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the red wolf

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Chapter 1 - The Red Wolf

The road ahead was clear, it was rocky and covered in potholes from ordinance explosions but clear. Army cavalry scout staff Sergeant Charles Hargam ordered his unit to push ahead, battalion need information on the mountain range in Afghanistan. About three miles from the target the lead vehicle an armored personnel carrier (APC) was hit with an explosive sending it flying landing on its roof.

Hargam jumped from his Humvee with the unit's medic just before another explosive threw the vehicle into the air. Scrambling for balance while dodging gun fire and shouting orders to the medic, Hargam attempted to reach the APC. However, the ambush proved to effective, and he had to take cover behind a large boulder grouping thirty yards from the APC. Quickly he Blindly returned fire hoping to provide an alley for the medic to get to the carrier.

A second explosion rocked the personnel carrier engulfing it in flames….

Sweat covering his body Charles Hargam jolted awake in his bed looking around half expecting to see the coarse sand covered dessert and mountain ranges of Afghanistan. Instead, he saw he was in his bedroom soft moon light illuminating his window curtains and of course his beautiful wife Nela.

The nightmare again, third this week shrapnel from the second explosion had severed his right foot surgeons were able to save most of the leg' however from the calf down was an artificial leg his Military career ended in that dessert along with the lives of 12 of his men.

Knowing sleep would not come again this night he carefully and quietly as to not wake Nela he got out of bed. His wife needed sleep she has not been feeling well the past week and did not want to wake her this early in the morning.

In the kitchen he made himself coffee ignoring the Keurig single serve and opting for a full pot, early start meant a lot of coffee. While the coffee brewed, he thought about his day the newest book was only a

closing away from completion and his agent was not so patiently waiting for the digital copy to be delivered.

A smile touched his face newest book he was still having trouble believing he was completing his fourth published book; writing was originally supposed to be his way of helping cope with his PTSD.

It was Nela that made him a published writer one day while he was at his therapy session, she took a completed story from his computer and emailed a literary agent the first chapter less than two hours later the agent called her requesting the full story and a meeting with her and Charles. A week later the agent flew in from Detroit and met them at their home in Colorado.

The meeting was not a feeling out the agent showed up with a briefcase and bottle of champaign presented the couple with a three-book contract and a letter of intent to print from a reputable printing house in New York fifteen minutes and a signature later the agent handed Nela a check for fifty thousand dollars an advance for the book.

Pouring his first cup of coffee Charles thinks back to the day the agent sent him the pre publish reviews of the book most were generally positive not swooning Oh My God reviews like Stephen King gets or Even Rachelle Mead but good then some were not so the one that stands out the most was from a new York times critic who said "the story is an M-16 barrage of spraying bullets that never hits a target" taking a cheap shot at his military experience.

Thinking back if not for his wife he probably never would have allowed the book to go to print after the harsh negative he told Nela to call the agent return the money and opt out of the contract.

His wife a Native American from the Chicora kingdom slapped him in the face a look of pain and disdain on her face "How can my husband winner of a bronze star two medals for valor and a purple heart let one man one little man he's never met force him to fall back." Drill Sergeant Nela had returned Charles knew the tactic she often used it after his

therapist told her it could help with the transition to civilian life and help with his PTSD "You have faced down hundreds of insurgents logged more combat hours, then not in the past three years you fought threw rehab attacking countless hours of physical therapy. You fight your PTSD with the ferocity of the soldier you are. You started and restarted that book probably a dozen times its good and by god you've never retreated or quit anything in our lives and I for one am not letting you start now." A second slap to force her words to sink in.

"I love you Nela"

"Not yet you haven't" taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom

Three weeks later his book landed at number 40 on the New York times list never really going any higher but in the top fifty.


Pouring his second cup he heads to the den turning on the light and heading to his desk looking around the cluttered walls and desk at his wolf collection statues pictures dream catchers even his lock screen and home screen on the computer was dedicated to this beautiful majestic misunderstood animal. So naturally his books were about them in a sense.

Four books four tales of a platoon no better yet a pack of wolves since he was married to a native American, he wrote about not werewolves per say but the Indian lore about Skin-walkers he was never sure if her heritage had that belief but felt it would be ok if it did not.

Opening the file containing book four Charles moved the cursor to the last saved line and began typing as usual the words just started to flow using memories from his service and even some specific battle memories helped him get out all the hurt and anguish, he had been suffering with the past five years since the ambush in Afghanistan the Ambush the Skin-walkers were about to endure. After four books they had decided it was time to retire the wolves and end his pain he was going to

face his demons he was going back to Afghanistan back to the mountains back to the beginning.

The explosion rocked the countryside the personnel carrier containing His kind was blown to hell by an improvised explosive device silver Shrapnel puncturing the bodies of his squad they died in their human Form.

A piece of silver had punctured his left leg at the thigh burning He could feel the silver start working through his blood. His last thought as he fell to his knees dying was that he had given his All to his people and his kind and then the people he had protected from the shadows turned on them when they were exposed. A single tear fell from his moist eyes' a tear of the wolf. He died in his human form.

Hitting Save he pushed back from the desk done the sun was coming up and filled their office with soft yellow light leaning back in his chair and staring at the ceiling. Finished finally his thoughts changed was he finished with the book or was he finished writing them he had built them a comfortable life and had enough money to last them a lifetime and now he wondered was it time to put the past behind them and start a family.

Well, he thought that will require another cup of coffee to figure out. Stepping from their office and heading to the kitchen he was surprised to see Nela standing at the counter drinking coffee

"When did you get up?"

"Early didn't want to wake you."


"Yes, but I finished the book."

A smile touched her face "so are you done?"

"I just decided I will write again but at my desire and on my terms." "Need to make time for our family."

"What? "Oh, Charles really you're really ready to have a baby?""

"Yes, as a matter of fact I think we need to start right now."

Sweeping her into his arms she giggled and kissed his cheek as he kicked open the door to the bedroom and placed her lovingly on the bed.


Sitting in their office Charles had just hung up the phone after calling his agent to tell him he had sent the digital copy of the new book.

Now it was time to decide where they were going to go on vacation, he was pulling up Google on his computer when he heard the glass break in the kitchen and a load moan come from Nela he jumped away from his desk not even realizing he slammed his leg into the corner and hurried to the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen on a quick walk Charles spots Nela she is supporting herself on the island counter looking like she is half kneeling on the floor.

