Chereads / TEENAGERS / Chapter 72 - Faded Flames

Chapter 72 - Faded Flames

02:47pm, the city hospital.

DIANA: Are you sure of what you're saying, boys?

ELVIS: Yeah! It's definitely a vision. Just like the ones I've been having.

MAXX: Again, it was a dream! Not vision.

ELVIS: Who dreams about such weird stuff?

MAXX: People.

ELVIS: Yeah, people who see visions.

MAXX: Elvis, just because you...

DIANA: Alright! I get it. Visions or not... bottom line's that y'all wanna help and I appreciate it. I'll talk to the doctor in charge so there'll be extra security here.

ERIC & ELVIS: Thanks, Diana.

MAXX: I understand you, Elvis. You don't wanna be the only one seeing things. That's why you're trying to force me into this... I dunno what I'd call it. So I could be your 'vision partner' or whatever it is you want from me. But I don't see visions, bro. It was just one weird dream.

ELVIS: Alright. Sorry for jumping into conclusion. But if you have another vi— (he clears his throat) I mean dream... do not hesitate to share with us.

MAXX: Copy that.

ELVIS: But you're wrong about one thing. I'm not the only one seeing things. Elena does too.

ERIC: Yeah, she sees ghosts. Which is worse... I just might freak out if I realized I could talk to dead people.

MAXX: I dunno what to say.

ERIC: Let's go check up on my sister, shall we?

MAXX: Sure. Bye, Diana. Say hi to Zoey. (They all head to Elena's ward)

Few steps away from the door of the ward...

ELVIS: What's he burning? (Stopping suddenly)

ERIC: Burning what?

MAXX: Who?

ERIC: Where?

ELVIS: Didn't you guys see the fire?

ERIC: What fire?

MAXX: Dude... visions again?

ELVIS: Damn... (he realizes that no one else saw it) ...I guess so.

MAXX: What did you see?

ELVIS: A guy burning something.

MAXX: Yeah, you've made that pretty clear. But what was he burning?

ELVIS: I saw bones... strange.

ERIC: Okay, gross.

MAXX: Someone's 'bout to be toast. RIP in advance.

ELVIS: Is this the best time for sarcasm?

MAXX: What are we supposed to do? Sit around and sulk? It's not like your visions come with an address or a clue that could help us find the jerk and prevent such from happening. We're just gonna let destiny take it's course.

ERIC: It's nobody's destiny to share the same fate as grilled chicken.

MAXX: And I'm the one who's sarcastic? (He chuckles) Dude, you just made me hungry. Let's head to chipotle, bills on me.

ELVIS: Cut it out, guys! This ain't a joke!

MAXX: Sorry.

ELVIS: What if it's another student from Evans High? Remember the last vision I had about death?

ERIC: A guy hanging upside down.

ELVIS: Yeah. Can't remember his name.

ERIC: Octavio.

ELVIS: Of course, you always remember. (He pauses) Guys, this could be a warning or...

MAXX: Uhm, I don't mean to cut short your train of thoughts but we've been standing in front of this door for over two minutes. We going in or not?

ERIC: Maxx is right, let's see Elena first, we'll ponder over this later.

MAXX: While having some grilled chicken at chipotle.

ELVIS: Seriously? (Shooting Maxx a look)

MAXX: What? Grilled chicken's been on my mind ever since Eric mentioned it.

ELVIS: Well... it's been weeks since I had it, I guess I'm down for some.

MAXX: Attaboy!

ERIC: Guys, the door is over here, just in case you both can't see it. (Grabbing the door knob, about to go in)

"I'm afraid I can't allow that" (A junior nurse in scrubs stops them)

ERIC: Excuse me?

"Visiting hours are over"

ELVIS: What? But it's not even 3pm yet.

"It's 3pm by my time"

ERIC: Then your time is 4 minutes, 51 seconds early. It's 4 minutes, 48 seconds now. 4 minutes, 46... 45... 44...

