softly.

"He wanted to be here…" The next pain bombarded me to a point where I forgot where I was, lost sense of my surroundings, and then came back to reality. 

A fight ensued outside the tent. The next moment, Michael pushed in next to the midwife. He looked at me for a second, and I relaxed instantly. It was like having the closest one to a Doctor there with me. Marcus grabbed my hand and rested the other on my belly. " I'm here, Julie. I'm here, baby." It sounded weird coming from him. 'Baby' was my nickname for Louis. "You will have to think of a name."

Marcus's face contorted as I squeezed his hand and groaned. "Roger." He croaked out. 

All I had for him was a weak, quick smile. "You wouldn't dare." 

"Let's see what it is first… And no, not Roger… Julie, I'm worried. Is this normal?" He looked at Michael.

The last thing I asked for was Chris. It went on like that for hours. The baby didn't want to descend. I was forced to walk around, held up by solid arms, when another contraction came. At one point, I was dazed and confused. The pain was too much for my body. The last hour, there wasn't much I remembered. The final push was done. Michael's hands were frantically busy. He and the midwife stared at each other for a second. 

"What is it?" Marcus asked anxiously and let go of me to get up. Michael had already scooped the baby up and ran out of the tent. There was another commotion, lights, and shadows moving back and forth at the door. The midwife helped me with finishing off the birth. Other women came to carry me off the sheet I was on. They wiped and cleaned and bustled around me. The doctor checked me and gave me the all-clear. I didn't feel well, I was emotional, and too much had happened. "What's wrong?" I tugged at Louis's shirt. 

"The baby isn't breathing," he whispered. 

Charlene's hands tightened on my shoulders. "They will save him. Do not worry… Since the werewolves have stayed here. We have learned a lot of human medical techniques. Together with our abilities. You will hear the cry." Miriam reassured me.

Louis took Charlene's place and held me close to his chest. "Everything will be okay. I would hate it if this is where we lose someone, baby." 

All I could do was dig my face into his chest and wait. "Not Marcus. Please, not Marcus." Chris took my hand and laced his fingers with mine. The Vampire screech was so distinctive. Chris squeezed my hand.

The tent flap opened again, and Marcus stood in the doorway with the bundle in his arms. He took in the scene. Louis stroked my hair while Chris rubbed away my tears. "He's okay." Louis and Chris congratulated Marcus and left us alone. Marcus sat down beside me, totally engrossed in his son. "Thank You." Marcus lay down, and we both took in everything about him. "Was it a difficult birth?" I nodded. "I'm sorry for what you had to go through."

"I would do it again to see you so happy."

"I am. And I'm so proud of you. Thank You."

"You said that already." Marcus locked his lips with mine. "Have you thought of a name?" I asked drowsily. 

"You don't want to help me choose?" He asked in hushed tones. 

"No, he's your son. You should name him." 

Marcus was quiet. "I've had a name in mind… Naji."

"Naji. What is that? Safe, secure, and friend? Marcus nodded. "It's beautiful, Marcus."

"Julie. Are we okay?"

"We will be. We have the rest of our lives."


For the next few days, I was in a drug-induced state of oblivion. There were so many hands to help, and I was never alone. It made the breastfeeding not so bad, and I got used to it. Gave me time to bond with Naji. Marcus had yet to talk to me. All he did was be quiet and stare at his son. Bath him. Talk to him. Only his mother could get the bundle out of his hands and told him to return to work. Marcus was reluctant. He didn't seem happy, and I wouldn't ask Louis what was wrong with him because Louis was also not talking to me. So, I let it go and enjoyed the time I wanted with my son.

The night Marcus had tied me up had given me a wake-up call. What happened with Soren had made me cruelly aware of how lucky I was with the men in my life. Who would do anything for me. Just because I was in love with someone didn't mean they would be another hero in my story. It had taken so much for Michael to make the decision. Soren would not wait hundreds of years for me, and I would never be a second wife. Louis had said so much that night and… It had put me in my place. It scared me. Louis was different that night. The one thing I didn't want to hear him say was, " I am sick of and tired of everything." He had asked me for time, and I had given it to him. Coupled with the slow life on Mirach, I had no choice but to slow down. Just a little.



Those few months that had passed were educational. I had seen Ian and Soren fumble around trying to activate the stone. Not even the boy could make it work. Soren didn't have his books, and I was reminded how important information was to know what was happening and why. 

It seemed that Marcus was playing the long game on En-gannim. He had shut off the power to Ian's ability and cut all communications. Ian had come to claim what I had promised him for the plates and coordinates; they could use our power to manage their affairs from there. I asked him his timeframe, and he could not answer me. For some reason, Marcus was on defense, and I wished I could send him a message and ask him what he was waiting for. The vamp was strong enough to defeat me. Patient enough to have a woman like Juliet with three other men in her life. I could learn a lot from him. I still could not get over the idea that she had four husbands. I had difficulty with one mate. Every time I saw Jade and Dimitrios together, my chest lit up. A nagging in my gut that something was going on. Soren had spilled all the branding secrets, and I knew that was why Juliet had three husbands and an outsider. The only reason they could defeat Ahasuerus. If Marcus could defeat me, I wondered how strong Ahasuerus had to be to fight the three of them for so long. Soren had said that he would show me the fight one day. I was getting bored. Nothing happens when you have no enemy. My only problem was keeping Jade hidden away from the vamps. I did not think either would take me on, and I was never alone. Always had four men with me, and we monitored their comings and goings as the most important thing to our preservation of life. 

Ian was also not actively pursuing taking over En-gannim. I was sure Ian was waiting until we all died or had other plans. He had shared some of the stories of trying to take over islands that would matter. Their cease-fire ended a long time ago, but they had not taken over another island. He had so many men at his command that he would be able to do it. Another reason I wanted to talk to Marcus… How was the man keeping Ian at bay?

At one stage, Soren came to me and showed me something that I had not even considered. That we would be able to fly. One of my men was geared up, and Soren placed a spear in his hand. The Chadari had taken a few moments to get used to it, but after that, he could hover over water and spear a fish out of the air. It would change our world in yet another way. I didn't know if it was worth it to be in Ian's clutches more than we were. Regardless, we would not have to go into the water. Soren also showed us what would happen if the power was cut off. The Chadari boy was still in the infirmary. I immediately asked him what he wanted. When I heard what he proposed, Ian's actions seemed sound. That was what they had been waiting for. They were going to take over the Earth and needed my help. I was bored enough, and Jade was impossible to be around. She was so upset to be confined to our rooms. I tried to move her a few times, but it was worse when I saw her again. We were slowly drifting apart. I had not fulfilled my promise to myself. That my family would come first. The day-to-day running of so many things had taken over my life. How long would I have to keep her locked up? Ian and Soren were not going anywhere. I did not want to live in fear the whole time.