Aaron lay weak after Daniel finished cleaning and stitching his wound. He was panting for breath, his face was pale and sweat was all over his body. His eyes were closed but he didn't sleep much less fainted. Yes, he tried hard to stay conscious throughout Daniel's actions, although at the last moment he almost felt unable and thought about giving up, in the end, he managed to open his eyes, maintain his consciousness.
It was the noise of his cell phone that made Aaron open his eyes again, who knows who called him at night at this inopportune time. The caller also seemed impatient because he called many times until Rara, who was next to him, finally turned off the ringer. But Aaron seemed to have to thank the nuisance caller. At least he didn't faint, right?
"Are you all right, Ron?" Daniel asked worriedly.
"Hmm... I'm still alive," said Aaron.
Daniel shook his head at Aaron's non-serious reply.