"My love what happened?"

"Just got a little lightheaded and my legs gave out a little." Her tone was labored, and he could see she was struggling to hold herself in that position.

Moving quickly (and silently thanking his therapist) he got around the island and grabbed Nela under her arms and lifted her up to a standing position never letting go of her he stood there while she attempted to regain her footing and balance. Once he was sure she could stand on her own he relaxed his grip but did not let go.

"I think I'm okay you can let go now"

"What and deny me the opportunity to touch your voluptuous breast" The last thing he was thinking about was her breast, but he was attempting to bring a little light heartedness to this situation.

"Well, my breast is fine, but I would really like to sit down."

Without letting go of her Charles moves to the opposite side of the island and grabs a chair pulling it to Nela and lifting her up into it.

"I am capable of sitting down all by my lonesome dear gallant knight"

"But alas fair maiden I would be remised if I did not assist thee into a comfortable position." A smile danced on his face and then disappeared not even this little game could quash the pain that had rooted itself in the pit of his stomach.

Several tense minutes passed for Charles as he watched his beautiful wife seemingly fight her way back to what she would call a normal state when he was sure she was no longer feeling any form of unbalance he moved to the counter opposite the island and grabbed a glass ignoring the water dispenser on the fridge he went for the closer sink to get her a glass of water looking out the window above the sink at the rocky mountains he was again standing in Afghanistan the view of the mountains was obscured by thick black smoke and there was a think smell of fuel, oil, and charred human skin.

Closing his eyes and physically shaking himself back to the present (an act that his wife did not miss) he looked down and the water was spilling out of the cup he reached up turned off the water and dried the glass with a dish towel.

Back at Nela he placed the glass on the counter and told her to "Drink".


Several hours later they were sitting on the patio in the rear of their home it was a gorgeous early spring day and warm Charles had

removed his prosthetic and was vigorously massaging the stump all the excitement of the morning had made his leg hurt a little.

"Is it bad?"

"No just tender in all the excitement I forgot I was whole"

A look of pain touched Nela's face as she leaned across the small circular table and took his hand "You are whole you are more than that appliance you wear it is just a thing used by the best man I know that allows him to be that person."

Lifting her hand to his mouth he kissed it lovingly "I love you so much I don't what I would do if I ever lost you."

"That dear sir is something you will never have to find out because I am going to outlive you." smiling she added "Don't you know woman have a longer life expectancy then men"

"Oh yes it's because every man knows a good woman will always be the death of them."

A playful punch to the shoulder and a laugh Nela stands up and takes off her top revealing a new bikini top he never seen before.

"That's new."

"Yep, I bought it to celebrate the completion of the new book, and now the hot tub awaits."

The smile on her face changed to a grimace as she began to cough at first Charles thought she got excited and lost her breathe a little until the cough seemed to get violent and she was doubled over holding her stomach.

Quickly her head started to bob up and down with every cough it was a violent action that froze Charles in his seat he was helpless watching this horror that was unfolding in front of him. Soon the coughing was accompanied by spittle of blood not like a cut that is cherry red this was a crimson dark blood that flew from her lips and poured down her chin with every retched cough.

Finally Charles was able to loosen the grip of fear holding him in place und he jumped to his feet all but forgetting his prosthetic was laying on the patio next to his chair without the additional foot to balance him he fell forward landing hard on his shoulder just a mere feet from where his wife was and he had to watch helplessly as her eyes rolled up into her head and she fell to ground like a sack of rocks no life in her body what so ever.

Clawing at the flagstone patio and pushing with his good leg Charles moved at a slow crawl trying to close the distance between him and his wife forgetting that his cell phone and 911 was within reach all he cared about was getting to his wife when reached her and tried to grab at her hand his sweat slicked hands could not grip hers and her hand just slipped through his he moved closer and was able to pull himself into a seated position using the legs of the patios pergola for support his back he grabbed his wife's lifeless body and pulled her head into his lap and screamed over and over again while the tears ran down his face.


The Hargam's mail lady was placing their mail in the box next to the front door when she heard Charles scream being a Veteran herself she had had several conversations with the couple mostly with mister Hargam and knew of his disability so she dropped her mail bag and ran towards the rear of the house she was slowed only briefly by the wooden privacy gate that she was able to kick several times and snap the clasp holding it shut (knowing if this wasn't an emergency she would probably have to replace it and be fired)

Turning the corner of the house the scene was not what she expected to find her first thought was Charles had fell and hurt himself this scene, however, was awful there was a lot of blood and Charles was sitting on the ground (without his false leg) holding what appeared to be an unconscious Nela in his lap.

Susan Witherspoon was a retired Army First Sergeant and a veteran Medic of three tours, and the scene she ran into sparked all that

experience back into action she moved quick assessing the situation Nela was covered in blood from the chin to her chest and there was blood spatter all around she must have been bleeding from the mouth she need to check her airway.

Kneeling next to the couple she tried to move Nela so she could administer any aide she could, however, Charles would not let her go

"Charles, she needs help let me help her"

He would not release his grip he just continued to hold her head in his lap and cry

"Please Charles let go so I can help her" panic in her voice she had seen this before on the battlefield shock was paralyzing him

"Sergeant" "Sergeant snap to soldier I need your help"" her voice was rough and full of years of military experience

"Susan, first sergeant Witherspoon help"

"Tell me what happened and loosen your grip I need to move her to the ground so I can help her"

"She was teasing me with her new top and started to cough then she started to cough blood I tried to reach her, but I couldn't just like my men I couldn't reach her." Crying even harder he loosened his grip and allowed Susan to move his wife.

"It's not your fault Sergeant take my cell and call for an ambulance do it now."

Susan worked quick assessing the situation quickly realizing there was something blocking the air way.

"I need a straw a pen any type of tubing does you have anything like that?"

Hanging up with 911 Charles looked at Susan she could see the pain and confusion in his eyes "please Charles stay with me do you have anything like that around?"

Susan watched as he physically tried to shake himself back to the present

"Umm…. Um…. Yeah, kitchen top drawer next the fridge a box of straws."

Quickly Susan was up and running to the kitchen where she grabbed a knife and the box of straws and quickly returned to Nela it was not the greatest of conditions to perform a tracheostomy but beat the hell out of the alternative.

