"Why are you hiding your face?There is no need to feel embarrassed about anything!"Yohan said in a teasing manner, seeing Yulia who was hiding her face with both of her palms.
After kissing many minutes Yohan had taken the initiative and removed Yulia's clothes leaving nothing behind,the moment he did that she covered her face with both of her palms not willing to make eye contact with Yohan feeling shame of showing her naked body to him.
"It's embarrassing.... knowing you could see me in such a state,i don't have enough courage to make eye contact with you!"Yulia whispered in low yet trembling voice.
Hearing Yulia's trembling voice a bittersweet smile appeared on yohan's face, despite cultivating so many times couple of days ago it feels like that they were doing the deed for the first time,Yohan found her cute and didn't mind starting everything from the very beginning.