Chereads / Dog Vs Chicken Nuggets / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Naruto began to wake up to a wonderful smell. He got up and walked to his kitchen and saw Hinata cooking wearing only an apron. "Damn that is sexy." he said walking up behind her and grabbed one of her ass cheeks.

"Eep! Naruto-sama, you surprised me.", she squeaked while she began to blush. "D-Do you like what you see?"

"Oh, yes. I think I am going to make this your uniform."

Her blush deepened and she replied, "I-I-I-I meant your breakfast."

"I figured that, but I wanted to see your reaction to that being your uniform."

She grinned, until he said, "I'm serious about that, you know."

"Huh?", was her only reply.

He began with a big silly grin, "Only if we are the only ones here, of course."

She let out a sigh of relief, the simply said, "Hai. If you will sit at the table, I will bring your food to you, Master."

He walked and sat at the table and she brought the utensils and napkins and then made a second trip with two plates of food. She sat at the table across from him. They both began to eat when Naruto said, "When we are alone you can call me Naruto-kun, or just Naruto. You only need to call me Naruto-sama or Master when there are other people around, to keep up appearances."

She nodded her head and asked, "Is the privacy jutsu still up? Do you know if anyone is watching us now?"

Naruto nodded, "The jutsu is still up from last night, we would look to be still sleeping and as far as being watched the only ones out there as far a I know is just the ANBU that keep watch over me. From my last clone that dispersed it is Cat-chan and Boar-kun."

Hinata giggled and said, "You call ANBU Cat-chan and Boar-kun?"

Naruto grinned, "Oh yea, I really pissed off Boar-kun when I made a shadow clone sneak up behind him and say, 'What's up, Boar-kun?' I'm not sure what pissed him off more, the fact that me or one of my clones could sneak up behind him and surprise him or me calling him Boar-kun. Cat-chan acted like she was mad, but I think she really likes me calling her that. Although I know she doesn't like it when I lose them."

Hinata started giggling and then looked at Naruto. "I have seen them when I was following you around. I've literally bumped in to them before. I had lost you a few times, but I always seamed to find you again easily."

Naruto nodded, "I knew you were there and I made it easy for you, not so easy for them. I didn't want to lose you. I always hoped that you would get over fainting when I was around so we could spend time together. I thought that you would be able to work up the courage to approach me and at least tell me that you liked me and then I could ask you on a date. I knew that if I approached you that you would faint before I could ask you out."

"What about Sakura-chan?"

"Eeh, she was a faze I was going through, maybe even a crush at first, but I got over her. I kept asking her out just to keep up appearances, although I am going to stop that now."

Hinata smiled at Naruto when she said that about Sakura. "I was always jealous of her getting your attention and then she would just swat you away."

"More like, punch me away.", Naruto replied laughing rubbing his cheek, like he was remembering the pain of one of her punches.

Hinata got up and walked over to him and moved his hand away from his check and gave him a quick peck on said cheek. "Better?", she asked.

Naruto nodded his head and said, "Yep!"

Hinata stood up and started to clean the table as they had both finished eating. After she finished she saw that Naruto had went back to the bed and was laying down face up. She walked to him and asked, "Does Master wish for me to pleasure him this morning?"

Naruto looked at her just in time to catch her dropping the apron and gazed upon her naked body for the second time, Little Naruto noticed too, as he jumped up trying to get a better look. Hinata just smiled knowing that she could do that to him so easily that he was really attracted to her. She moved onto the bed and positioned herself between his legs. She reached and took his shaft in her hand and began stroking up and down. She could tell from the look on his face that he really liked what she was doing. She leaned over him and began to lick around the tip and lightly suck on the end while she continued to slowly stroke the rest of his shaft. She heard him moan and could feel his body trembling from the pleasure that she was giving him.

She quit stroking and she lowered her head down onto his shaft. He looked down at her in amazement and she appeared to swallow his entire dick. 'This is the only reason that it is good not to have a gag reflex', she thought to herself as she could feel his penis reach into the top of her throat. She began moving up and down sucking and rubbing around him with her tongue. While she was still had one hand on the bed to keep her up, she moved the other one down to her femininity and began to masturbate, bringing up her own pleasure. Naruto's groans became louder as she worked her magic on his shaft and she began to moan as she came, the moaning adding vibrations into Naruto, bringing him up quicker.