It seemed like mere minutes and the paramedics where there Susan gave them a report and moved aside so they could do their job, turning her attention to Charles

Susan grabbed his prosthetic and help him put it on the assisted him to his feet and stood at his side while he answered questions from both the police and the paramedics who were loading his wife on a gurney after they were able to replace the makeshift trach with a proper one. And get her a little more stable with time being of the essence they informed Charles they need to transport in an airbus.

The quiet of their world was soon filled with sound of the incoming helicopter Charles looked to the sky as the swoop, swoop, swoop, of the propellers drew nearer

Looking up Sergeant Hargam spies the helicopter moving in on his location quickly the airships sides light up as door gunners on both sides unleash hellfire on the insurgents with the aircrafts chain guns the mountain side is turned into a pink haze as blood and dust mix from the area where the ambush had been set.

Another helicopter arrived as the first was laying waste to the mountain side this one landed near Hargam and soon several soldiers were laying out a perimeter as several medics disembarked the aircraft

As one of the medics reached him Hargam cried out "My men first"

"There is nothing we can do for them Sergeant."

Grabbing the medic by his blouse Hargam shouted in his face "You will save my men now PFC or I will beat your ass back to the FOB"

"Please Sergeant they are being taken care of the only way possible Specialist Woods is still alive and being attended to as we speak, now let me help you"

Hargam leaned his head back against the boulder supporting his weight one of his men had made it he thought right before losing consciousness.

"Mr. Hargam, you need to move to allow the paramedics to do their job" The police officer placed his hand and Charles shoulder shaking him

With the speed of a trained professional, he turned quickly grabbing the officer by the throat and reaching for a knife on his hip that was luckily not there.

Susan recognized the action and quickly reacted "Charles!" she shouted "Sergeant Hargam release that man"" her tone was imposing, and the order resonated around the scene causing several other officers to turn in their direction.

Looking around seemingly confused where he was Charles quickly released his grip on the officer's throat and turned to Susan where he limply allowed her to lead him away from the incoming chopper and held him while he cried

After Nela was loaded and the chopper took off a USPS supervisor who was on the scene to assign another carrier to finish Susan's route handed her the keys to his vehicle and instructed her to escort Charles to the hospital and to stay with him as long as needed.

After assisting him into the car she moved to the driver's door as she reached for the door handle her hand was blocked it was the officer that Charles had assaulted

"Follow me and stay close."

The officer turned and mounted his Harley Davidson police motorcycle two other officers were already flanking him in their patrol cars when they left the scene, they were moving fast the two cars' lights flashing stopping traffic at all intersections while the motorcycle sped past leading Susan and Charles to the hospital Nela had been taken to.

Pulling into the Ambulance Bay at the hospital Susan jumped from the car and ran to Charles door to no avail he already had it open and was out of the car as he headed to the door that would give him access to the ER and information about his wife.

His progress was briefly impeded by the officer as he approached him, he held out his hand Charles took it squeezed it briefly and let go

"Mr., Hargam I hope and pray your wife is ok" and stepped aside to let him pass with moisture in his eyes he turned to Susan

"Ma'am please pass along there will be no consequences for his actions I would have done the same if it had been my wife."

Susan hugged the officer briefly "Thank You" and rushed inside to check on Charles.

In the ER Charles was met by an attending physician who informed him that his wife was taken from the medevac directly to surgery and offered him a private room to wait until they further information.


The room was cheerfully decorated Charles thought it was probably to ease the stress the occupants were under and thought to himself it did not help.

He paced and paced refusing any food and drink the staff and Susan tried getting for him he thought of nothing but his wife their seven years of marriage three years of which he was a full time soldier and deployed three times in the war on terror one year of hell as he fought to learn to walk and live again she was there to kick his ass across the VA when he told her wanted to die she was there to verbally beat his ass

when he refused to let the physical therapist touch him and then there was the time, he refused to stand at the parallel bars for his first attempt at using his new leg and foot

Sitting in his wheelchair he looked down at his feet, feet ha ha his foot his left foot had been replaced by a blade prosthetic he was told would help him exercise his other prosthetic a normal looking Nike shoe covered the device lay next to his chair they thought he was going to try using these monstrosities they were sadly mistaken.

"Ok now Sergeant were going to grab the bars and stand up now" the therapist was a petite native American like his wife well Nela was not petite she was five ten and athletic a college soccer player.

"We, we are you doing this also?" "Oh yeah hell no you're not you're already standing and walking this isn't we're it's a me and me don't want to do shit go to hell take me back to my room."

"Now sergeant you are scheduled for thirty minutes of PT, and I have to keep you here for that time"

"Then we will just sit here for thirty minutes then wont we?" as he grabbed the wheels of his chair and pushed himself backwards, but he did not move his chair was blocked.

A soft hand was placed on his shoulder, and he caught a whiff of lavender perfume a flutter of red hair brushed his cheek as a soft voice whispered in his ear

"Sergeant get your ass up to attention or I will kick it all the way down the hall to your wife. Do you understand me soldier?""

"With all due respect Ma'am my days as a sergeant, hell as any kind of a soldier, are over. So, you can kick my ass, or you can kiss my ass I don't care which just leave me the hell alone."

The speed and strength of the physical therapist behind him took him by surprise as she grabbed him under the arms and lifted him to his feet kicking the chair over

"Now sergeant you have nowhere to go this is me choosing to kick your ass."

"You fucking bitch give me my chair!"

"that's you fucking bitch Ma'am soldier"

"Go to hell MA'AM" rage spilled out of every syllable

The petite PT grabbed his chair and moved it to the end of the bars and stepped back the woman behind him whom he still had not seen waved to the other and she hurried from the room.

"Now sergeant you did this to yourself you are going to try and hopefully succeed at some resemblance of walking you have a medal to receive and a wife to get home to"

"A medal? Fuck the medal as soon as I receive it, it's a medical discharge a fuck you for your service and goodbye." His voice was hard he was pissed, and he was not going to let this mysterious woman push him around

"Also, Ma'am with all due respect how dare you drag my wife into this? The only way this involves my wife is the fact that she needs a man not a half man'"

"IS THAT HOW YOU TRULLY FEEL YOU SON OF A BITCH?" Nela's voice rang through the therapy room

Charles standing with a death grip on the parallel bars watches as his wife walks to the opposite end of the bars a look of pure fury on her face, he had never seen her like this, and he stared as she pulled her long silky black hair up into a ponytail and roughly pulled her sweater off, so she was standing there in her yoga pants and a tank top she looked terrifying and more beautiful than he remembered.

