Chereads / Came back to strike back / Chapter 97 - Arrival 2...

Chapter 97 - Arrival 2...

"...What we gon' do 'bout the girl...?' "

The question had them re-think their present issue as they all stared at each other.

"How do we do it...?" One them asked.

"That's why I'm askin'...!" Leo shrugged with his hands in his pockets.

"We already got the girl, how do we get her off the plane...?" Another asked.

"That's what we need to work on...!" Leo responded.

"How 'bout we just signal them to come over...?" V suggested.

"That we've got the girl and...!"

"How 'bout we just wait till when the plane lands and then just maneuver our way through...?" Marcos suggested as he looked at his friends, cutting B off.




"I was thinking 'bout that too...!"

B glared at him.

"Did you read my mind? How did you know what I was thinking...?"

"Y'all know yourselves, that's why you deliberately cut me off...!" B accused Marcos.

Everyone looked at Marcos, even Leo, to see how he would react.

Marcos only gave him a quick glance, as he looked him up and down before turning back to look at Leo, not minding what was being said or who said it.

When Marcos didn't respond, the other guys gave off am air of relief as they all turned to glare at B, oke at a time.

"You didn't get what we were tryna tell you, right...?" B heard a voice pike a breeze on his air causing him to get the chills.

"And then you added the rest of us...!" The voice said again.

"Don't worry, let's get to camp...I'm gon' teach ya' some lessons!" Then suddenly the voice disappeared.

When B didn't hear the voice again, he slowly turned his head to the back to look at who had spoken to him.

His heart dropped to his chest when he saw who it was...

It was Big Muscle...

B felt like peeing in his pants.

He was indeed done for...

As they were talking and still deliberating, Temi moved slightly. Before long, she slowly brought her head up. And then she began to cough.

She coughed profusely, grabbing the attention of the guys above her.

Her cough was associated with blood...

Looking down at her all at the same time, thee guys were all shocked.

Wasn't she knocked out just now...?

Although, they didn't say a word to each other, they all knew what the other was thinking...

Opening his mouth, Leo said;

"See what I was talkin' 'bout Big Muscle...?"

Big Muscle looked at him.

"It seems this girl's much more stronger than you are 'pon those hefty muscles you've got there...!"

"Well, Leo, you gave her some heavy punches too...!" Big Muscle replied, not feeling the least shamed as he smiled

"What are you tryna say...?"

Big Muscle's smile got broader.

"You know, exactly what I'm tryna say...!"

Looking down at Temi as he clicked his jaw, Leo said;

"So you tryna say you got the guts now, huh little mouse...?"

"I like you...Y'all know,I like this girl...she gon' put up some good fight...!" Leo said as he turned and spoke to his guys who laughed with him except B.

"Yeah, she got it...!" Big Muscle said.

"Yeah...!" Leo said.

"You know, boys...!" Leo said as he called the attention of his guys.

"I've been looking for a good fight since like for a while now...and I never had it coming...!" Leo said.

"But now...!" she paused as he looked and pointed down at Temi who was still coughing blood out of herself...

"Now...I've got a fight...a real good fight!" Leo said.

All laughing, one of the guys suddenly said;

"Nah, wait guys...!"

They all stopped laughing.

"How 'bout we give her a test run...?" He suggested.

The others stared at him.

"Right here...?" Marcos suddenly asked.

Nodding, his fellow colleague said;

"Yeah, why not...?"

"Test run as in...test 'test run'...?" Leo asked.

"What? No...!" The guy said with a disgusted look on his face.

"What I mean by a test run is, let's keep ourselves busy a bit, by testing her ability to fight...!"

"Oh...that test run...!" The other guys said.

"Why would I bring up such a dirty thing, that's nasty...!"


Nodding, Leo said;

"But I like the idea...!"

"Hear that little mousey...?" Leo asked as he looked down at Temi.

Squatting, Leo asked;

"Are you ready to have fun...?"

Slowly raising her head, Temi gave Leo a dark stare...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Two days later, a dark light skinned lady with a black expensive looking leather jacket and dark shades with her luggage descended from a plane.

Her hair was in an afro manner and she had a petite figure...

With her trolley bag and some few other things, she exited the airport.

Flagging down a taxi, she was driven down to Bel-Air Hotel...

Even though, she wore shades, the old man that had the cab could tell that she was a young girl...

Always looking through the rear-view mirror from time to time the can driver would look to see who the lady that is sitting right behind him is...

The lady noticed this from the corner of her eye and slowly turned to look back at him through the rear-view mirror from her shades.

Seeing that the lady had caught him staring at her, he quickly turned his gaze back to the road, trying hard not to look at the rear-view mirror.

