Chapter 44
In a world filled with millions of sinister people, it's rare to find a sincere soul. In a world where love and truthfulness are seen as weaknesses, you rarely ever hear the truth...
We find millions of people living two lives…in a world where revenge matters more than memories, we find millions out there turning against the people they once loved.
I know I am cable of being such a person. A destruction to myself and those around me. My world was getting too loud, too busy, too crowded…that all felt worth it having allowed this one person into my bubble, a very tiny, suffocating one that suddenly had more than enough air for everyone.
"You're wanted on the 4th floor!" Elizah said
I agreed to be a judge in the competition my father invited me to judge in. I did it because I'm too much of a filial son to not. For the last few months, I've been facing many of my demons and fighting against billions of my regrets only because now I have the courage too.