"Who do you think you are telling these people what I need" she takes several steps forward "what I need is my husband" a few more steps closer he can now smell her cherry blossom body spray and see the sweat glistening on her forehead

"You really think a missing foot does not change who you are? I sat and prayed every day during every deployment that I would get you back. You are not your god damn foot." More steps closer a look of pure anger on her face

You have been away from me long enough you can't come home to me until you at least try to walk you don't think I deserve you fine but, prove to me you at least want me still." The anger was replaced with pleading and tears trickled down her cheek

Charles just looked down staring at his feet or his foot he could not look at her he felt ashamed he did not want to hurt her, but he did not want this he wanted his old life back

"Nela, I love you more than life itself and I want to come home to you but I'm not the man I was I can't be the husband I was." He hoped his tone would portray the way he felt

Nela looked at her husband her scared damaged husband and felt a wave of Love she had not felt since the day he took her out on a yacht and asked her to marry him.

Looking at the Therapist she asked if the room was recording any audio or video and if they could close the blinds for absolute privacy the answer was no not recording, and the blinds were closed without an answer

Taking the last few steps to put her directly in front of her husband she lifts his head forcing him to look her in the eyes then slaps the shit out of him

The forehand and backhand slaps resonate through the room and an absolute look of fury on her face Nela grabs Charles by his top "you don't think I NEED half a man how about what I want Fuck; (Nela hates the F bomb) how about what I need. I need you NOW WALK YOU SON OF A BITCH."

"Nela, I can't I want you so bad, but I can't how can things be the same?"

"Ok you want me still I want you still you ask how things can be the same I say the missing ankle and foot don't mean shit and Ill prove it"

Taking three steps backward Nela pulls her tank top off and stands in her Bra "Come get it big boy!" she teases

Charles feels a sensation in the pit of his stomach and his groin he has not felt in months "Baby I can't"

Looking at him she looks down "Looks like he says you can come on baby I'm waiting for you" half teasing half anger

Charles again looks down at his feet the straitens up he grips the bars tight and tries moving his feet its slow but eventually he makes two steps and is within reach of his wife the smile of joy on her face lightens his feet but before he can take another step, she holds up her hand to stop him.

"Not so fast Soldier" she teases and takes four more steps backwards

"You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?"

"You're going to have to work a lot harder than that" as she slips out of her yoga pants revealing a thong that matches her bra "the reward will be worth it I promise" with a teasing smile

The steps are again laborious and slow, but he can make three not waiting to see if she tries to stop him again, he takes a fourth putting him in her arms her skin is warm and welcoming her breast firm and erect

Pealing his arms off her she miles "Oh Soldier I am not that easy you've still got work to do if want these" as she slips off her bra and moves away sitting in his wheelchair legs slightly parted "go back to the beginning and try on the other one but don't make me wait I'm getting cold"

His journey was a bit quicker the second attempt and soon he was with her again enjoying the way her body felt to his touch looking in her eyes he cried "I am so sorry Baby I just want to go home"

"Soon soldier boy soon" as tears slid down her cheek," Soon my love"

From the doorway his therapist called "we have to run and take of an emergency should be back in say twenty minutes to take him back to his room. "Oh yeah it's a soundproof room"" with a smile she left the room and locked the door behind her.


The scene fades from Charles memory and Susan calling his name brings him back to the waiting room and the painful reality that he is awaiting news on his wife

"Charles you been staring at that wall for almost half an hour"

"I was thinking about Nela something that seems like a lifetime ago at this point."

Quickly he turned away he did not trust himself to look at anyone for as long period of time he knew he would see looks of pity and he did not want to deal with that right now he felt enough sorrow for everyone and could not bear to see it on their faces.

Understanding what the quick turn and silence meant Susan sunk into a chair nearby and sat in silence watching Charles stand unmoving as the minutes passed into hours and finally a knock on the door

The surgeon a seasoned looking gentleman stepped into the room

"Mr. Hargam"


"Surgery went well as good as we could have hoped we had to remove a larger section of your wife's small and large intestines."

"What why" confusion wrang in both words

"To be honest at this time were not sure something caused her tissue to deteriorate the coughing and blood was caused by that in fact it

was part of this tissue that caused her to not be able to breathe it got lodged in her esophagus blocking her breathing."

"How is that even possible? What could Possibly cause it?"

"Again Mr. Hargam we are not sure it is unprecedented I have never seen it my 30 years of surgery."

"When can I be with her?"

Susan was heartbroken hearing the pleading in his voice they were not exactly friends, but they were close as close as they could be considering she was his mail carrier No one should have to go through this she thought

"Mr. Hargam when able we will be moving her to ICU there, she will have limited visiting hours you will probably only be allowed to see a few hours a day you will be required to wear a mask and gown and foot coverings with zero physical contact it is important that for the time being she is protected from any possible cause of infection." The Doctor seemed tired it was obvious giving this kind of information repeatedly over the years had taken a toll on him

"I am sorry but that's all I can tell you at this time please excuse me" reaching for the door he turned back towards Susan "Take him home he needs rest there is nothing he can do up here tonight" and left the room

"I am going nowhere Susan please do me a favor in the closet outside the bathroom you'll find a duffle bag if you could please fill it with some clothes and toiletries I would be grateful." "The house is not locked keys are hanging next to the door if you could also get my phone off the patio and lock the house, I can set the alarm from my phone"

Charles I am not sure I am the right person to rummage through your house and personal belongings.

"You're the only one I've got right now I have no family Nela's family is back east and I am not ready to contact any friends and relive what happened just yet please I'm begging you"

I have got it I am not happy about it, but I will under one condition

Name it

Try to eat and get some rest she is going to need you strong for her

That is two conditions but deal he hugged her, and she could feel the tears running down his cheek

The drive back to his house was a solemn one for Susan the day had at some point given way to twilight which had become full blown night the clear mountain air was full of bright white moonlight on this cloudless night.

