Chereads / The Criminals 2: Prison Time / Chapter 1 - Lenard and Rodriguez

The Criminals 2: Prison Time

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Chapter 1 - Lenard and Rodriguez

On the highway which connects Ruby City and Sapphire Island, one bus who is carrying new inmates for the Prison which is entirely located on Sapphire Island (an artificial island made by the government to help the population and expending boundaries of their own government). This island is it entirely built to sustain this prison, although, there are some houses and stores built around, but those are the dumb people who thought this place it is safe. Building a house close to a prison, it is never fucking safe.

The prison bus, it is stopping into the Prison courtyard. Now, when the bus has stopped, three police officers who were there and waiting for the bus to come to escort those prisoners to their cells. They are opening the bus, and come to take those five prisoners from that bus and sent them to their cells.

" Leave the bus and line up, you criminals!" says one of the officers, who sound extremely pissed like every day when he sees a criminal.

These six prisoners are getting up from their seats, and they are leaving the bus, one by one. First was an argentinian named Samuel Godoy, arrested for robing a liquor store in Mexico and also, crossing the USA border without any paper. The second man who left the bus it is an American from Ruby City, Zac Finger, arrested for drug dealing. The third one, it is also an American, Henry Helor, who is arrested for assaulting a teenage girl and killing her together with her little brother. The fourth one it is a man who was coming from a French prison, Abou Kleber, who got caught for kidnapping an old woman. The fifth one it is a guy from Chile, Alejandro Gustavo, a guy who was arrested for setting a bomb into a Bank and triggering, killing 43 innocent people. The last one, it is a Hungarian, Lenard Szakacs, who is arrested for robbing a store and stealing a car.

All these six prisoners are here by different reasons, but one of them doesn't truly belong here. And that one person it is Lenard, which is the main character of this new story. Actually, all of those were just a staging or a frame-up. He was forced to do that by one gang named Caligula Dragons which is a new gang in Ruby City, and this one is much more focussing in using dumb girls in prostitution and stealing from stores. And Lenard, was not even a member of that gang.

The police officers are quickly checking them to see if someone has got something at them. They checked their pockets, under clothes, and even their asses. One of those cops was brave enough to check the prisoners without wearing a glove or anything. Thankfully, nobody has brought anything into their new home.

And now, they are going to be escorted into their cells. But before that, they had to do some pictures, took their uniforms and then learning about the map of this zone. While they were escorted, some prisoners from these cells sees the new recruits. They were looking at them curiously, some happy, and there was a huge black man who was looking at Abou flirty, which did not scared him because he has meet much bigger people who were wanting "to fight" him in French Prisons.

Lenard has arrived at his cell. He got pushed up into the cell by those two cops, who were laughing and telling him, before they left.

" Enjoy as much as you can!"

He has also realized a dark thing about this cell. There is also someone and that person it is famous for breaking people bones, and throwing fists. It is one of the most feared prisoners in this Prison. Sure, he is number four on the list of most fearsome prisoners, but he is still scary even if you look at him for more than one minute.

" New man, here?"

" Um... Y-Yes." says Lenard into a broken English language.

" You are an immigrant, right?"

" Yes, man."

" Cool." says the man, getting up from his bed and looking tough at his new cellmate. " Name it is Rodriguez. Only Rodriguez." he raises his hand to Lenard. "Second name doesn't really matter here."

"L-Lenard Szakacs."

When he was shaking hands with his cellmate, Rodriguez has somehow appealed too much force on that hand and made Lenard screaming. Rodriguez has quickly retrieved his hand back and looked at him worried.

" Are you fine?"

"Y-You... Are quite tough." says Lenard to Rodriguez, the one character who had a small part in the first story of The Criminals.

" Sorry about that. Most of these people here are quite tough."

"A-Alright... So, the bed below it is mine?"

" Sure, take it. As a gift to show how sorry I am for almost breaking your arm."

" Alright. Thank you very much."

Leanrd is going into that bed, while Rodriguez is going back to his bed, who is up to Leanrd. He is looking on the walls, and he saw there a few words written on the wall by someone who was using a knife.

" Don't mind those texts there. There were before I even arrived here."

" When was that, sir?"

" It was two years ago. But you can call me Rodriguez instead of sir. I don't mind it."

" Okay, Rodriguez."

" That is better."

"... I do not belong here... I want to leave this place."

"Already? You are kidding, right?" asks Rodriguez, who is sitting on his bed in that position girls are sometimes sitting on the beach to look at muscular body-builders who are showing their muscles. "If you will leave this place, the chances to get back here could be high since you got framed. What if it will happen again? What if the person will find out that you left the prison, and he will continue to commit crimes and frame you without consent."

"Wh-What are you suggesting? To remain here?"

"Yep. The prison, it is much better than the outside world... You know, back then I had "freedom" on the island I lived. I had a "workplace", a "hobby" and I was even close to acquire a girlfriend. Heh... There was even freedom there?... I do not know." says Rodriguez to himself, who is sounding more like a suicidal person than a reliable guy who was back then.

"... Rodriguez... I may not know you. But I have to tell you that the way of thinking it is completely disturbing."

"Oh yeah? You do know what is the meaning of freedom, right?"

"I know it much better than you... You see, before I was born, my country was suffering from communism, and he is still suffering. The old man's have started to think they preferred to stay close every day, going to their workplace and working their ass off, without a break nor a vacation. They were hurt or did a stupid thing, they got fired and arrested... They were trying to flee from there, they got arrested, some even got executed... My parents were trying one day to flee from Hungary into West Germany, but when they were close to the borders, my father got shot. And died on the spot there, but thankfully, my mother made it there, by hiding it into a truck who was transporting other communism people who made their escapes. She told me some were from the other countries, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, you name it... I lived my life there, until the communism fell down, and I was able to return with my mother back to our country... And there I lived, until my mother passed away, got my house burned by a pyromaniac, and lost my job as a gas station cashier due to an ugly lady who was the boss daughter, and she forces him to throw me from this business... And that's because I didn't fucked her on the prom night."

"You and I are not so different." says Rodriguez to Lenard after he finished telling his story. "I think we could get along in the future."

"I hope so."

Lenard goes to his bed and lays there, thinking and wondering how is her mother doing in Heaven. Is she happy with her father, or she is disappointed in Leonid for the things he's done in his life? However, she is felling right now, she is probably still considering that her son is still having a good part in his personality. Even though he did some terrible mistakes in life.