"A great innovation is ready to discover!"
History says,education can enlighten human beings. It has a very srong power to enhance our thought. That's true. Education is like a sun that shines our life magically!
It's shines is so much renewable as like as sun's shine.
When a man get first touch of it, it seems very normal.
But that person didn't know about what he started to get!
Soon after, he started to see magic in front of his eyes. It's like a supernatural feelings!
That feelings encourage him to get more and more to keep in touch that rays!
Sometimes he found him discoverer.
He getting started to know how he is or not.
Sometimes education comes to him a partner, sometimes like a friend . It's a amaizing feelings! Am I right? Gradually we discovered our strength and weakness. Our strength started to launch discover a new man in us that was dormant in our mind! Do you know how much powerful that time, that thought, that can be change whole world!
It's like a gigantic giant!
That giant can do everything. That's the time to real rising time!
At that time any touch stone touch him that will be the beggining of the innovation.