Mc gets a call from the hospital, his daughter is about to be delivered.
Mc lets his boss know that he doesn't care that they want him to put in overtime but he won't be missing his daughters birth.
After quickly making his way to the hospital and parking his car. He is then run over as someone backs out in the parking lot and he dies.
"Ah fuck! I don't wanna die!" But die the MC does.
"Well I guess I'll be making my way to heaven then…" only our beloved MC finds himself in the Chinese afterlife where he's received almost like royalty.
"Hey I think you guys got the wrong person. I'm Catholic and American."
"You're (MC's Name) who just got run over in the hospital parking lot are you not?"
"Yes that's me."
"No mistake then. You see we get first pick on all tragic and or ironic deaths. Also you have a lot of karma with us. Your daughter will invent some weird science version of cultivation and as her father you inherit a lot of those karmic ties."
"Dude I died even before she was born!"
"Exactly. Your daughter reasoned that if people were stronger then you'd never have died such a tragic death and to save others from growing up without their fathers she invented her system."
"Fine let me drink grandmas elixir or whatever that stuff is that makes one forget and get this over with."
"I'm sorry but you won't be drinking grandmas elixir."
"What? Why?"
"One of your heavens stipulations in releasing you to our system. I think they hope you'll spread Christianity in the world you'll soon be reincarnating into. Also the higher ups are preparing a 'system' for you and most 'system' holders are immune to grandmas elixir anyways so it'd do you no good."
"Can't I just go through the normal process? I don't want to live a life where I'm tormented by the knowledge that my wife and daughter are out there somewhere and that I can't be part of their lives."
"I'm sorry but we've already arranged everything. If you'd like to change things you'll have to become powerful enough to change the our system."
"We'll see about that…"
At this point an official walks over and hands our MC a glowing book. When he grabs the book it is absorbed into his soul.
The MC is then lead to the path of reincarnation and sent on his way.
Finding himself in a dark and warm space he sleeps. As time passes things get tighter and tighter until…
"That was the most uncomfortable and messed up experience I've ever had…"
Mildly (extremely) traumatized by being born the MC must get used to his new body and life.
He is the second son of a fairly well to do family (nobility?) and as he's growing up he'll get a younger sister. (not much younger than him)
I'm thinking that I'll briefly touch on his younger years and let time quickly pass though not too quickly as I do want to explore his younger years somewhat.
During this growing and maturing phase I'll introduce the world to the readers and establish where the MC and his new family fit into the grand scheme of things.