Here is what happened last time on The Legends Of The Time Traveler
I am talking to Dr. John in my lab. He wants to know about the drawing I made. I quickly tell him off, and he leaves my lab. I start making a hiding spot behind my whiteboard. I make plans to bring the stuff that I need to my hiding spot. Stacy comes knocking on my lab door.
I hear someone knocking on my door. As I open it, I see Stacy standing there smiling at me as she wanted to knock on my door. I hold out my arms wide and say;
"Well, hello. Look who came knocking on my door."
She quickly closes the distance, hugs me while saying;
"I missed the feeling of your strong arms wrapped around my body so much today!"
"Ahhh. I missed you as well. What are you doing here?"
"I was wondering if you would like to eat?"
That might be a good idea. I need to tell Stacy down and tell her that I am working late with Sarah in my lab. I smile at her and reply;