It has been around six months since our wedding. I am finding it hard to hide my condition. My stomach is making its presence known. I am still small enough that I can hide it with baggy clothing. But my husband chooses to full fill his husbandry duties every night. He wants an heir to the throne. Most nights are pleasant. I look forward to those night, I even enjoy them. But if he has had a bad day, walking away with at least one bruise is required.
I usually only see him at night. Which is perfectly fine by me. There is a lot to be said for the lies of shadows. But this morning things went sideways. He never comes to our chambers in the mornings. That is why I started taking my breakfast there. I have had morning sickness since the day we were married. All the staff has kept my condition to themselves for fear of being the first to tell him for one, and for two, not one of them wanted him to know about the pregnancy either.