Chereads / My Hot Vampire Sponsor / Chapter 17 - Breakdown

Chapter 17 - Breakdown

Warning: Contains Alittle disturbing Content

Mira continued staring at Zoe as she didn't have words for her "don't even think of denying it Mira, you should be ashamed of yourself for sleeping with a married man" Zoe kept provoking Mira "oh wait you're speechless, well you should have thought of that before taking someone's man in bed"

"excuse me but who are you and what are you tarking abaut, I'm totally lost here" Mira finnaly responded "oh you Are? So you just fuck people without doing a little background abaut them?" Mira was abaut to respond before she heard an excited voice from behind her "Zoe!!" "Ryan!"

The owner of the voice recognized Zoe it turned out to be from her husband she realised that when he warked pass her taking Zoe into a warm loving hug who also returned it, Mira didn't like the how close her husband was with another women, she didn't care of whether the women was his sister, bestfriend or whoever, her husband is hers alone not anyone else

but she didn't give any jealousy hint away well atleast that's what she thought as Austin already noticed her jealousy but didn't pull away he liked the fact that his wife was jealous he didn't want it to stop so he did what Zoe wasn't even expecting, he kissed her cheeks, Zoe just wide opened her eyes clearly weird then Austin whispered in her ear "Just play along Zoe" this gave her courage to master up her plans "my gosh I've really missed you ry ry..where have you been?" Zoe played along when they've finnaly pulled away but still on each other as Austin's hands were on Zoe's shoulders while zoe's hand were on top of his hands

"I'm great how are you" He responded "I'm great too" "my gosh I missed you more like where have you have you been Zoe?" "Oh me just around, i thought..." they continued charting, it looked like they were friends, atleast that's what Mira thought

Mira was really uncomfortable with it so she intentionally cleared her throat so they will atleast notice her which seemed to have worked as Zoe finnaly noticed her "Oh is Mira your maid? I mean you never liked maids but people change" she asked with the intention of hurting Mira, which seemed to have worked as Mira's eyes welled up with tears,

she did a little background abaut Zoe but didn't investigate this side where she met Austin, she did a five years back and didn't find Austin in her life which meant they've met a long time ago, Mira tried holding back the tears which were threatening to fall but failed as they were already on her cheeks

Zoe noticed the tears on Mira's cheeks and felt at ease she also felt the urge of wanting to see more so she played her game "Oh nevermind, as I've said before people change" she comforted as she realised Austin wasn't answering, she turned to Mira and ordered "go get me juice"

Mira seeing how speechless Austin was clearly Zoe was so important to him she accepted by nodding and turned to leave not that she accepted defeat but just wanted to get away from them for a moment to collect herself

just when she was abaut to take a step she heard Austin's deep angry voice "No!!" Both the ladies turned to look at him, zoe was shocked on why he had stopped her "what i need juice" she commented "Well Zoe this is Mira, my wife and Mira this is Zoe one of my childhood school mate" Austin introduced them ignoring Zoe's question

Both the ladies went silent, not saying a thing lost in their thoughts,

Zoe was wondering how Mira got Austin since he was never a relationship type much worse marriage while Mira thinking of why he treated her like his ex if he claims to be just one of his childhood friend or is he perhaps lying to her

Austin saw the tension between the two ladies then decided to make the tension slow down "come in" he awkwardly said but Zoe didn't go in, she was far lost in her thoughts

Austin searched for his wife's face when he finnaly looked up he saw tears in her eyes then ran to her in haste "hermosa what's wrong? Please forgive her she didn't know who you were?" He assured but she pushed his hands away

then Zoe snapped out of her thoughts she was here to warn Mira and with the chance she got she might even humiliate her by telling Austin abaut her shameful affair then he'll eventually dump her and just like that she'll win "listen Ryan, your Wife is having an affair with my husband I mean fiance" she accused "I didn't know she was your wife or I could have kept this to myself I don't really like breaking your heart Ryan" she lied "I'm..." Just stop it zoe "I know Mira perfectly well and cheating on me will not be possible plus I've been with her all this time, she never went out on her own accept for today, it might be another Mira" he assured

it's true in the past month he has never let Mira go out on her own, not even to the toilet as he's always around

"It cannot be another Mira..i mean i recieved her pictures with My hus-fiance" it was really difficult for Zoe to call chase by his name "I came with pictures just for incase she denied but i guess you need them more then her" she said taking an envelope from her handbag which she handed to austin