"I'm cumming.", He said to her as a warning and she replied by increasing her speed and suction on him.

"Oh. Oh. Oh! I'm.. Ohh!" was all he got out before he sprayed his load down Hinata's throat. She held herself down on him and swallowed what she could of what he gave her as some came out from between her lips. She pulled her head up from him sucking any residue from his member as she removed it from her mouth and then she licked her lips and then began to lick up the little bit that had fallen onto his groin.

Naruto just stared down at her as she began to clean the leaked sperm off of his body, when she finished he just continued looking at her as she brought herself back into a sitting position. He sat up and pulled her to him picking her up by her hips and moving his legs together and sitting her on his lap. Now she was sitting on his legs straddling him feeling herself getting poked from underneath and Naruto began sucking on her right nipple and using his hand to knead her left breast. She began to moan from the pleasure and as she wrapped her legs around him Naruto felt something fall on his penis.

He was confused for a split second until he realized that she was wet and what he felt had dripped out of her. He reached back down and grabbed her buttocks and picked her up just to put her back down, but as she came back down she gasped, winced and then moaned at the feeling of Naruto sliding inside of her. There was still a little pain, more like discomfort, from his size and her tightness, but that was washed away by the pleasure she got from the same act, and the knowledge that it was Naruto inside of her just increased it that much more. Naruto held her down onto himself and began to kiss her and she wrapped her arms around him joining him in the kiss.

They stayed like that for a few minutes just indulging it their oral pleasure. They broke the kiss and Hinata leaned back still holding onto his shoulders, Naruto picked her back up and began to bounce her on his lap. Pleasure shot into her as she bounced feeling her lover pull out and push back into her. She felt the heat begin to rise in her like it did last night. She pulled back to him and looked at his face and they looked at each other as their animal passions took them to a different plane of existence, a plane that only they existed in.

They were locked in to a battle as old as time itself and it felt like that this feeling could last forever, and then there was an explosion with in both of them. Naruto felt it as Hinata exploded and her fluids flooded around his member and leaked on to his lower body.

Hinata felt it as Naruto exploded and he filled her once again with his sperm and his love. She held on to him tightly, panting exhausted from not only the physical strain, but also the metal and emotional strain. She was held by her man, the man that she loved, the man that loved her, her man the owned her, and her man that she realized wasn't as worn out as she was.

"N-N-Naruto?" she said as she caught her breath. "You have worn me out. Why don't you look as tired as I am?"

Naruto grinned and said, "Well the damn fox is good for one thing."

She gave him a really confused look and he continued. "Not only can I use the fox's chakra for jutsus, I heal much faster from wounds and I have greatly increased stamina."

Hinata's eyes got big as she realized the implications of what he was saying to her.

"How much longer could you go?", she asked, not sure if she really wanted to know the answer.

"Judging from how I feel now and what I have done with other activities in the past, I think that I could go at least another eight hours. Well, maybe ten? I think that may me pushing it though."

Hinata fainted.

Naruto grinned as he held onto his unconscious lover, she would have really went bonkers if she had known that he really thought that he could push it closer to fifteen hours.

He shifted so he could lay her down on the bed and after that he looked at her body he noticed his sperm leaking from her pussy. 'Damn it!', he thought, 'We forgot protection again. I am really going to get her pregnant.' His thoughts drifted to an image of her breast feeding their child. He got up and started getting ready for the day. He went into his bathroom and washed up. After he finished bathing he got dressed and when back to check on Hinata. He heard her mumbling in her sleep. He walked over to her so he could listen to what she was saying. "Naruto-kun, quit drinking my milk, that's for the baby." Naruto blushed realizing that she was dreaming about what he had just been thinking about. He softly shook her and the naked beauty's eyes fluttered open and looked into his eyes.

"What were you dreaming about?"

She flushed red.

"I think I know." he said as he leaned over and began to suck on her right nipple, like he was expecting milk to come from it.

Her face got a slightly deeper shade of red and she stammered, "N-N-No. That isn't it."

He got up looking disappointed as he knew from what she said in her sleep that he was right.