MAXX: Stop tick-tock-ing and get in!

"I said visiting hours are..."

DIANA: Relax, Rachael. I gave them permission. (Approaching them, holding some files in her hand)

"Okay, Doctor Lance" She leaves them.

ELVIS: In your face, bitch. (He says under his breath)

DIANA: Repeat what you just said!

ELVIS: Err... uhm... I said Eric's cologne makes my FACE ITCH.

MAXX: Haha, quick rhyming, but lame.

ELVIS: Shut up!

DIANA: You boys should make it brief, I'll spare y'all ten minutes. I'll go talk to the head doctor now.

ELVIS: But Diana, our mom and dad come here whenever they like, visiting hours or not, and you still let them in.

DIANA: Parental privilege. Take care of yourselves, boys.

ELVIS: But...

ERIC: Thank you Elvis for the irrelevant question. Now we've got 9 minutes, 40 seconds left. Can we go in already?

MAXX: Alright. (He swings the door open) Everyone... Inside... Now!

Tuesday, Evans High.

Few minutes after the bell rings for the start of recess, Louis and Anderson swagger into the cafeteria and their eyes meet with some students at a table, this makes Louis's forehead wrinkle slightly.

LOUIS: The hell? (He shares a look with Anderson) Those guys must be freshmen and they're probably really new here because everyone who's stayed a while at Evans would know by now that that's our table.

ANDERSON: It's just a table, man.

LOUIS: Yeah, a table I set aside for I and my buddies alone. Look at them, sitting comfortably in our space. I'm going to kick them outta there.

ANDERSON: Go do your thing, man. (He chuckles) I'll get our food... the regular, yeah?

LOUIS: No, not today. I'll have some pasta.

ANDERSON: Oh, okay. Coming right up.


"So what would you like to have?"

ANDERSON: Pasta. Two servings.

"What else?"

ANDERSON: A can of Mountain Dew for my boy over there and... (He glances at Louis)

LOUIS: Sup, dorks. Y'all are in my space so kindly...

"What space?"

LOUIS: My friends and I sit here. Go take a hike.

"And now we're seated here, go get another table"

"Or maybe he should go take a hike instead" He chuckles and fist bumps his friends.

LOUIS: Listen up, suckers. It's either you move or I'll move you. Yes, all three of you! So I suggest you move because if you make me move you, you'll never get to move again. You understand what I'm saying? If you make me repeat myself, I'm gonna go from theory straight to practical and things could get messy. (He cracks his knuckles and gives them a deadly stare)

The boys share a confused scared look before they scram off. Louis smirks.

ANDERSON: Way to go, bro! (He chuckles, returning his gaze to the chef) Oh, my bad! I was zoned out for a moment. Uhm... just give me water. Two pasta servings, one Mountain Dew and a bottle of water, yeah. That would be all, thanks.

The chef places a Fiji bottled water horizontally in a tray next to a plate of pasta. Then he places the soda can in another tray next to the other plate of pasta and then hands both trays to Anderson. "Careful with them, kiddo"

ANDERSON: You got it. (He smiles brightly, grabbing the trays and heading to the table where Louis is seated, waiting for him)

LOUIS: Finally! (He beams at the sight of Anderson arriving with the food)

ANDERSON: Saw what you did to those little rascals. Continue with this attitude and you'd gradually turn into a bully.

LOUIS: That's some pretty rich moral talk coming from a dude who wrecked a freshman.

ANDERSON: You didn't have to bring that up, man. That's low... like 'below the belt' kinda low. (Louis laughs)

Few minutes later...

LOUIS: So what's next?

ANDERSON: We've got instruments, some fliers and posters ready to be spread out, we've got a lil fan base already. We just need someone who's good in making deals, knows important people and is also very sociable in order to establish our band.

LOUIS: A manager.

ANDERSON: Bingo. That's where you come in.