Austin took it almost instantly he tear opened it took out the first image which he lost his balance after looking at it "ask her if she knows chase?" Zoe added liking the hurt look on Austin's face "do you know chase?" He asked "Austin i can expl..." "Everleigh I asked if you know chase or Not, yes or no..spare me your details" he shouted

Mira was struggling to answer him, she never once saw him so angry like that "answer me Everleigh, do you know chase Yes or No?" He demanded "Yes! I mean we.." Mira tried to explain "I said spare me your details" he cut in

A little smile found it's way on zoe's lips, she didn't expect her game to go this well "he's my hus-fiance Austin and who knows i might be pregnant and losing him will..i can't even begin to imagine it" she added more fuel to the fire, yes Austin had a temper she still recalled his temper back at school that's the reason she added more feul

"No Zoe, you're not going to lose your fiance, I'll make sure of that" Austin promised as he came close to Zoe who was fake crying and comforted her, Mira finnaly spoke up she didn't do anything wrong so she thought explaining herself was best "listen Aust.." "No Mira not now, i don't want to hear it..there's evidence and I.." "well I'm just gonna speak even if you don't want to hear it anyways, cause I don't think it's fair you comfort another women infront of your wife and kids, you didn't even ask for my side of the story" Mira finnaly stood up for herself with confidence "Mira there's evi.." "shut up!" Mira screamed getting close to them

"just shut up..I speak and you listen I've had enough of your foolish accusations, i know chase but that's only today, i bumped into him at the jewelry shop where I went to buy your watch, and the pictures you see where taken when we were in the coffee shop..I had coffee with him because the plan I told you I'll be working on abaut Vickie seems to be going on, Vickie was having coffee with Daniel and I didn't want to disturb them that's why I sat with him..but I swear I don't really know him or have I ever gone to bed with him" Mira explained "No she's lying, the pictures are clear, she's.." Zoe aposed "No she never lies" Austin defended as he knew

it was against the witch's bloodline to lie, unless instructed

a lie weakens a witch's power "what!! how sure are you? I mean the pictures" zoe confusingly stuttered she couldn't believe how blindly he trusted Mira "the pictures might don't show anything but my wife having a decern conversation with a friend" Austin responded as he guilty stood up and got to his wife's side he took his wife's hand and Appologised "I'm so sorry wifey, my jealousy got over me" "i understand" she responded and hugged him

Zoe couldn't watch this so dicided to disturb their moment "she might be carrying my husband's kids" "listen Zoe I respect you because Abelle but won't tollorate you disrespecting my wife" Austin shouted, Zoe couldn't believe how this girl got Ryan wrapped to her finger she knew another ill word against Mira will cause Austin to hurt her

"listen hubby, we're getting late for our trip, just tell her to leave my house and never show up ever again because then you'll have to choose your childhood friend or your family" Mira commented "please you heard my wife Zoe..leave!" Austin reminded

Zoe turned away with the purpose of leaving she somehow believed Miras story and wondered why Lucy will make such a story up, it's true Zoe don't have powers but she's very smart and never liked being played infact anyone that plays games with her pays dearly most of them lose their lives, she might look like a doll but can be very dangerous I mean what type of a human drink blood, yes that's Zoe she have no witch or any magic powers but still naturally drinks human blood at times just for pleasure

Just as she was abaut to take her third feet she heard a voice from behind her "listen, the person who told you this might be the one actually interested in your fiance, if i were you I would investigate more just to be sure..the person clearly want me out of her way so found you a key to it she knew as soon as I called chase he'll be upset with you and might not even propose to you, do more research dear" Mira advised and surprisingly she listened until when Mira was done tarking then continued her wark

"Who's playing her and for what?" Austin asked as soon as they got back inside he knew his wife wasn't just guessing she was telling the truth He figured she might have seen it with her witchy magic "Lucy, a silly girl foolishly inlove with chase" she explained then told him everything abaut Lucy's plan as she have already seen it with her powers, Austin was stunned with how smart Lucy seemed "wow and she thought she could just frame you so fast, she's very smart" "Yes! Very smart indeed" they continued discussing

then a knock was heard from the door which came from the door "I'll go check, Austin said heading for the door,

He was surprised to find a young handsome man at the door she thought it might be chase so he rudely asked " what so you want?" "Hello! I'm Daniel I'm here for Victorine, is this the right address?" The man inquired

Austin after hearing his interest he lightened up offering the man a smile "oh come in, yes this is Victorine's address..oh I've heard so much abaut you!" He said leading the man in

