Chapter 6 - The Battle and The Quest

Lance for a moment thought the battle would be easy against these people. One punch was enough to kill a dungeon boss, should be enough to take them down, right?

But Lance was completely wrong.

Venya was a level 32 boss, with little vitality and strength. Ahead was the peak of power that Fehrman would have to face henceforth.

The blond-haired leader was named Brian. He continued to fire bursts of fire from the blade of his sword. He was a level 84 hunter.

Fehrman dodged each of the flames thrown at him. Venya created infernal wolves and goblins from the dark matter that rose from her hands, her eyes bleeding a slimy black liquid like tears.

The infernal wolves and goblins were level 5. Brian didn't even have to do his best to kill all the creatures. His own fist was enough.

Walter, the black man with a body that resembles the body of a bodybuilder, ran to Lance, digging his shield into the mud.

"I never thought I'd see a monster flee from its dungeon! I have never participated in such a hunt before! And you talk!" The blond man said.

He turned his head to Venya, who was fighting the mages in the rear.

"And the mistress of beasts! Oh my God!" He put a hand to his face, his legs wobbly as he sweated cold.

"This is really exciting! Thank you my king for this amazing opportunity!"

"The time has come to wash away your sins as dungeon creatures!"

Brian advanced against Lance along with Walter. Fehrman defended himself with the armored carapaces on his wrists, serving as a small shield.

The sword stuck in the side of his unprotected abdomen. Lance let a grunt of pain escape his throat.

He checked his status.

[Vitality: 2360/2700]

"Three hundred and forty damage from a sword cut?! That way I'm not leaving here alive!"

Lance landed a punch at the blond man, who flew backward, slamming his sword to the ground and finally stopping moving. He lifted his head angrily, his mouth foaming with rage.

Walter defended the punch with his shield, Lance made a dent in the shape of his hand. The muscular man removed the whip from his waistband and began to whip Fehrman repeatedly. The metal was extremely strong and hard, enough to penetrate Lance's armor.

[Vitality: 1983/2700]


If the battle continued like this, Lance would definitely die.

If he had any other power besides eating monsters after more than sixty levels reached...

A noise entered his ears.

[ The King of Kaiju has granted you a new ability! ]

[ Skill: Flabbergast Dragon ]

[ It is capable of firing blasts of powerful energies through your hands and mouth! ]

The noise penetrated his ears once more.

[ The King of Kaiju has granted you a new ability! ]

[ Passive skill: Excessive Healing ]

[ Heals 50 health points every 1 minute! ]

He smiled.

It was time to test this new skill.

In a move similar to a japanese tokusatsu, Lance placed his hands in front of his body. He opened his mouth as wide as he could and concentrated firmly. A bluish color began to emerge around his hands and mouth.

"What are you doing little pig?"

Walter asked before being hit by a ball of blue energy that raced across the field. If he hadn't dodged for a few milliseconds, he would definitely be dead.

The small mountain behind the field has disappeared. A trail of burned grass and plants took over.

Lance was amazed at how much power he was given.

Out of nowhere, he jumped in Walter's face, punching him.

The bastard fell to the ground, his face buried in the mud. Venya was still fighting the magicians who continued to cast fire, wind and water spells. She used her own creations as shield, trying to buy time so she wouldn't be hit or killed.

Lance realized she was nervous. It wasn't like being inside a magic-covered dungeon where she could recharge her strength and magic.

That was the real world and it tends to be disappointing.

Walter tried to get up, but Lance punched him three more times. He passed out on the floor.

If he hadn't been someone of such a high level, he would have definitely died in the first punch he took to the head.

Distracted, Lance didn't notice when Brian hit him in the back, letting out a scream. His vitality dropped drastically.

[Vitality: 546/2700]

"Do you think you're strong, dungeon creature?! Do you think you can defeat a servant of the Demon King himself?! I'll kill you!"

"I'm a kaiju, you idiot."

He lunged upward, the blade of the flaming sword passing between Lance's neck and… he dodged, a well-aimed punch to Brian's abdomen, but it wasn't enough to make him fall.

Lance landed another punch, this time to the young man's face, which he dodged and hit him in the unprotected legs. Brian would lick the bloody blade if it wasn't on fire.

[Vitality: 345/2700]

Lance's huge kaiju body was covered in bluish blood. He was exhausted, but Brian was not. He had just started.

The passive ability couldn't heal enough that Lance didn't end up dead in battle. Wouldn't he have his revenge?

No! He has to do this! He has to keep going!

Straightening like a skilled fighter, Lance placed one hand in front of his chin and the other a little more tilted up.

The blond man came forward again. Lance didn't move a muscle.

When the sword was about to hit his bony head, he moved. With an unnatural reflex, Fehrman slashed the sword aside, grabbing one of Brian's arms and tying him in a leg lock.

Lance forced himself forward, knocking the man to the ground with a somersault. Brian tried to get up, but Fehrman was faster and punched him several times until the man could no longer move properly.

His face was completely bloodied, his nose broken and teeth missing.

He picked up the flaming sword.

The figure was indescribable. A huge monster holding a sword consumed by flames in the moonlight. Brian was scary, but in that moment he felt what was really scary.

Lance was about to go help Venya with the mages, when the same annoying noise as before disturbed him once more.

[The King of Kaiju has granted you a quest! ]


[ The King of Kaiju wants you to complete a quest for granting you such abilities! ]

[ Mission: Kill the 5 enemies of the Church of the Demon King. ]

[ If the mission is not completed within the estimated time, the punishment will be death. ]

[ Time to end of mission: 4 minutes and 46 seconds. ]

"You must be kidding me..."