She pulled into the long drive past the gates and up to the circular drive she parked in front of the door and as expected the police had not locked the door. She crossed the house and stood at the patio doors the inconsiderate ass hole had left the doors open all day well she would close them when she finished. She found his cell phone on the table between the chairs she assumed was where they were sitting

Moving down the hall she found the duffle right where he said it would be went into the bathroom and grabbed the obvious male products from the shower and medicine cabinet moving quickly because she didn't feel comfortable doing this she entered the bedroom only needing to open one drawer to realize she picked the wrong dresser moving across the room to the other dresser she through socks and underwear into the bag trying not to think about it then moved to the rooms double closet to grab a few things so she could get the hell out of the house she was uncomfortable and the small hairs on her neck were standing on edge like they used to when she was in Iraq

A crashing noise from across the house got her moving again "fucking idiots left the doors open now someone is in the house" she was about to the study door when a low growl froze her in her place, she could hear slight tapping like paws on the hard wood floors without moving her body her eyes dart around the house pictures on the walls

would help her see reflections around corners most pictures were of Nela some they were together in the large picture of Nela in what appeared to be Hawaii she caught movement down the short hall it was a low moving figure she tried to move to her left to get a vantage point to see when it sprang

A large grey timber wolf had made its way into the house and was now standing in front of her its muzzle soaked with saliva and its large fangs bared by curled lips every hair on its body stood on end

After what seemed like hours the wolf sniffed the air looked at Susan and ran out the double patio doors stopping where all the blood was sniffing again, she would later swear though never telling a soul that the wolf gave a whimper before throwing its head back and howling loudly the most beautiful yet terrifying thing she has ever seen

Quickly she ran and closed the patio doors shutting out the wolf which was long gone and ran to the front door grabbed the keys and left after locking the door climbing into the car she left for the hospital trying to convince herself it was stress that that hadn't really happened until she stopped to turn and the night air was filled with howling there had to be dozens "what the fuck" she whispered to the night rolled up her window and didn't stop again until she reached the hospital.


Making her way to the fourth floor ICU Susan entered the private waiting room that after several attempts to convince Charles to go home the hospital agreed to allow him to use if he needed which he made clear to the staff would be until his wife went home.

She entered the room with all intentions of telling him what had happened at his house, but his tired emotionally drained face stopped her in her tracks instead she threw his bag in a chair and sat down

Change your clothes your covered in blood

Looking down at his clothes Charles sighed she was right he needs to change out of and burn these clothes

It was not until he attempted to remove his shirt that he was reminded that he too took a good fall today as he was unable to lift his arm above his chest

Susan noticed his struggle and got up out of her chair and gently helped him remove his shirt what she saw drained all her remaining strength his entire upper right arm and shoulder down into his chest was bruised and swollen "my god how did you not feel this"

"Adrenaline I suppose it's probably just dislocated"

I think we should go down to the ER and have it looked at."

"No ask a doctor to come in here I will not leave"

"Oh, Charles you're going to have too eventually"

"Eventually yes but not anytime soon. Please go see if a doctor will come"

Susan left and approached the nursing station and explained the situation with a roll of her eyes the nurse nodded her understanding and took a long deep breath and picked up the phone Susan understood everything even the unspoken this is going to be a long night.

When the knock came Charles moved to the door expecting to see a doctor instead, he was met by a radiology tech and portable x-ray machine they x-trayed his shoulder and left Susan returned a short time later with a bottle of water and turkey sandwich

"We had a deal the nursing staff said you haven't eaten so its chow time"

With a smile and laugh that felt foreign to his body he picked up the water and took a long drink not realizing how thirsty he had been

"Thank you I didn't know I needed that so badly"

"You are quite welcome now eat you probably need that just as bad"

The sandwich would have to wait as there was a knock on the door Susan opened it and let the doctor in

"Mr. Hargam?"

"Yes, that's me doctor"

"I have had a chance to view your x-rays and you have a displace shoulder it will need to be reset and since I have viewed the gingerly way your moving, I'm going to call physical therapy to reset your shoulder and you're going to let them look at your prosthetic and stump to make sure everything is ok there also."

Charles opened his mouth to argue but was quickly silenced "If you refuse or argue or harass this hospitals staff over this issue, I will have you removed by force if necessary. I understand your desire to try and control an uncontrollable situation but not helping yourself with not help you help your wife do you understand me?"

"Yes sir"

"Good" turning to leave the room he is stopped by Susan "Military?"

"No Ma'am navy brat dad was an admiral"

"That explains it thank you Doctor"

Time passed Charles ate his sandwich then asked for another and chips this time Susan brought him a soda and a water

Soon there was a knock on the door and the therapist walked in and asked Charles o to remove his shirt so he could look at his shoulder gently touching areas he asked him he had an issue with pain when he

shook his head no so the therapist quickly shoved on the front and back of his shoulder the pop as his shoulder reset itself was audible and Charles dropped to his knees

Panting hard "Thank you for not dragging it out"

"My pleasure now let's have a look at your leg"

Sitting in the chair he removed his prosthetic so the therapist could look it over

"Your pad is a little worn do you wear this often"

"Yes, almost all the time"

"Well as I'm sure you were told you need to take it off periodically to give your real leg a rest, I'll replace this pad let me see your leg"

Pulling the sock off his stump the therapist whistles

"OK it's a little irritated and raw looking I recommend no I'm telling you to stay off that leg for at least 8 hours so I will have a nurse bring you in something for pain and to help you sleep remember what the doctor told you besides sleep will do you good."


After the nurse left from administering his medication Susan asked if he would be alright if she left

"I will; and Thank you for everything you saved Nela's life today and for that I will always be in your debt."

"You are welcome get some sleep"

She slipped from the room and closed the door leaving Charles all alone the medication was doing its job and he could feel his body getting heavy He tried to fight forcing himself to think about Nela and when his life changed for the better.


Standing in line at the local Starbucks waiting to get a coffee Army specialist Hargam had only been home from his first deployment for a day as he stepped to the counter he asked for a large Coffee and was asked he wanted iced, or mocha or caramel did he want it whipped nonfat

"Just coffee"

He heard a giggle behind him and turned to face a slender athletically built woman with larger breast and long flowing black hair

"Did I say something amusing?"