He noticed the look on her face went to an even darker shade that he didn't even know was possible and then she whispered, "In the dream you were sucking on my left breast, not my right."

Naruto grinned as he shifted and moved over her so he could suck on her left nipple. She began to relax and started to giggle, when he started on the one from her dream. After a few seconds of playing around he gave a good strong suck making Hinata let out a soft moan, he pulled off of her causing her to then whimper.

"You need to get washed up and dressed so we can go out today."

"Ok.", is all she said as she got up and when to the bathroom to clean up. After she started bathing there was a knock at Naruto's door. A clone dispelled letting Naruto know that there was a delivery guy there with several boxes and a clipboard in his hand. Naruto got up and walked to open the door to see what the guy had for him.

"Yes?", Naruto said after opening the door and stepping out, releasing the privacy jitsu.

"Excuse me, are you Naruto Uzumaki-sama?" Naruto just nodded his head. "I have a delivery for you from Hiashi Hyuga-sama. Please sign here."

'What in the hell would Hiashi sent me?', he thought to himself as he took the clipboard and signed on the line. The man removed one of the papers and handed it to Naurto. "This is your copy of the papers, would you like me to help you take the boxes in?"

"No, I've got my own moving crew." Naruto said as he made six shadow clones, one for each each box. They went and each grabbed one knowing what had to be done.

"That's a neat trick, I wish I could do that. I could get my deliveries done much faster that way. Here is a scroll that goes with the shipment, I think that it might be the packing list, but I'm not sure. It is sealed."

Naruto looked at the scroll and look at it had what appeared to be a simple wax seal on it.

"Thank you, I hope you have a nice day, sir."

"Thank you." was Naruto's reply. "I hope you have a nice day too." Naruto stepped back into his apartment and closed the door and reactivated the privacy jutsu, as he walked further into the apartment Hinata peeked out of the bathroom door.

"Its ok. You can come out."

"Who sent you this?", she asked stepping out of the bathroom wearing only a towel.

"Your father."

Hinata looked at him with shock written all over her face.

The clones started to open the boxes and began to pull out clothes from some of the boxes, others had trinkets and one clone pulled out a handmade doll that looked a lot like the clone holding it.

Hinata reached over and took the doll and then looked into the boxes. "This is all of my stuff, from my home. Well, my former home."

Naruto held up the scroll, "This came with it and it is addressed to me."

She looked at the scroll and saw Naruto's name on it in her father's handwriting. "Maybe it will explain was is going on."

Naruto nodded and opened the scroll and began to read it out loud so Hinata could hear it.

Naruto Uzumaki,

You seem to have purchased the child that was once considered my

daughter. I took her to the auction to sell as I had no used for a failure

such as her. As I know that as you are just as much of a failure as she is,

you both will get along nicely. I know that as you have no real skills

as a Ninja, you had no idea that I followed you to your home and

stayed and watched you take ownership of her. You seemed to know

how to treat a female slave and you seemed put her into her place

easily enough. At least you can do something right. In the boxes

that I sent you are her possessions that were left behind, I was

going to have them thrown out, but I didn't want to dirty the other

garbage with things that she had owned. I thought that it would

be fitting to send them to you as you probably spent all you had

buying her and wouldn't have anything left to clothe her with,

although keeping your female slave naked isn't necessarily a

bad idea, it is just generally frowned upon in public.

Hiashi Hyuga.

Naruto finished reading and felt anger crawl up this throat from his gut. I looked at Hinata sitting on the floor sobbing from the things that her father had said in the scroll. She looked at Naruto and saw the anger in his eyes and saw them begin to turn red and red chakra began to form over his hands. She got up accidentally dropping her towel and went to him and held on to him tightly. Naruto looked at the Hinata holding on to him and knew that she was holding him because she loved him and knew that he was thinking of going to her former home and killing the man that was once her father. She wasn't holding him for her father sake, but for Naruto's. Naruto calmed down and joined Hinata in the hug. He took her chin and lifted her head so he could look he in the eyes and said, "While I wish the circumstances where different, I am glad that I have saved you from those people."

Hinata nodded and kissed her Lover, her Master.