As he stopped staring, he focused more on the road, but he could feel the fierce gaze of the lady through the rear-view mirror.

Trying hard to not look up at the rear-view mirror, the cab driver gulped as he straightened himself.

Trying hard to resist the feeling of not looking at the rear-view mirror, the old man couldn't help but steal a slight glance.

His original motive was to look at the lady sitting at the back, but something else caught his eyes.

Looking back at the rear-view mirror, the old man asked;

"Young lady, are you a very important person that there's a fleet of cars following behind us...?" The man couldn't help but ask.

It was then that the lady turned and looked back.

The road was wife enough to take three (3) cars at the same time, and that's what it did.

There were three (3) cars following right behind them and the lady could tell that there were more following right behind...

She knew that they were coming for her...

But turning back and relaxing, the lady sank into the chair as she said;

"Just drive freely like as if you did not see anything, okay...?"

The old man looked through the rear-view mirror again, but this time it was at the lady sitting at the back.

"Do you know those people...?"

Opening her mouth slowly was she delayed a but in responding, the lady said;

"Those are my escorts...!"

Arriving right at Bel-Air Hotel, the lady got her luggage from the back of the car and then walking into the hotel's lobby, the lady requested a room.

When she was shown her room, the lady unlocked it and walked into it.

As soon as the hotel attendant turned and left, the lady turned and walked towards the window...

As she leaned over, she took a look down.

Seeing some people, both black and white, dressed in black and had dark shades on, the lady stared on...

One of them raised his head up in her direction and they both caught sight of each other.

Holding the stare for a while, the lady later backed off...

Reaching his hand out to touch his ear, the guy that had been staring at the lady began talking.

Not diverting his eyes away, the guy said;

"We're in Bel-Air...Don't worry, she won't be to escape us...!" And with that, he slowly turned his gaze away as he began walking, taking the whole scenery in.


Although, the lady had moved out of sight from view, she was still hidden by the side...

Sitting on a cushion by the side of the window, the lady watched as guy walked away.

Watching him until he was gone, the lady tried to digest what the guy had said, because she had heard his every word.

But feeling her brain might go 'Over-load', the lady decided to leave the window.

Getting on her feet, the lady headed straight for the bed and then, removing her glasses, Temi stretched and fell onto the bed, her back meeting first with the bed...

As she laid on the bed, she yawned wildly as she gently rubbed her eyes with her palms.

She seems to have become a huge celebrity these days. Having people trying to kill her since she left her parents was a bit odd...

Come to think if it, it was pretty odd...

Frowning as she sat up, Temi looked left and then right.

As she left her parents...

The thought just couldn't get itself out of her head...

Left her pa...

Was she being monitored?

Were all these guys being sent?

Was she being hated that much that the person had gone to the extent of hiring assassins to get rid of her?


Jumping up from the bed and standing to her feet, Temi couldn't take her mind off the incident that had happened on the plane just two days ago...


Temi asked herself as she laughed.

"Such a funny word...Just!" She said as she repeated the word.

The incident that had happened 'just' two days ago gave Temi a migraine as she thought about it...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"So what we gon' do' bout the girl...?"

The question had them all come back to the present as they all have each other silent stares...

People began looking down at the girl that was lying bloody on the floor.

"They're definitely gon' need her alive...!" Marcos said.

"Definitely...!" Leo said.

"We can't just put her in a sack bag and then leave the airport, we'd definitely get caught...!" The guy that had confronted B earlier said.

"We could just call for backup before we even land so that they'd be at the airport waiting for us and ease everything for us...!"

"How 'bout we call for backup so that they'd be at the airport waitin' for us?" The guy closet to B 'suggested'.

"That's what I just said...!" B said.

"Good idea Kayne...!" Leo said.

"That way nobody would be able to suspect us...!" Marcos said without much enthusiasm as he darted his eyes from Leo to B

"But I said it first...!" B said as he looked at Marcos confused.

Marcos slowly looked him up and down before slowly turning his head to look at Leo.

B felt mad at himself for looking in the direction of Marcos and then being snubbed by him...

He should have been then one to have down that...

Anyways, he turned his head to look at Leo, who gave him a raised eyebrow as he asked;

"Oh really...?"

B nodded.

"Yeah, I said it first, and..."

"Well, the idea's been said...!" Leo cut in.

"Whoever said it, good for you, but now we've got a bigger fish to fry with this girl in our midst...!"

Pushing B's matter aside, Leo instructed;

"Kayne, get the girl and follow me...!"

"You guys...!" Leo called to the rest.

"Wait here!"

Nodding, they all turned to face the audience that were starting at them.

Taking her up on his shoulder, Kayne carried Temi away and they all went into the control cabin.