Chereads / A Billionaire in Search of Love / Chapter 10 - Half Here, Half Not

Chapter 10 - Half Here, Half Not

*Ding Dong* *Ding Dong*

"Uhhh, Mr. Butler, who's here?" I say and the doorbell still continues to ring.

"Uhhhhh, fine!" I get up and throw on a cherry red silk robe before skipping down the hallways to get to the foyer of the mansion.

"Ohhhh butlerrrrr!!!! Someone was at the door, right? I heard the door-" I say, about to ask the butler who was at the door, who was the only one I could see at the time, before I stop myself when I see 3 amazing-looking gentlemen in the foyer looking around while talking with the butler.

"Elizabeth Carnell!!!" A guy with brown hair and green eyes runs over to me while the other 2 just turn from looking at the butler to look at me.

I smile before realizing that I'm in a silk robe and definitely not fit to be seeing my marriage candidates this way. I start backing away.

"Haha. Nice to see you but I'm going to first get changed and I'll... see you?" I say as I'm backing away.

"Wait!!" The one who ran up to me with the brown hair grabbed my wrist and tugged a little.

"What?" I say just a little bothered. "I'm sort of not dressed to be seeing you guys. For the FIRST time, might I add?"

That's when he looks down at what I'm wearing and lets go of my wrist, looking a bit embarrassed.

"Sorry. Um, you... go... yeah... that's probably best." He steps back covering his face with his hands and I laugh.

"Thanks, and it's okay. I didn't realize it myself either. Hence why I came bouncing down the hallway... haha... ha... I'm going to get going now." I slowly back further away while everyone is silently watching me before turning and basically running away silently crying to myself.

I push the door and then lie with my back against it while slowly sliding down to the ground.

'Omg. I cannot believe half of them are here literally the next day. How did they pack that quickly?' I start pacing the room after getting up. 'Wait. What am I going to say? I'm super nervous even though I was the one that made this whole thing. Sigh.'

I change into a pastel yellow dress that is off-the-shoulder and has a sweetheart neckline. It's one of my favorites so in order to get myself in a better mood, wearing yellow should do just the trick.

I walk slower this time to the foyer expecting to see them still but it's only the butler.

"Um, Mr. Butler, where are they?" I ask.

"Oh, the young gentlemen? They put their things in their rooms and are waiting for you in your living room." He says and then extends his arm while bowing a little, in the direction of the hallway that leads to the living room.

I nod my head at him before heading down there. Before I step in, I take a deep breath like I normally do when I'm nervous, and let it out. I then push the doors open.

"Hi... again!" They all turn and look at me before smiling in their own way. I sit in the chair that is situated in between the two sofa's that face each other. The chair is facing the door so I have to walk in front of them to sit down.

The one with the brown hair is sitting on one sofa and the other two are on the other. Almost like they didn't want to be near him? Or maybe vice versa?

"Okay, thanks for getting here so early! As you know, of course, I'm Elizabeth. But I don't know you guys so please, you!" I point at the brown-haired male who smiles when I do. "Why don't you go first?"

"Sure. My name is Grey Harrison. As you guys might know, I'm a famous fashion designer. One that creates the fashion sold in various stores. Sorry if I didn't feel like sitting with you guys, I thought Elizabeth would sit next to me." He smirks at me and I smile weirdly back at him before moving on to the guy who was tanner and had blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"How about you-" I say waiting for him to say his name.

"Isaac... Isaac Monash. I'm a prince of a small city located in Northern Africa. I will spare you the name of the place seeing as you guys probably wouldn't know it. Besides that, after hearing about your little, candidacy, I could tell it was something that would benefit the kingdom back home and moved to America the beginning of this month." He says smirking like he has the upper hand out of the three of them. I shockingly look at him.

"You're telling me that you moved to America literally the moment this thing started before finding out if you actually had the spot or not?" He nods his head before saying,

"Yep. But I had a feeling I would. I feel we'd make a good pair." He says smirking some more before lying back in his seat with his legs crossed.

"O-kay. Um, last one." I turn to look at him. He looks a bit shyer than the rest. And he has black hair that is dyed green at the ends, with dark brown eyes.

"Um, hi. My name is Rudy... Gifford. You know the-" I interrupt him.

"The famous soccer player!! The youngest AND richest one! Nice to meet you." I shake his hand vigorously before stopping and covering my mouth.

"Um, sorry. I just like soccer. I heard all of your names on the radio but seeing you here in person is a little, striking to me, I guess. But don't mind me. Continue. Please." I sit back a little shyly and he instead laughs.

"Sure um. If I were to guess, I think I'm the youngest out of everyone?" He says looking around.

"Well, I'm 24!" Grey says.

"And I'm 25," Isaac says after him.

"So, yeah... I am." He chuckles and I get up before kneeling in front of him.

"I chose everyone for a reason and you're here, meaning even though you might be young, you still are impressive to me," I say before standing up and sitting back down. "Same as the rest of you. Besides that, you guys arrived first so good for you. But I'm also super shocked. Anyway, I won't be too detailed since there's only half of you here but, you can come and eat with me when I'm here in the dining room and if I'm not here due to work, you can eat there or anywhere as long as you don't leave a mess. I think that's it. I hope you guys liked your rooms. Andddd, I probably won't be home too often since I have to work of course so if you guys need to go somewhere, please, do so. I have many cars and I trust you guys enough that if you need one, you can borrow one." They look at me before nodding.

"Good. Well then. It was nice meeting you guys and I hope you enjoy these first couple of days here while we wait on the others! And if you have any problems, the butler will most definitely help." I say enthusiastically. They all smile before Isaac gets up saying he has to make a call while I'm left with the other two.

"I'm actually interested in why you guys DID apply for something like this." They look at each other like they know something that I don't.

"Why don't we make this a game. You guess the reason." Grey says smirking while Rudy shakes his head.

"Fine. You're on! Isaac already told me his so it's just you two left." I say staring them down. Grey looks intrigued while Rudy smiles anxiously.