LOUIS: Wait, what? Me? You want me to manage your... does the band have a name yet?

ANDERSON: Faded Flames.

LOUIS: Dope. If I may ask, what inspired the name?

ANDERSON: It just came to me.

LOUIS: Nice. That's the kinda name that rings a bell.

ANDERSON: So would you be our manager?

LOUIS: When do I start? (He and Anderson share a smile)

ANDERSON: You started the moment you accepted the offer. Thanks, man.

LOUIS: Let's get to business. Is there a vehicle for the band yet?

ANDERSON: Uh... I haven't actually thought about that but...

LOUIS: Not a problem. There's an old van at my place. It's been dormant in our garage for almost a year. That should work.

ANDERSON: Wow, thanks.

LOUIS: Thanks for what? I'm just getting started.

ANDERSON: Hold up, would your dad just let you give out the van?

LOUIS: It's my mom's... used to be. But she has no use for it anymore.

ANDERSON: Why'd your mom have a van?

LOUIS: She was part of a group of armed robbers, and that was the getaway car for their operations.

ANDERSON: You're joking, right?

LOUIS: Of course I am, silly! (He chuckles) She used to run a mobile catering service some years ago, but now her brand is big, she has an eatery in Oklahoma which I told you of.

ANDERSON: Hang on... Flemyng Eats?

LOUIS: Yeah.

ANDERSON: Whoa, you've shown me pics of the place, it's huge! So that establishment used to be a food truck?

LOUIS: Yeah. (Smirking)

ANDERSON: That's what I call 'Started from the bottom' in Drake's voice.

LOUIS: Oh, Champagne Papi is never wrong.

ANDERSON: Preach! (He raises a hand in support) So when we going to Oklahoma to rock that place?

"Who's going to Oklahoma?" A guy stops by their table and slumps tiredly on a seat beside Anderson.


ADRIAN: Sup, jerks.

LOUIS: You look like you could use a bite. Do I get you something to eat? Recess would be over soon.

ADRIAN: Don't worry about me, I'll eat later. Just dropped by to chill with you two for a couple minutes. Our schools hosting a seminar immediately after recess and I gotta be there as the class president.

ANDERSON: Easy, man. But it's good you came by. We was just talking 'bout our music band.

ADRIAN: Fading Flames, right?

ANDERSON: Faded Flames actually.

ADRIAN: Ugh! My bad. That shows how tired I am, I never forget names.

ANDERSON: It's cool, man.

ADRIAN: Speaking of which, I sent your application letter to the principal and he's approved it. Now you have the permission to host a show or concert in school if or whenever you wanna, as long as you adhere to the school rules.

ANDERSON: Adrian... (He places a hand on his shoulder)'re the man.

LOUIS: Oh yes he is!

ADRIAN: Stop, you two. (He smirks and scoffs) So who's gonna manage the band?

ANDERSON: You're looking at him.

ADRIAN: Louis?

LOUIS: Yours truly.

ADRIAN: Should've seen that coming. Great choice, he's your best shot.

LOUIS: I appreciate the vote of confidence.

ADRIAN: Hey, sorry to digress from the discussion, this is just a reminder that I'll be collecting the assignments today as soon as the bell goes for the end of school hours.

ANDERSON: What assignment?

LOUIS: The one on calculus.

ANDERSON: Thought the deadline's 19th January.

ADRIAN: And how often do you use your calendar?

ANDERSON: Shit! It's today. (Tapping the screen of his phone)

LOUIS: Dude, please tell me you did the assignment.

ANDERSON: Yeah... (He chuckles nervously) As a matter of fact, I'm almost done.

ADRIAN: It's five questions, how many do you have left unsolved?

ANDERSON: Uhm... Let's just say I've got five more to go.

LOUIS: Duuuude!

ADRIAN: You'd better wrap it up, you might not get another opportunity for extra credit.

Bell rings for the end of recess.