"Chad! Chad!! Wake Up!!"
Chad slowly regains his consciousness when he feels a hand placed on his back. He recognized the voice but instead of relief, he felt shocked for no reason, but that feeling slowly faded away as he got sober.
"What happened?" He asked.
"You passed out! They almost killed you, but don't worry, Mister Neil took care of them."
When he looked around, he saw Neil standing alone in the middle of the room, surrounded by 3 men in black suits lying on the ground.
His hands are coated with a viscous red fluid, his shirt has dark red paint splattered across it.
Chad knows that those red liquids are blood, and he sits in shock when he witnesses his teacher being covered in human blood. Even though he has seen blood before, but never out of a dead body.
He looks into Neil, his eyes aren't normal, they resemble the eyes of a cobra trying to devour its prey, in a moment he doesn't feel like the typical kind Neil his students have seen, but someone who has been familiar with taking a human's life.
However, when Neil saw Chad was still fine, his eyes returned to normal and showed a feeling of worry.
"Are you OK?"
Chad shakes his head, washing away all of his thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Good, where are the others?"
People were racing outdoors in fear, each heading in a different direction, but they were all looking for a safe place to go or trying to return to their homes.
Some students fled with the crowds, but most stayed with Neil because they felt they could be safe with him.
"OK, so I need everyone to stay calm."
Despite what he said, the students appeared to be anxious. Of course, having leaking blood corpses around him couldn't make anyone feel comfortable.
"Selena! Can you lead everyone to that truck?"
He order Selena to gather all of the students to the truck that the terrorists left when they arrived, he had intended to ask Chad to do it instead, but he appears to be in need of rest.
Even Brent and Saiko, the most stubborn members of the group, follow his orders. Not sure why?
"Yes, Mister Neil!" she replied.
"You guys go ahead, I have to do something first."
Neil walks to the bodies of the three terrorists, but as he does so, he sees Mike running down the stairs toward him with the AK. He looks delighted.
"Hey, man. That was fucking impressive, you defeated all of them! Where did you learn to do that?"
"Nothing. Just some old experiences, by the way, I need you to protect my students til I come, can you do that?"
"Sure, you're the boss."
Mike smiled as if he had put his trust in him after witnessing Neil's outstanding performance.
"How did all these dudes come here?" 'How' means that how are these terrorists were able to bring such dangerous weapons in daylight without being arrested by the police.
But even with so much suspicion, there's no clue for answers.
Neil searches the body of one of the terrorists for anything useful; thus far, he's discovered a metal armband, a grenade, a walkie-talkie, and another handgun.
He takes them all; he takes only a pistol, but he takes every magazine he could find.
While looting, he heard footsteps from behind, it was an old woman running with her handbag, and the sound was her heels scratching on the floor, but it wasn't the only sound he heard.
Something else is going on; it sounds like something, or someone is crawling.
He looks around and sees the body in the middle is moving, the terrorist's leader is still alive, he moves his hand into his chest pocket and pulls out a curved device in the shape of a rounded bell, he attaches it to the floor by smashing it.
He crawled closer to the device and pressed the button on the top, the rounded bell-shaped device had multiple small holes that emits blue light, but as he touched it, it began switching simultaneously between red and blue.
With each second passing by, the device started to tick faster the sound of the ticking became louder, the leader turns to stare at Neil and grins sinisterly at him with a bloody mouth.
"Oh no."
Neil immediately recognizes the imminent threat that the device brings based on his experiences. He began to rush towards the old lady, who was still running with the annoying heels as she ran to the main gate.
Neil leaps and hugs the old lady, the device detonates and explodes, the shockwave from the explosion blows them off the ground outside the main gate, and the fire starts to burst from inside into a giant orange cloud in milliseconds.
Reflexively, he raises his arm up to cover his face despite the fact that the explosion would burn him to dust.
Suddenly, the metal armband activated, creating a curved blue barrier between him, the old lady, and the fire.
Neil saw a peek of a blue hexagonal field in front of him, shielding him and the lady from the blast in a fraction of a second, it happens so fast that no one but Neil can see it.
The shield deactivated as soon as it activated, and even though they were protected from the explosion, the blast's force blew them away.
So far that they hit the stairs outside the main gate, Neil used his body to absorb all the force of the impact for the lady, and they inertially rolled until they smashed their face into the last step of the staircase.
"Aww! My back!!"
His back wasn't badly injured, but the collision caused him to develop some spine issues that will need a trip to the doctor. The lady rises to her feet, thanks him for saving her, and then flees without any worry about Neil's injury.
"Oh My God! What happened?!" Mike runs towards Neil after seeing them crash down the stairs. Neil appeared to be in a lot of pain and was having a hard time getting up, so he decided to give him a hand.
"Oh, man...It hurts! Those guys, they tried to kill me...with their lives."
"I think you should see the doctor."
"Yeah, I should! Are there enough?"
There are about 9 students, they are all standing next to the military pickup truck that the terrorists left. Neil counts the numbers, so seven students ran away.
"What are we supposed to do with this, we don't have the keys!" Chad, who is laying his shoulder on Roy to support him standing, said.
"Don't worry." Neil reached into his chest pocket and pulled out a key, then climbed into the truck in the driver's seat.
"OK, get on the truck everyone, I'll get you to your houses, the trip is canceled, sorry."
"Can I come with you?" Mike asked.
"Didn't you go with someone else?" Neil reply.
"Nah man, I lived alone, just got the free ticket from my colleagues so..."
"Fine. Get on!"
"I'll take the front seat then."
Neil isn't sure if what he said is true or not, but he knows that Mike is a scaredy cat, so he can't be too concerned.
The students climb on the pickup box of the truck while Mike sits in the front with Neil.
He initiated the engine and started driving the truck away from the chaotic area. Driving for only a few distances, he heard a knocking from the glass window behind him.
"Mister Neil, what is that?" Selena's voice occurs.
Neil turns around and takes a look in the direction that Selena had indicated.
That thing is flying closer to their vehicle, the propellers making a loud noise that even anyone within half a mile could hear, and the "thing" is opening the containers on both of its sides and pulling out 2 big machines with double holes on each aiming at them.
As that thing gets closer, Neil is getting more frightened than ever; that thing... is a killer drone with machine guns.