He released her and said, "Go ahead and get dressed." When she turned he gave her a quick slap on the ass and she eeped and jumped, then turned around and grinned at him. She then went and got some clothes from the boxes and began getting dressed in the living room. The clones were still there as he had not gotten too far into the fox form to cause them to dispel. Naruto and his clones were watching her get dressed from seven different angles. When she got done she looked at Naruto who had a large grin on his face.


He continue to grin and he began to look around. She looked to she what he was looking at and remembered the clones that carried in the boxes.

"What?", she said again.

"Ok, guys, disperse."

She looked and saw the clones nod and them poof out of existence, the she looked back to Naruto as his grin got bigger. She looked at him confused.

"Remember what I told you about Shadow Clones and memories? I now have memories you getting dressed from seven different angles and I think the best one was from over there when you bent over from the waist and took your underwear out of that box. That clone got probably the most perfect view of your pussy and asshole. The clone had to really fight the urge to jump you."

Hinata blushed as she realized what had happened. She had even forgot that the clones where there as they had moved back out of the way when she went to the boxes to inspect their contents.

"Ok, We need to get going. I need to meet up with my team. We are meeting for an early lunch, just to catch up. Do you need to meet up with your team?"


"Ok, We need to get going. I need to meet up with my team. We are meeting for an early lunch, just to catch up and take a break from training. Do you need to meet up with your team?"

Hinata shook her head, "When my father decided to sell me off as a slave, he had me taken off of the Ninja Roster. As far as the village is concerned, I am no longer a ninja, I am only your slave."

"I am sorry Hinata. I didn't know that.", He lied, he remembered that from one of his clones that spied on the conversation in Hiashi's Office, but had forgotten it until after he had already asked her the question.

"It is ok. I am here to serve you. I will join you and just ask whatever you want of me. I will bring you water when you are thirsty and gather your weapons after you have finished training. Anything you desire."

Naruto nodded and said, "Ok, let us go meet my team."

He exited his apartment and began to walk to training ground seven to meet the rest of his team, with Hinata in tow. As they approached the training ground they saw that Sakura and Sasuke were already there waiting for Naruto and Kakashi to show up. Sakura looked up from her useless flirting with Sasuke to see Naruto and Hinata walking towards them. She got up and walked towards them, Sasuke was curious as to why the Hyuga was walking with Naruto, so he followed.

"Hey, Naruto. Hey, Hinata." Sakura said as they all came to a stop. Naruto waved and Hinata bowed. Sakura was thrown off by the bow and noticed that she wasn't wearing her hitai-ate, but some kind of collar and a white headband instead, so she looked at Hinata and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I am here to serve Naruto-sama."

Sakura looked at Hinata, then to Naruto and back to Hinata. Then she balled her fist and pulled back to punch Naruto yelling, "Naruto, what have you done to Hinata?"

Just as she was about to throw her fist into Naruto, Hinata moved in front of him and got into the Gentle Fist stance and said, "Stop, You will not touch my Master."

Sakura just dropped her fist and then her jaw and Sasuke's jaw followed suit. Hinata moved out of her fighting stance, but stayed between them and Naruto. Just about that time Kakashi walked up and said, "Naruto, did I just hear her right? Did she just refer to you as her Master?"

"Hai, Kakashi-sensei, she did."

"I had heard that Hiashi had took her off the roster and was selling her as a slave, but I thought that was just a lie."

"No, it wasn't a lie, and I bought her at the auction."

The three looked at each other and then Kakashi asked, "If you don't mind me asking, How much?"

Sasuke face-palmed, Sakura face-planted, Hinata just looked at Naruto who was just looking at Kakashi dumbfounded.

"What? I'm just curious is all."

After everyone else finished collecting themselves Naruto said, "750,000 ryo."

Team Seven was shocked at the amount, not that Hinata wasn't worth that kind of money, but that Naruto would have access to that high an amount. Hinata just looked at Naruto and felt good that he must have fought for her, she had fainted as soon as he had bid 500,000 on her.

Sasuke said, "For it to have gotten that high there must have been a real war to get her."

"No, bidding opened at 50,000 and some fat guy from outside the village bid first."

They looked at Hinata and saw from the face that she was making figured that he must have been really ugly.

"I bid next and jumped it up to 500,000 and Hinata fainted on the stage."

They looked at Hinata and she nodded.

