Chereads / TEENAGERS / Chapter 64 - Haunted Town?

Chapter 64 - Haunted Town?

Sunday evening, the police station, the sheriff's office.

ETHAN: No news about my daughter yet?

GORDON: None yet, Mr Mance...

ETHAN: It's 'Detective'.

GORDON: Sorry, Detective Mance... we're working on it.

ETHAN: Working on it? My daughter is out there, in danger, and you're 'working on it'?! (He makes air quotes with his fingers). Do you have a child?

GORDON: Yes, sir. As a matter of fact, I do. A daughter just like yours, fifteen, freshman. She doesn't live with me here in this town though, stays at her moms.

ETHAN: (stays quiet for a moment) I bet she's a sweet girl.

GORDON: 'Sweet' is kinda like a stretch but she's alright. (He and Ethan share a chuckle)

ETHAN: Dear God... (he supports his head with his palm as his elbow rests on the table)

GORDON: I know you're worried. But let's remain positive, we're doing our best. And as for the corpse of the young girl, after thorough examination, we discovered that what killed her was definitely not human. The back and side of her head had deep cuts, likewise her left elbow. Then we noticed a fracture at her shoulder bone... this shows that she was thrown, flung or smashed on a hard surface, and it was done severally and severely. The dark finger print scars on her neck reveal that she was strangled at some point. But the finger prints are twice as big and long as that of a human being. To crown it all... the scratches running across her chest region, that's definitely not the doing of a human. A wild beast is our best guess, we found a broken claw in her stomach. Humans have finger nails, only animals and beasts have claws, right?

ETHAN: Beasts don't go about strangling people.

GORDON: Right. But that's our best guess for now.

ETHAN: Damn. She was mangled and killed brutally. But I still doubt that it's the doing of some wild beast. What would a beast be doing at the school to begin with? And I've listened to all what you've said, you never mentioned seeing teeth marks on her body. If it was an animal attack, it surely would have bitten her. And then you mentioned long finger prints, animals don't have human-like fingers except monkeys and chimpanzees, and they don't scratch because they've got no bestial claws, besides, we don't have such animals around except the ones at the zoo.

GORDON: You're making a good point. So what do you think it was?

ETHAN: That's the big question. But I'm sure it's the same thing which killed the girl that also captured my daughter and I'm not gonna sit here and discuss the breed of the creature while every minute I spend here, Elena's life is at risk. I'm gonna find whatever it is, and kill it myself! Y'all keep searching!! (Leaving the office)

09:42am, Cleave Hills High.

P.E. period.

The freshmen are out on the tracks, all geared up in their school sport kits with 'CHHS' branded on them. Some are gulping water from their water bottles, some sitting on the side of the grass, tired or lazying around, some engaging in workout exercises, and some hyping or gassing up the students engaged in the exercises.

"Y'all take a break, we'll be back on track in five". Miss Miller, the chief sportswoman.

ELVIS: Hey, Gwen... (He walks up to where she's standing but she ignores him) ...are you still mad? You've been giving my brother and I the silent treatment... and that's understandable, you have every right to be mad.

GWEN: Why are you here, Elvis?

ELVIS: Uhm... Physical Education.

GWEN: Don't try to be funny with me, you know what I'm... (she looks ahead and spots a boy approaching) ...great, your brother is here too.

ERIC: Hi, Gwen... (He stuffs his hands awkwardly into his track shorts pockets) ...uhm, are you okay?

A few seconds of silence go by without she responding but just glaring at him. Eric shares an uncomfortable look with his brother.

GWEN: Why are you guys here?

ERIC & ELVIS: I, we... (they try to speak at the same time)

ELVIS: Sorry, you go ahead. (Looking at Eric)

ERIC: We're just here to make sure you're alright, and if you need anything...

GWEN: I don't need anything from you two. You guys have explained and apologized countless times. I've forgiven you, okay? I just don't wanna have anything to do with you two. Besides, I don't understand why you're still hanging out with that jerk.

ERIC: Gustavo? Well, just like you've forgiven us, we've forgiven him too. Friendship is all that matters. But I strongly agree with you, he's a jerk. (She says nothing) ...Gwen, dating any of us is probably the last thing on your mind right now and we totally understand, but we could still be friends at least. (He takes a step closer) It breaks my heart to see you avoiding me... I mean us.

ELVIS: It's okay, bro. My dumb ass is the reason why she sustained those head injuries. All you did was save her life. It's okay for her to hate me. But I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she hates you.

GWEN: Gimme some time, alright? I'm still not comfortable having you two around me.

ERIC: Maybe you should change homerooms then.

GWEN: Yeah. Maybe I should!

ERIC: Heyy! I was only kidding! Please don't change your homeroom.

GWEN: Then you two should keep your distance. (She walks away)

ELVIS: Time, bro... time is all she needs. (They both walk back to where they were initially standing as their P.E instructor signals the end of the five minutes break)


MISS MILLER: Alright! That's all for the arm stretch, who's up for a hundred metres sprint? Volunteers?... (she glances at Eric and Elvis) which of the Mance twins are you?



ERIC: Me? I'm Eric.

MISS MILLER: Eric! I keep mixing up the names. Wanna race?