Abaut three hours later Mira was in a hotel bedroom, they've arrived abaut thirty minutes ago

Austin was in the kitchen taking her pregnancy craved food for which was a cake mixed with ice cream he wanted extra food for the bedroom so when she craves for ice cream in the Night it will be avaible in their bedroom, no need to come down to the kitchen

They got a VIP hotel room which consisted of one bedroom with a bathroom and a living room with kitchen

They've already had their dinner which Austin prepared as it was raining and didn't want to go out in that weather it's too risky for his one month pregnant wife they had a week after all so they was plenty of time to do that

Mira came from the shower, she set on the bedside as she was done lotioning up and was already in her sleep wear, she took her phone from the Nightstand with the purpose of texting Austin to let him know that she's already in bed incase he was waiting for her

She was abaut to start typing then had a flashback


Victorine came from upstairs looking totally different her hair was originally brown and she wore naturally teen clothes not her usual cursed one, she wore a layered peach dress with matching peach crocs and did light make-up not plack but peachy

Both Mira, Austin and Daniel just froze up.. Austin Couldn't believe his eyes, he never thought a demon could ever look like this on the other hand Daniel met Victorine earlier when she was still in her blacky mood version he was stunned on how beautiful she really was, every man wants to see the natural beauty of his women, she looked like an angel Although the compliment didn't match with her reality while Mira froze up for another reason she saw Mia there, yes Victorine looked exactly like Mia her african bestfriend

Victorine's brown hair and peach lips looked exactly like Mia's ones for some reason she thought Victorine was somehow related to Mia

But her thoughts were brushed of as soon as she rethought, it might be because she was missing Mia, Victorine jumped on Daniel as soon as her eyes landed on him "you really came, my gosh I've missed you just for the few hours you weren't around" she said "I've missed you too and you look so beautiful" Daniel commented

Victorine was very happy which made Mira think it was really a grate idea to set them up, yes she planned Daniel and Victorine meet, so he keeps her busy for the time they'll be gone though it seems they're inlove already


Mira snapped out of her thoughts as soon as she heard the striking thunder, Mira was really scared of rain as it's the time her nightmares hunt her, another lighting striked which made the lights flicker and then went off totally

Mira rushed to where her handbag was placed in search of a torch which turned out to be a horrible idea As soon as she unzipped her handbag zip, she placed her hands in the pace searching for the torch but touched something else

Mira knew the feeling of that touch so pulled her hands away fast and then started mumbling "No no can't be here..I'm..I'm in France you can't come here" then a black python came from her bag the same snake she always see in her nightmares and she screamed "No please no!!!!" But she didn't say that out loud as she thought, she screamed from the inside "I have Austin now and I'm a wicth, i can turn into a snake anytime, it can't scare me" she uttered to herself

The snake opened it's mouth exposing it's teeth then dissapeared, Mira felt to the floor as tears started uncontrollably strolling down her cheeks, she started hearing voices

"You're useless"

"You don't deserve to live, end your life now"

This voices filled her brain so she threw away the phone which fell to the floor, with the striking sounds adding

Then she heard another voice

"Death is a better place for you Mira, just end your suffering now" Mira stood up obeying the voice as she went to the mirror side which unfortunately had a pair of scissors on it's desktop

She took it, placed it's Sharp side on her wrist and pressed on it so it cuts in which she was successful as blood started strolling down her wrist, she smiled seeing it

She looked at herself in the mirror then saw a women with black python snakes as hair smiling at her she ran far from the mirror dropping the scissor to the floor and hid just beside the closet with her knees touching her chin and arms hugging her legs, tears coming from her eyes weren't water but blood now she pitifully set there mumbling "not me..please leave me alone..not me.." she repeated the words

Austin was also in the bedroom as he sensed something bad to be happening to his wife in the kitchen, he flew with his wings quickly

his thoughts seemed to be right after all as when he reached the room, he spotted the scissor on the floor which contained blood "Everleigh!" He called out he always use Mira's Christian name when he's serious, he got more worried when they was no reply he recalled his mother in-laws advice that never to leave Mira all by herself on a rainy day, he regretted leaving her but instead focused on finding her

He followed the line made by blood which led to the closet and luckily found Mira seated on the floor hugging her knees and mumbling :please leave me: Austin felt sorry for his wife, he wished he didn't leave her by herself "hermosa!!" He rushed to her side but she didn't seem to hear him at all as she kept mumbling her words "Victorine, leave me alone" she finally said something which shook Austin, what history does Victorine have with Mira?