"So the fat bastard decided to bid against me and bid 500,001."

Everyone there except for Naruto face-palmed.

"Well, then I bid 750,000, just to show that I was serious about this and nobody else bid against me."

"Naruto, the idea of an auction is to get what you are bidding on as cheaply as possible, not just jumping the price up so quickly." Kakashi said and then added, "No offense Hinata." When he saw the face that she was making.

"Think what you will, I think I got there better end of the deal. I just gave them some money and I got her, as she is priceless."

Sakura just awed at what he had said thinking it was so sweet. Sasuke looked like he might barf, and Kakashi started to hand Naruto an Icha Icha book and Naruto waved his had and said, "That isn't necessary."

Kakashi looked at Naruto and back at Hinata, back to Naruto and back again to Hinata when Hinata said, "My Master has already taken possession of my body and marked me as his."

Sakura fainted, Sasuke got jealous that Naruto had actually gotten laid before he did, and Kakashi was just at a loss for words. Kakashi helped Sakura get up and then Naruto asked, "How has your training been going?"

"Very well, I have gotten so I can used my special attack twice now."

"You still aren't going to show it to me, or at least tell me its name?"

"Nope, You will just have to wait and see just like everyone else. You learn anything yet?"

"A little, Ero-sennin has shown me a few things, but like you I am going to save it for the Finals."

"Ha Ha, you're just being petty."

"Hey, you started it, Mister Kakashi-Sensei's Super-Duper-Secret-Move-That-I-Can't-Tell-You-About.", Naruto said ending up laughing.

The others joined his laughing for a little bit before Sakura calmed herself down and said, "I'm getting hungry, lets go eat. No ramen!"

"Hey!", was Naruto's quick reply.

"Let's go to the Akimichi's restaurant."

"Do they have ramen?". asked Naruto.

"NO!", was the rest of Team Seven's reply.

So they walked back toward the village proper to have a nice ramen free meal, much to Naruto's distaste.

"Seating for five please.", Kakashi said to the hostess.

"Follow me please.", was her reply.

When they got to the booth, Naruto and Hinata took one side and the rest took the other. The group ordered their food and soon it was brought to took Naruto's food and began to prepare it on the grill that was built into the table.

"Aren't you going to cook yours too?", Sakura asked while she put her food on the grill.

"Master eats first.", was her reply as she flipped the meat on the grill.

"You are really into this aren't you?", asked Sasuke.

"My duty is to my Master.", was her reply.

"Hey, Naruto. You wanna sell her?", asked Sasuke.

"No, I just got her. Why would I want to sell her, when she obedient and does what I tell her."

"Ok, Just asking."

Hinata took the meat off the grill and handed it to Naruto, "Is this right, Naruto-sama?"

Naruto took a taste and said, "Very good, you learn fast. You may prepare your food while I eat this."

"Hai, Thank you, Master.", she said as she began to make her food.

Kiba got up from a table near by and walked up to Naruto's table and demanded, "Hey what's going on here? Hinata why are you calling Naruto, 'Master' and why is he ordering you around like you are his slave?"

"I am his slave."

"What?" Kiba half asked, half exclaimed, "What do you mean that you are his slave?"

Naruto spoke up, "Just like she said. I bought her at the slave auction the other day."

"Naruto, you..."

Hinata spoke up, "Kiba this is none of your business, Naruto is my Master and I now live to serve him."

Kiba looked at Naruto as a small piece of his heart broke off. He had known that Hinata had liked Naruto and she did know that he had liked her. 'Naruto doesn't deserve you', he thought as he walked away.

Naruto started back on his food and looked back at Hinata. 'She can be assertive, if she wanted too be.', he thought to himself.

"So, how do you think you can do against Neji?", inquired Sakura.

"I'm confident that I will do well, plus now that I have Hinata, she can help me with some of his techniques."

"He is more powerful than I am, Master."

"While that maybe the case, it can give me some experience against the techniques, when right now I have none."

The rest of Team Seven was surprised at the insight that had just come from Naruto. 'Maybe Hinata is rubbing off on him.', thought Kakashi.

"So, Sasuke." asked Naruto. "What about Gaara? And do you think Shikamaru will beat that Dosi guy?"