"Not really but you don't come to a coffee house to get coffee you go to a restaurant everyone knows that these days. Geez where have you been in a foreign country?"

"As a matter of fact, yes I have nine months in Afghanistan fighting so you can have your iced caramel whipped nonfat latte"

The smile from her beautiful, tanned face faded "I am so sorry I didn't mean to offend you"

"Not offended I just want coffee"

"Excuse me sir let me get you that coffee my treat" The young man standing next to them at the counter then handed him a cup of coffee written on the cup was the word plain.

"Thank you but that won't be necessary."

"I insist I lost my brother in Afghanistan last month I will never buy him a cup of coffee again the least I can do to serve his memory is to buy one for a fellow soldier that was lucky enough to make it home."

"In that case I except on one condition." He turned to the young woman "You allow me to buy yours"

Suddenly the café was filled with shouting as every patron was yelling at him to allow them to pay for the young lady's drink and thanking him for his service. It was load and raucous soon he felt his hand squeezed and he was pulled from the store out onto the sidewalk soon the two were running up the street fleeing the well-wishers and laughing

They ran to Potomac Park and fell into benches laughing and trying to catch there breathe

"That was interesting"

"Yes, who knew there would be so many honest giving people in Washington DC"

This threw the young lady into another fit of giggles that she had to physically suppress she held out her hand "I'm Nela I'm a junior at Georgetown co-captain and center on the women's soccer team"

"Specialist Charles Hargam 3rd battalion Cavalry scouts United States Army in town for a medal ceremony at the capital"

"Ah! Wait the ceremony this week is for the highest honors of our nation's military"

Yes, Ma'am I am to receive a silver star with merit for bravery above and beyond and a purple heart"

"My god you were wounded. UM…. I mean um…. shit I'm sorry"

"No need to apologize unless of course you were the one to booby trapped all the buildings in Kunar Province"

"If I may ask, where were you wounded?"

"In Afghanistan"

She frowned

"No seriously the answer is not for a first date in a public place." A playful smile touched his face

"Well then I suggest we meet tomorrow at the Potomac dinner cruise you can take me to dinner then I will take you to a scenic river

lookout and if you're a really good soldier boy you can show me your scars."

With a giggle she jumped up kissed him on the cheek and ran out of the park. Watching her go he silently longed for her and swore under his breathe she would someday be his wife.

The following day he woke early stretching the sleep out of taunt muscles we walked to the bathroom staring into the mirror he pulls his boxers up around his groin and stared at the scar ÂĽ inch left and the shrapnel would have severed his femoral artery and he probably would have bled out in the dessert. Then again two inches to the right and he would never be able enjoy a woman again and truth be known probably would have bled out in the dessert.

Pushing the what ifs aside he stripped and stepped into the shower cold water doused his body after months of cold showers when a shower was available, he was still taking cold showers even when he was at home

He stepped from the shower and saw his dress uniform hanging from the closet the concierge had insisted on having it dry cleaned and pressed for him apparently it had been delivered while he was in the shower.

Dressing in his Blues he thinks he would much rather be wearing his ACU's, but today's dog and pony show required him to wear full military dress beret included

He ordered breakfast with coffee and again had to stress to the voice on the phone he just wanted plain coffee. "My god what's with these people he laughed as he hung up

After eating he got up put on his jacket and stared at the medals on his chest there were only five for the time being he could not remember what any of them were for all he knew was they had a specific order and placement on his uniform with a deep sigh he tucked

his beret in his belt pulled his jacket down tight and walked to the door and pulled it open

At his feet was a single flower a Lily he thought and two tickets for the four o'clock dinner cruise reaching down and picking them up "so much for me taking you to dinner" he smiled and tucked the tickets into his jacket and place the flower on his bed then left the room the front desk had already called twice about the limo waiting.

Once at the capitol building, he was ushered into a meeting hall setup just inside the doors he looked around at maybe two dozen fellow service men from all the branches standing around some talking with others most looked like he felt, out of place

He made his way to a table with pastries and oh yes finally plain old coffee a soldiers life juice.

After what seemed to be hours, they were called out into the hall lined up by rank and medal honor they proceeded to the ceremony.

Each recipient was asked how many tickets they would need with no family to speak of he declined the tickets but was informed there was a three-ticket minimum he excepted them knowing he would not use any of them, so he was surprised when he looked out and saw one of the three seats marked with his name was taken by a beautiful woman with long black hair he smiled at her as she did a polite barely noticeable wave.

The ceremony seemed to drag on for hours as congressman and senators from the soldier's home states gave speeches shook their hands and did not waste a photo op.

There was a small mixer that took place after the ceremony Nela wasted no time finding him and hanging on his arm She was having the time of her life introducing herself as his girlfriend and playing the role perfectly.

They had slipped away from the crowd, and he asked her what she was doing? "Well, I may not be your girlfriend, but we do have a date

tonight, so I figured if you were going to rub elbows with big shots you would at least need a beautiful girl on your arm. And I am not in the mood to share today" her smile was big and bright reminding him of how he felt as he watched her jog away the day before.

"Well then miss Nela I also do not wish to share so if after dinner I have not chased you away, I will ask you a simple three word question your answer will determine everything that follows."

A look of confusion crossed her face" I do not understand what you're getting at and now I am a bit worried I may have miss stepped today enjoy the cruise maybe we will run into each other again" She turned to walk away, and Charles grabbed her arm and gently pulled her to him and without hesitation kissed her deep and hard putting an entire world of white hot passion in that one single kiss.

Breaking the kiss Charles braced for the slap that never came instead he found himself supporting her weight as her legs wobbled

"The question is "YES, or NO?"" after dinner you can give me your answer a no and I will leave town tomorrow and you will never see me again a yes and I will be yours till you kick me out of your life.

An evil smiled spread across her face "Don't make a promise you can keep"

An hour later they decided to leave and walk to the dinner boat a walk that would take them past his hotel where he wanted to stop briefly so he could change and drop off his medals

As they walked, they talked holding hands telling each other their dreams and desires wants and dislikes the conversation was effortless they laughed to the point they could cry when they reached the hotel, they went up to his room he tried to excuse himself to go change and she stepped in front of him blocking his progress she kicked the door closed looked him in the eyes "The answer is yes"

He cupped her face and kissed her this time tender loving and soft pulling away she looks at him "now that's not what I expected where's

the passion from before don't get soft on me soldier" he kissed her again this time it was deep passionate and pushed them to the bed where he stripped off his jacket and shirt exposing his ripped muscles and combat scars

"Ugh oh my" the groan took her by surprise as she reached up and touched his chiseled chest and pulling him down to her

The dinner tickets long forgotten.

