
Its Saturday today, i have many plans today..i gotta do my skincare, haircare & all girly things...Today i have girls night in my friend Amy's house 🏠 am excited...So i gotta get my work started. I started my girly works at 11.00am and ended at 2.00pm , so i went downstairs to eat my lunch. I finished my lunch, took ice cream 🍦from the fridge, oned the TV 📺 & started watching. Meanwhile my mom joined me . We enjoyed The movie 🎥. Later i went to my room & had a nap , coz i gotta get ready tonight...

My Alarm ⏰ rang at 7:00pm , i had a shower 🚿, got dressed 👗 & started doing my makeup 💄. Than i took my phone 📱from charging , grabed my purse 👛& headed downstairs. My mom loved 😍my look, she said she loved my pink glossy lips. My friends came at sharp 8.00pm & they hit a horn , so i huged my mom & left the house 🏠...

We first went to a restaurant to have dinner 🍽& than we went to Amy's house . We all girls enjoyed a lot , we had fun , we danced 💃, sang, etc...It was 10.30pm , its too late for me & also my mom called me asking to come home . So i said my friends i gotta go , they didn't let me go but i have to go , so i huged all my friends, said byee & left the house...Than i took a Taxi & am on my way to subway..

I payed to taxi 🚕 & got inside the Train 🚆.

And am on my way to Home...

Its Late there are no one in my compartment, i was all alone . I was wanting to go home as soon as possible.

I hurd a bunch of people coming this way , they opened the door , all were boys 👦 , they looked at me as if they found a jackpot . They looked creepy. I was 😨 soo damn scared...


I kecpt following her where ever she went. Ive seen her getting ready well preety..Its first time ive seen her with makeup . She looked gorgeous 😍like always. Its late night 🌙i think she went to party.. Now she is in The train 🚆.I dint sit near her , but kecpt watching her from the window of the next compartment. Everyone left , she lookes a bit scared, she dont have to worry because i was right here for her . I've seen a buch of motherf****rs coming oon way to hit my girl , one of the guy went to touch her , He did 😡touches her 😤hair , Thats when i went in.🤬..

I broke the glass & took the Emergency hammer 🔨 from the glass box .I opened the door , went in Pulled the guy who touched her & Took off his head , it was loads of blood. Alison got scared but i cannot stop myself from killing those loosers. Then all others started running 🏃‍♂️ but i killed everyone. i broked off hands , ripped of their skin & killed them , Thats when i felt good..Than I throw the Hammer 🔨away & to see where alison is .

I saw her crying 😢a lot , i felt so sad 😞. I felt like hugging her .....

..But damn she ran way from me*t...


OHH MY GODDDD ...🤯😢😨 what did i jest see.? He actually took off the head. Oh nooo😢 like it was nothing. .Than he broke the other guy's arm. i was screaming 😱at top of my lungs. I was scared 😨to death .I wanted to escape but the train was moving. He was still killing. My mind was totally shocked & 😲blank. I ran out of that place, i was yelling out loud, i stood near the door , if it opens i am ready to run 🏃‍♀️out of this crime. Godd he kecpt killing , He was yelling at them calling me his girl. I was jest standing 🧍‍♀️with tears 😢in my eyes. The Train 🚆stopped & the doors were opened, He came & seen me standing, he was running walking towards me , i ran as soon as i saw the door open , I ran so quickly so i escaped. I've seen a taxi standing by, the driver was smoking 🚬 next to his parked taxi 🚕 , as soon as i saw him i started shouting To start the car & telling him am getting in. He was like he had no idea why am screaming, he reacted quickly & started the taxi, i reached in quickly & shut the door.He started the car & i said him to go as fast as possible. He kecpt going, after 5 minutes he asked me whats wrong ? i said i was escaping from a guy . Are you okay mam? He was like beautiful girls like you gotta be safe ...Than he took me to my home 🏡. I said thank you & gave his money .He said me to be careful & safe.

I rang my door bell 🔔so many times, my mom came running, she opened the door & started, whats wrong? As soon as she opened the door 🚪 I huged my mom 👩& started crying 😢. I immediately closed the door & locked it. My mom was soo confused & worried too...She asked me, "honey whats wrong? tell me ." than i said her every thing happened.

She couldn't believe for a second..Than she felt soo much worried about me , she said dont worry now you are safe honey . She took me to her room & gave me a glass of water.

She said me " why didn't you tell me about the boy when is was talking to you in the train?" I might have sent you in other car.

I was still in shock , 😲, so couldn't speak a thing. Even she cried coz she couldn't see me crying. That night was the Nightmare for me.

I somehow bathed , prayed .But how can i sleep ? ive seen murders. We dint even inform cops 👮‍♂️coz my mom dont want me to get in trouble. We felt dafe coz i escape from him , & he had no idea where i live.

. my mom wanted me to sleep with her , so do we slept 😴...