The Friendly Strangers Gang and its branch gangs was one of the nicest and heartwarming gangs out there, they were featured in every single story ever imagine but on Sagttiarius' Sorrow 25th 3027 the Friendly Strangers Gang and it's branch gangs disbanded because Karuji thought that the world would be safer without the Friendly Strangers and its allies, Arnold decided to stay in hideout as way to remember the good times with his gang. But on Feb 4th 2032 Arnold got a call from Karuji, the Ringleader of the Friendly Strangers Gang about thinking about reuniting the Friendly Strangers Gang and its branch gangs because he missed them so much and Karuji is starting to regret himself. He founded the gang, made new friends, respected so many gang members including Arnold, got so many awards, embraces sexual activity, takes family seriously and many more.
Now Karuji and Arnold will work together to reunite all members of the Friendly Strangers and its branch gangs and bring the gang back together again and continue to protect the community from corrupted gang activity, stop criminal activity, save lives, protect the innocent and continue the gang to grow as one big family. I'm Arnold aka PapaCreator and this is Reuniting the Gang.