I endured half a dozen miscarriages trying to ensure that my Regina was not solely responsible for carrying on me legacy. When I finally accepted that I would only be blessed with one female, I did everything in my power to make sure that she would become the absolute best Queen this world has ever witnessed. For eighteen years old, I have schemed, bartered, and spent every single political favor I possessed to ensure that this Matching was absolutely perfect. I knew that this one event would affect how how the rest of the world's royals interacted with my child. Regina needed to present a first impression comprised of strength, power, and commanding leadership.
Eighteen years in the making, and now that the event has finally come - everything is falling apart at seems. And it is all Delia's fault.
Not only Delia find it necessary to pop up out of nowhere just weeks before my Regina would be formally presented to Valkyrie society, but she has repeatedly defied long-lasting traditions making me look fool for not being able to control the wild child. Then she has the goal to publicly flaunt her power level, thus casting a shadow over my princess during the most important time of her life.
There was a right way to act. Certain protocols should have been followed to integrate Delia into our power base. The moment that child was discovered, she would have been brought to my doorstep so that I could have groomed her to fulfill a role that I deemed best for this Kingdom. I am Queen. Thus, it is my right to direct my people. I was robbed of that right.
If everyone have done what they should have in the first place, Delia would be Regina's most powerful tool in ensuring that she is always proffered the respect that a daughter of mine deserves. Delia would have been integrated into our Royal Line while remaining separate. A beautiful jewel that Regina could use to accessorize her presence during her Matching. Instead, that rotten street rat was stealing my daughter's spotlight and even starting to encroach on mine.