I sat there in the dark under the window, knees hugged to my chest and watched. I was wrong to ever think there was no pain greater than that of losing Elisabeth and James or having to not ever know my biological parents or the fact that a trail of dead bodies follow where ever I follow, it was the feeling of defeat while I clearly had the ability to obstruct the misfortune. Jake was asleep−compelled to sleep by the herbs and serum he ingested, the room was as dim as it could get, I lost the ability to think clearly since after an hour ago. Lucinda had also left the room as I requested I wanted to be alone, maybe I might think of a way to bring her back with or without a heart. Since the bases of me unable to heal her with my natural powers were a theory at the moment, I wasn't to give up.
"Ruby! I need to contact Ruby this instant" I haven't given it a thought but if I needed to have the fact handed right out to me was from a reliable source was from her. I got on my feet fast, first unaware of how to contact her because there was zero reception around here and I possess no tool to contact her with; I will have to go the old fashioned way I sat back down in a lotus position, sucked air through my mouth urgently to calm down because I needed the most relaxed state for it to work. I rested my hands over my lap and slowly drew my head down before closing them tight, I had only heard of this technique and never even once tried it out; it was bound to be difficult. I tried to focus on only one thing, make the connection between only me and the cabin in Terent Mill but instead I could only find me reminiscing in the memories I held with her.
Many failed trials only left me in layers on cold sweat; the farthest I'd reached was just my empty room. I shut my eyes up and sighed heavily, it was a complete waste of time as the further I tried the further I get from my house. I stood up carefully for a moment watching over the two of them, before deciding to leave the room. As I slowly close the door, Lucinda was coming at me with a tray for the patient; a bowl of soup, a small plate of fresh apple and a fruit knife and then the healing tea.
"I don't know his preference"
"He will like it except for this" I pointed to the cup of tea, I remembered quite well how nasty it tasted
"Are you ok?" She asked caressing my forearm, I nodded with a smile and then took the fruit knife, without really notifying her I slit my palm and added the content of my blood in his soup remembering just how she added hers to mine
"Do you think that is necessary?"
"It will quicken his healing, if I cannot save her then this is the best I could do for them"
"I don't think he will like it this way" Lucinda seemed to have understood Jake quite easily, I knew even if I offered my blood to him he wouldn't take it, the only way was to trick him into taking it and it will greatly enhance his powers. That what he needs the most
"I know just how dear a pack to an Alpha is but Jake risked them all for me. I saw how he looked at Maya's body; he's suffering even if he's not saying it and her mate is completely destroyed by this. I need to help him get solace by avenging for her" Lucinda watched me quietly not really expressing any emotions but I knew she understood what I was talking about. So I put the knife back down and stir in my blood with his food
"You have to make him have it, I will be back soon" I was about to walk past her when she held my upper arm halting me indefinitely she stare into my eyes, a very concerned and questionable gaze
"The path of vengeance is never ending; you think that's a way to put him to rest while his member dwells in a mirage of a solace? Once vengeance it's tasted, it becomes an addiction and even the purest of hearts can't resist it"
She warned shortly after staring me down some more she left for the room leaving the door opened. I stared back inside now with a haze of doubt in my mind and a clog in my throat when my eyes set on Jake. Jake of course wouldn't agree to what I was thinking to he would also want to avenge for Maya like I would, Maya had been good to me and that's the least I could give her and her mate. I turned on my heels with anew found dedication