ERIC: Not today.

MISS MILLER: Alright, Eric. How about you, Elvis?

ELVIS: I'm errm... kinda feeling under the weather.

MISS MILLER: Then you should be at the school clinic, not out here.

ELVIS: It's not that serious, ma'am. Just a headache.

MISS MILLER: Okay, sweetheart. Take it easy out here.

ELVIS: Thanks, ma'am.

Meanwhile, Maxx and some other guys flutter around Miss Miller, volunteering and warming up for the race.

MISS MILLER: Out of eight runners, I've got seven here, any other volunteer?

GUSTAVO: I'm game. (He steps out of the crowd, moving to the track)

MISS MILLER: And now we're complete! Y'all know how it goes, maintain your lane and don't lose focus. Is everybody ready?! (The crowd responds enthusiastically). Alright then... on your marks... set... (She blows her whistle and the runners kick off)

Everyone gathers around Miss Miller, chanting names, anticipating who the winner would be.

"Go Maxx! Go Maxx!!"

"You can do it, Peter!!"

"Come on, Danny! Don't let the Tigers down!"

Everyone is supporting their favorite runner but from nowhere, Gustavo takes the lead, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust behind him as he outruns Maxx who was maintaining second place and then he outruns some tall guy in front of Maxx with a distance of 4 to 5 metres, taking his place and eventually reaching the finish line in less than eleven seconds. Maxx finishes third place.

MISS MILLER: (Glancing at her stopwatch) Damn! 10.09 seconds! Is your last name Bolt? This is the fastest I've seen in the history of sprint races coordinated in this school. Come over here, boy! I'm signing you up to be a part of Cleave Hills Runners. (She takes out a pocket sized book and jots his name) We could use some fast legs like yours to compete against tough schools in track events.

Elvis, Eric and Maxx walk up to Gustavo as the rest of the students cheer him.

MAXX: Great speed, man. Never seen anyone this fast except on TV. (Wiping sweat off his face with a small towel)

ERIC: Well, he's gonna be on TV pretty soon.

GUSTAVO: Haha, thanks guys.

ELVIS: You're welcome, fast guy.

"Gustavo Baldwin! Over here!"

GUSTAVO: Whoa, that's the sportsman calling me. Later, guys. (He rushes off)

ELVIS: Boy just became a celebrity and it took him how long? Ten seconds. Wow.

ERIC: 10.09. Details matter.

ELVIS: Can you shut up? (They all share a chuckle then he turns to Maxx) I'm sorry about the scratch on your car, man. I drove above the speed limit while heading to the police station and I ran into a stop sign. I'm really sor...

MAXX: Hey, it's okay. It wasn't that bad but careful when next you're driving, alright? And do not worry, I dropped it at Trevor Autos to have it worked on and spray painted. Should be ready in a couple days. We could stop by over there to check on the progress if you guys wanna. (Gulping some water)

ERIC: Nahh. My dad had us grounded for the week. After school, we're heading straight home. He's really pissed at us.

MAXX: Can't say I blame him. I'm pretty sure he'll be pissed at me too for aiding and abetting (He chuckles) I gave y'all my car, didn't I? But what were you guys thinking? Coming to school at that time? To dig up... fuck, man. (He notices their brief silence) I'm sorry... uhm, any news about Elena?

ELVIS: Unfortunately not. But one thing I'm sure of is that there's a monster roaming our town and hunting us as prey. We gotta watch out.

MAXX: Hold on, roll it back to where you said 'monster', are you being serious?

ELVIS: Yeah. I've had weird visions of it like three times and I'm certain it's the same monster that has our sister. I just pray it doesn't hurt her... it better not. (He glares)

ERIC: If only we had stopped her, this wouldn't have happened.

MAXX: This ain't the time for shoulda coulda woulda. All we can do now is hope and pray, and help the police. And if there's anyway I can help too, don't hesitate to let me know. (Wrapping his arms around both of them)

Two periods after recess, Evans High.

LAURA: What do you mean you're leaving?

CARL: Isn't it obvious? After Octavio's death, my dad decided that we should relocate back to Italy. He says that we're not safe here anymore and he's right. I don't wanna leave, but I've no choice. He doesn't even want me to stay for Octavio's funeral. He's booked a flight for Thursday morning.

LAURA: What? Carl...

CARL: I know, Laura. I know. Exam is coming up and I promised to be your lab partner...

LAURA: That's not even what I'm thinking about. Your dad is supposed to let stay for your best friend's funeral at least

CARL: I heard some kid's gone missing, gotta do with a beast or something. This town is getting dangerous. My dad wants us out of here ASAP.

LAURA: I understand. It's been a messed up week. Your dad's only doing what he feels is best for you. I'm gonna miss you... and I can't believe I'm saying it.

CARL: I'm gonna miss you too. (He smiles). We've got physics practical on Thursday, right?

LAURA: Right.

CARL: 09:30am, right?

LAURA: Yeah. Why?

CARL: I could still be your lab partner for a day. I'm just gonna have to make my dad shift the flight till afternoon.

LAURA: You really don't have to do that.

CARL: Yeah, I know. But I wanna.

Laura smiles, locking arms with him as they exit the Language's department, heading to their homeroom.