"Dosu. The guy's name is Dosu, and I think that Shikamaru will have an easy time with him.", was Sasuke's reply.

"I think that Shikamaru will blow through Dosu and to the match with Temari. I think that match would be a good one to watch.", interjected Kakashi.

"What about Shino and the puppet guy?", said Naruto.

"Kankuro, I am not sure about him, but I think Shino might have to work for that one.", replied Kakashi.

"The bugs versus puppets, that is anyone's guess.", added Sasuke.

"Ohh, it is getting late, I need to go meet up with Ero-sennin for today's training. Let's go Hinata."

"Hai.", replied Hinata getting up and then following Naruto out of the restaurant.

"Well, Sasuke we should get going too. Oh, Naruto didn't pay his part, I'm going to have to get him back later.", Kakashi said, He began to look for their waitress and when he found here asked her for the check.

"Your table's check as already been paid, Sir.", the waitress replied to his inquiry.


"Yes, the young man in orange paid and left me a generous tip too.", she said with a smile on her face.

Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke just looked at each other trying to figure out what happened to their Naruto.

"Ero-sennin!", called out Naruto.

"SHHHHHH!", was Jiraiya's quick response from beside the women's bath.

"QUIT PEEPING!", Naruto yelled at the top of his lungs, and then they heard the screams of several women that had been moments ago enjoying a soak.

Jiraiya hung his head as he now knew that his research was over for the day.

"So, Naruto, what are you doing here?"

"Training! Remember?"

"There is nothing else I can show in the short time before the Finals. Just use what I have taught you and you will be fine."

"Come on, all you did is help with my control and had me summon frogs!", exclaimed Naruto, who then sweatdropped when he realized that Jiraiya was ignoring him and was looking at Hinata.

"Who are you?", Jiraiya asked with a gleam in his eye.

"Leave her alone, you perv!", yelled Naruto.

"I was just asking her, who she was. From her eyes, I'd say she is a Hyūga."

"Not anymore.", she replied.

"What do you mean?"

"The Hyūga's disowned her and sold her as a slave.", said Naruto with barely disguised venom in his voice.

"Wait, if she is someone's slave, who is her Master?"

"I am only for Naruto-sama."

Jiraiya face-planted, then he got back up and looked at Naruto. "Does she mean that you are her Master?"

"Yes, I bought her at the auction. I couldn't let the freaks that were there get her."

"Well, congratulations. I hope that this will work out for you two."

Naruto and Hinata both grinned and Jiraiya face-palmed, "You mean that you..."

"Hai", Naruto and Hinata said together.

"Well, like I said there is nothing else I can show you in the short time we have, so I would say for you two to just go and enjoy yourselves.", and with that Jiraiya shunshined away.

"Eeh. Ero-sennin! Well, lets go and train. We will go to the apartment and change clothes and we will train with some of those techniques."

"Hai, Naruto-sama.", was Hinata's reply as they started back towards Naruto's apartment.

As they were walking back, Naruto looked at Hinata and said, "Watch this."

She looked around and saw a water tank on top of one of the building in front of them suddenly emptied itself onto the rooftop flushing two ANBU off of the roof. One was wearing a Bird mask with several colored stripes, while the other had on a Dog or Wolf mask.

"Its Parrot-kun and Puppy-chan.", Naruto said causing Hinata to giggle.

The two ANBU looked at Naruto and shook their heads and then they shunshined away.

"Normally, I'd hit them with another water tank, but I want to get to training so lets go.", Naruto said as he walked away. After just another minute they got to his apartment and the went inside.

"How did you douse them with the water?", Hinata asked.

"I got the idea and then made two shadow clones to execute the idea while Parrot-kun and Puppy-chan was focused on you and me.

Hinata grinned at the deviousness that Naruto sometimes showed.

After entering the apartment, Naruto began to change clothes and Hinata got some for herself. Hinata watched as Naruto began to removed his clothes and she came over to him.

"Master, allow me to assist you.", she said as she began to help him remove his jacket. She then started with his shirt rubbing her hands over his chest. She then knelt down and started removing his pants and sliding them off. She stood up and then asked, "What are you going to change into?"

