Third-party POV
They look at each other for a few minutes. When the twins come around the corner to head out of the ship. Tabaga looks back at them. Trying to figure out what to do.
Fennle was the first to recover from her shock and said. "Who or what are you? Why do you have fur all over you like some Ancient Saiyan?"
"Really you don't know when you keep your mouth shut Fennle. Don't you see Tabaga trying to handle it," said Peppa. π
Tabaga just looked at them for a bit then turn her attention back to the Saiyan-like being. Now that it was said he did look like an Ancient Saiyan. "Sorry if she offended you. My name is Tabaga the two twins behind me are Peppa and Fennle." She waited for him to say something.
Then he started laughing. The sound of his voice made them feel powerless. After a few minutes, he stopped laughing. "Well, I am a Saiyan as for my from. I tell you later if I feel like it. Now, what brings you ladies here? Who sent you and why? The name Aikon by the way."
Tabaga didn't know what to think. She never thought that there was another Saiyan here on this planet. Knowing she needs more information about him she decides to get to talk more. So she can get a full report to King Vegeta.
"I was sent here to guard the twin daughters of a Saiyan Elite. How is going against the King? We are to stay here for a year. To train and keep them alive. Till their father come around to agree with the King. We were not expecting a Saiyan to be here. How did you come to be here?" Tabaga didn't notice that every time she said the King. Aikon would tighten his fist. She was more worried about getting to know him. Hopefully, he would help them out. While being here make things easier for her.
Aikon took a deep breath and said. "I really don't care about why that bastard Father on mine sent you here. π You all belong to me now. Now tell me what is on Planet Vegeta? What is so important that my Father would send you here? And no you not report back to him."
The twins were in shock about what he said. Fennle couldn't help herself and said. "Who is your father and why do you hate him so?" When she realized what she said. She was worried that he would kill her.
Peppa is more knowledgeable about the political world. Took a good look at him and asked. "How old are you and why do you look like King Vegeta?" As soon as she said his name overwhelming power spiked. Making them all feel like they can't breathe. The last thing they saw was a purple glow around Aikon.
I lost control of my anger and power up. Making the girls pass out. Quickly I power down because I don't want them dead. I noticed that they have been infected by me. Knowing that there was a medical wing on their ship. I took them to the medical wing and put them in the Medical Machines. I really hope they can survive this.
Making my way to the bridge of the ship. I think about everything thing that has happened to me. As I now remember everything that has happened to me. Since my rebirth in this world. There are a few people who I would love to kill myself but I'm not strong enough yet.
Sitting down in the pilot's chair. I start to hack the system of the ship. Getting rid of all tacking and listing devices on the ship. While sending an SOS to Planet Vegeta.
Knowing that my Father would only send some expendable and weak. Saiyan to come to get them. So I now have a younger brother and I'm two years older than him.
Knowing the timeline put some of my plans into action. So I have two more years before Vegeta is destroyed. This world is much bigger than what is seen in the TV show or Manga.
Looking through the information of what going on. I bring to change some of my plans. First I need to pick up Broly and Paragas. I need a good general and training partner. Baby going to be fun destroying. I have a natural counter for his abilities.
Looks like Turles has already started his own group. Good, he is useful soon for now I will leave him be. I make sure that at least 200 Saiyan Children are sent here. As well as a few adults to help me train them.
About 50 should do the job. Changing the orders for them to come here randomly. Not alert Frieza or my father I am going to make it look like a computer virus. Took over their system. Now to take a shower and sleep in a bed.
Third-party POV
King Vegeta was in a meeting with the members of the Royal family and Saiyan Elites. When a messenger came in with some good news that had to be reported.
"Your Majesty, Generals and Royal family. We just received a report from Tabaga. Saying that the Planet would be the best training environment we can use. To train up more Elites and Royals. She also reported that it could be a base away from prying eyes." After he said that he waited to be dismissed.
King Vegeta waved to the messenger allowing him to leave. Looked at everyone seating around the table. He told them of a back plan just in case Frieza. Wants to kill them all off. Even the most pro-Frieza members in the group agreed that it was wise to do.
They know it would take awhile to get everything done. Without Frieza knowledge of it. They decided to choose some had mission. To take to cover up the Elites going missing.
King Vegeta had wanted to send his son but Frieza had taken him away. He had some loyal Saiyan Scientists, librarians, and cooks. To be sent out with the teams this way he not have worried about just having fighters.
Frieza was watching the young prince Vegeta train. He hope that by taking the prince. The Saiyans would get up trying to rebel. At the same time he wanted them to. There myths and legends worried him. Especially after he heard about the Saiyan Child being banished for having a power level higher than Prince Vegeta. When he was born.