The sun was coming in through a small window in the waiting room as Charles awoke half expecting to see Nela lying next to him as she was that following morning but no, he was in the hospital in the small private waiting room hoping today would bring him news of his wife.

News did not come that day and set him on a long road of repetition after breakfast he was allowed an hour in her room as she lay in the bed in a coma he would then return to his little room and read some days Susan would come up and keep him company he would tell her about his day and cry on her shoulder in the evening he would get another hour to sit in her room before returning to his little room for dinner and a restless night filled with drams of Nela

This was his life for three months he never left Susan would launder his clothes his agent came to see him for final approval on the books cover art and to tell him they were moving up his release date. All of which he listened to then let go his brain could only register Nela

"Doctor Andrews to ICU Doctor Andrews to ICU"

The PA system call shook Charles from one of his walks down memory lane DR Andrews was Nela's DR before he could reach the door Sharon an RN who worked with Nela, and he had grown close to meet him at the door

"Charles slow down it is Nela she's awake you can't go rushing in there she has been in a coma for months you have to let the Doctors do their job as soon as there is anything to tell you will hear it from me. Now please sit-down call Susan and let her know I will be back."

Words were lost he hugged Sharon tightly "Thank you Thank god" not trusting his legs he sat down and grabbed his phone calling Susan

"Charles is everything ok?" panic in her voice

"SU…SAN IT'S…. Ne…la" tears chocking his words SH…. E is…. Awake" he could get no more out.

"I am on my way take a deep breath and stay seated don't try to get up your legs may not support you." Hanging up while running to her car she sped off to the hospital flying through intersections ignoring stop signs and traffic lights the only lights she could not ignore were the red and blue flashing lights in her mirror

The officer that approached her car was the same one that gave them the escort to the hospital so many months ago where is the fire Susan "Nela's AWAKE" came out a scream

"Well, here we go again then follow me" a smile on his face

Arriving at the hospital She jumped from her car briefly hugged the officers and ran to the fourth floor not waiting on an elevator and burst into Charles little waiting room where he jumped into her Arms and hugged her hard after three months Susan Witherspoon was no longer a friend, she was family the sister he never had, and he was so thankful for her.

Minutes passed turning to an hour then two hours finally a knock came to the door Charles jumped from his seat as Sharon entered

"Everything is ok! The Doctors say you can go see her remember she's tired the exam took a lot out of her don't press and try not to stress her out."

"Thank you, Sharon." Charles voice nearly broke

A soon stood to join him she was stopped "Please Susan only Charles at this time I hope you understand? You will be able to see her soon" Sharon voice was gentle yet firm

"It's ok Charles I'll wait for you here go see your wife" a tear ran down her cheek and she brushed it away

Still having to wear protective coverings he entered her room all the machines were still in use, but the breathing tube had been removed as he approached her bed her eyes moved in his direction and a smile lit up her face she slowly lifted her hand and reached for his he could tell it was taking a lot out of her so he hurried to her side and took her hand and lifted it to his cheek.

Three months of hell spilled from him he knelt ignoring the bedside chair placed his head gently on her breast and let loose a flood of tears after all the hell he had gone through he would have sworn he had no more tears left

Letting go of his hand she slowly lifted her hand to place it on his head rubbing slowly "Hey now soldier you dry that up"

'Yes Ma'am" tears continuing to roll down his cheeks

He stayed that way for as long as he could knowing eventually the weight of his body would become too much for her to bear.

After some time, he lifted his head and stared into her eyes he could tell she was tired yet fighting to stay awake

"Sleep baby I'm not going anywhere"

Without a word she closed her eyes and fell asleep Charles never letting go of her hand just sat there in the silence for a long time he never wanted to leave her side now that she was awake.

There was much he needed to do also now that she was awake top of that list was their home it needed to ready to receive her, he would need to make changes feeling positive she would need to have further care for at least the time being when she returned home.

A sigh deep from inside him escaped he knew this time would come and now that it was at hand, he did not want it he didn't want to leave no matter the reason he knew he had to go to the house and

prepare he knew that now that she was awake it was a positive move, but she was awake she was not just physically here for him to see he could talk to her touch her tell her he loved her, and she could respond

Slowly he raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it "I will be back soon my love I need to be sure the house is the way you like it."

Kissing her hand again he puts it back on the bed he tries to release his grip and his fingers can't move he tries again this time damn near willing his fingers to move and they do slowly straiten until they no longer hold her hand another sigh escapes him as he stands up bends over her and kisses her forehead "You'll never know I wasn't here. "I'll see you soon.""

Walking from the room he stops at the nursing station to speak with Sharon

"I will be leaving I have to go home and set things in motion for her to come home. I will have my cell call me with any changes or if she wakes up, please."

"It is good you're going home for a bit but Charles she will be here for some time still she has to through therapy and build her strength I just want you to be prepared for that."

A deep sigh again escapes him as he looks down "I am aware that at first the wife I once had will not be the same one that comes home, but she will be coming home I need to have it ready I am sure she will need extras and I know that will take time to put in motion."

Walking away from the nurses fifteen minutes later he headed for the waiting room when he entered Susan was not there a sad expression hit his face as he gathered his things and placed them in his duffle once he had gathered all his things, he headed out the door walking to the elevator and pushed the down button once he got to the lobby, he would call an uber to get him home.

In the main hospital entrance, he walked to the doors reaching for his cell he spies Susan sitting outside in the sunshine

"I thought you had left; I was just getting ready to call an uber."

"Nope just wanted to get some air I would never have left you to take an uber. Where are we going?"

"Home I need to be going over somethings so I can start getting ready Nela's homecoming."

A brief look of concern flashed on Susan's face she hoped Charles had not seen it and if he did, he did not say anything

Crossing the hospital campus to her car Susan's thoughts were on the last time she had been to the house, with the wolf and all the odd howling. She could not even admit to herself that she had absolutely no desire to go back there, and it would take all her strength to do so now.