Naruto had felt the pressure building in him as she removed his clothes and then it just deflated as she asked what to put on him. He was sure that this was about to get perverted, but he was glad it didn't as he did need to train. "I am going to wear that outfit there.", he finally said pointing to what was on the foot of the bed.

She then grabbed the clothes and helped him put them on, after helping him she disrobed in front of him. She first dropped the yukata off of her shoulders first, letting it hang there for a few moments, before dropping it to the floor. Naruto stood there just staring at the beautiful female, his heart racing a mile a minute as she grabbed some of her clothes out of the cabinet that Naruto had given her to use. She got in her usual garb, but Naruto stopped her as she grabbed her jacket.

"You can leave that here it is quite warm outside."

Hinata eeped as she turned around, red faced, looking at Naruto.

She was wearing her blue pants with her kunai pouch on her right leg and the fishnet shirt that she wore under the jacket. The shirt was mostly see thru except for a panel on the front that covered her breasts.

"I like your outfit just like that."

"Isn't this indecent?"

"No, I don't think so, all of the private parts are covered. I think that you are absolutely beautiful and to hide you under that jacket would be a crime."

Hinata blushed at Naruto's remark of her beauty. She had never considered herself as anything even remotely attractive. She had been made fun of, as she had the largest breasts of the girls in her age group. She thought that she was a freak of nature and that no one would ever want her.

"Ok, I wont wear my jacket as long as you don't were any orange.", Hinata said grinning.

"Everything I have is orange.", Naruto said grinning back at Hinata.

"No, I found this cleaning the other day.", she said as she withdrew black pants and a fine fishnet shirt from the cabinet.

"Oh, I had forgot about those.", he remarked as Hinata started stripping him again.

She was being just as sexy this time as she was the last time touching him here and there, dragging a finger down the side of his body.

'You're going to drive me mad woman', Naruto thought to himself, as she finished dressing him.

Naruto looked at himself in the mirror, he certainly looked different dressed in all black. He looked at Hinata and said, "Too bad you aren't wearing black pants, we would match."

Hinata's face lit up and she went back to her cabinet and started rummaging through.

"I have these, but I don't know if they still fit, I haven't worn them in a while."

"Try them on and see."

Hinata slinked out of the blue pants she was wearing and pulled on the black pants. They fit her waist just fine, but the legs were just a little short, coming to just below her knees.

"Perfect.", said Naruto.

She just grinned as she put on her kunai pouch and looked back at him.

"Ok, I think that we are ready to train.", Naruto said turning around to leave.

"Hai.", said Hinata as she came up behind him.

Naruto stopped just as he was about to open the door and he turned and looked at Hinata. She looked at him inquisitively and he said, "Hinata, I feel weird when you call me Master."

"What if I just call you Naruto-sama when we are out in public, and only reserve 'Master' for special occasions.", Hinata said, ending with a smile.

"I think that would be better."

"Ok, lets go train."

Naruto opened the door and they left his apartment. After descending the steps, they turned and headed for the training grounds. Several villagers and ninja walking by did a double-take at the couple walking thru the village. Some could not believe that they had seen Naruto wearing something other than orange and some didn't recognize the girl that was with him, although she looked familiar.

As they approached the training ground, Naruto and Hinata heard a dog barking and looked up and saw Akamaru. Akamaru ran up to Hinata and she began to pet him. Naruto looked up towards the training ground seeing Kurenai, Shino, and Kiba approaching them, probably looking for where Akamaru had run off to. When Kiba saw Naruto, Naruto could see the anger erupt in his eyes. Kiba started running toward Naruto and saw that he had pulled a kunai out of his pouch. Hinata saw what he was doing as well and stopped petting Akamaru and got between Naruto and Kiba, Kurenai and Shino had also started running after Kiba.

"I am going to kill you, you bastard!"

"Kiba, stop!", yelled Hinata.

Kiba went to dodge around her, but she had been faster. She activated her Byakugan and hit a few points causing him to drop the kunai and fall to the ground. He floundered on the ground in the seconds it took for Kurenai and Shino to catch up. Kiba just stared at disbelief at Hinata while he laid on the ground.

"If you promise to behave and not attack Naruto, I will restore your movement.", said Hinata.

"Why did you stop me, if I would have killed him, you would be free."

"Who ever said that I wanted to be free of Naruto?"