The drive back in the late summer sun was relaxing although she could tell Charles was not relaxed his body was tense and rigid as he sat in the passenger seat staring out the window

At the houses gate Susan pulled up to the gate and pushed in her USPS code to open the gate and drove up to the houses circular drive,

"Park by the garage please"

"Got it"

Pulling the car up to the garage doors Susan shut off the engine and turned to Charles He was staring at the gate his expression seemed to be a combination of fear and anxiety.

"Are you really ready to do this?"

"Not at all!" his voice seemed weak "I, however, must if I want her to come home there is going to be some things that need attending to first."

A smile touched his face for the first time since they had left the hospital and he turn to Susan "It appears that fixing my gate is going to be one of those things that needs attending to."

"Sorry about that I'll pay for the repairs if you want."

"I wouldn't dream of it"

Charles climbed out of the car and walked to the side entry door of the garage punched a code into the alarm system there was audible click as the doors locks disengaged and he let himself into the garage.

Looking around the garage not even sure what he is looking for he sees their cars Nela's SUV his sedan the truck the sports car and the motorcycle all accounted for quickly he lets his mind think if not for the books they would not have close to half of this. Then he sees it tucked back in the corner is the box that contains several items they used over the years with his injury's items like a bell a baby monitor a break down cane and a walker.

Taking mental note of its location he turns to leave and trips over a small box on the floor he didn't see when he came in picking it up he sees Nela's fine and tiny handwriting our trip to Hilton head where did this come from he thought knowing he would have seen it the first time past this spot shrugging it off he places the box back on the shelf were it should have been and headed to the door.

He never saw the fresh-looking paw prints in the dust on the floor

Once outside he signals Susan to join him as he heads for the front door.

The thought of getting out of the car makes Susan shudder she is not even sure why what happened that night has left her in this state she is terrified unable to move her hand to open the door sweat covers her body and her skin crawls at the thought of walking in that house again

Tap… tap… tap… the tapping on the driver's side window makes her jump the seat belt tightening painfully on her shoulder.

"Wow what the hell your jumpy"

"Sorry I was in la... la. land"

"You haven't been yourself since we left the hospital are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine I just remembered I left the sauna running at home I was about to get in when you called this morning."

"I should probably run to the house and turn it off and put the cover on should only take me about forty-five minutes I'll come in when I get back.

"If you finish what you need to do before I get back call me so I can hurry and get you back to the hospital."

"Oh! ok yeah…." A little confused by the abrupt need to depart Charles tells her to "Drive safe!" and waves her off down the driveway.

As he approached the door, he sees that something had flattened the grass on both side of the walk-in front of the front stoop he knows they never had anything large enough or heavy enough in those spots that could have done that

"What the hell!"

At the door he uses his phones app to disarm the alarm and unlock the front door and steps into the house.

The smell of dust and none use assaults his sense of smell and he quickly moves to open windows and shades letting much needed sun light and fresh air into the house

He moves to the patio doors bracing himself to see the blood from the horrifying day however, when he reaches the doors the blood stain is not nearly as bad as he thought it would be in fact it looks as if maybe Susan had tried to clean it up for him.

A closer look at the stain would have shown that the attempt to clean it was made with about three-inch-wide long swipes in a random pattern more like the blood was licked at not cleaned

He walks out onto the patio forcing himself not to look at the blood stain he would in fact being calling someone before he leaves to come and bleach and power wash and if needed stain the concrete.

He spots Nela's cell phone on the little table and retrieves it when he got to the office he would put it on her wireless charger it was faster than plugging it in and he would be able to take her phone to her so she could use it to get a hold of him when he had to leave to deal with preparations for her return home that is when the hospital staff would allow her to have it.

Walking to the kitchen to get a drink of water he slips slightly on something on the floor reaching down he picks up a magnet that should be on the door of the fridge

The magnet is a Clemson University Magnet that was given to Nela when they were trying to recruit her to come to the university and join the coaching staff of their women's soccer team

"What the hell is going on here?" he thinks as he sets the magnet down on the counter

"SUSAN" not meaning to yell her name "She must have knocked it off in her haste to get the straws when she was saving Nela's life."

If he had taken the time to look at the fridge door, he would have seen a clean area the size of the magnet surrounded by dust.

Walking down the hall he enters the master bedroom and moves to the closet grabbing clothes to change into and tossing the clothes from his duffel into the hamper one of his first things he will do is call a cleaning service to clean the house and get the three months of stale out of it.

Turning to leave the room for their office he sees the bed the last time he was in that bed he was making love to Nela though he quite sure the bed had been made and was tidy after they finished but now the middle of their comforter was for lack of a better word a nest almost like someone or something had been on the bed adjusting the comforter to fit around them.

A nervous laugh escapes him that is ridiculous what am I thinking the only person who has been in this house is Susan and he was quite sure she would not have been playing on his bed.

Walking down the hall to the office the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end and his skin prickles he is used to this feeling it had served him well when he was Afghanistan he slowed his pace when he reached the hall closet he opened the door reached up on the shelf and pulled down the small safe pacing his thumb on the biometrics reader he opens the box and pull out the .40 caliber pistol he kept inside.

Moving to the office door he reaches out and slowly turns the knob and quietly opens the door giving him a full clear view of the entire room

Nothing and no one he chuckles and places the gun on the table left of the door and walks to his desk stopping once to look around the room unlike the rest of the house did not seem stuffy or for that matter as dusty it looked as if someone had attempted to dust although what they used was a mystery in itself many fine hair like lines surrounded the cleaned areas on the table in the center of the room and both his and Nela's desks.

Sitting at his desk he opens the center drawer and pulls out his little phone book unlike Nela who had every number in her phone he did not numbers for all their service providers he kept in this book.

He called there cleaning service, (he had to wait for a scheduling call back) there landscaping company, The pool cleaner, and he remembered a service number the police had given him it was a company that specialized in what was called crime scene cleanup he called them to schedule the cleanup of the blood on the patio.

After replacing the phone on the receiver on the desk he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes he was tired emotionally drained he was ready to return to the hospital so he could lay his head on the side of Nela's bed and fall asleep next to his wife something he has spent three months longing to do.

The house was quiet he soon was irritated he was having to wait so long for the cleaning service to return his call with the scheduled day they would be out to the house