3 Years Later

Ronen(20-year-old) chasing behind Eric(6-year-old) saying "prince you need to learn swordsmanship, you are our next king, you have to become stronger "

Eric stops and says "brother, how many times I said, don't call me prince call me Eric. I don't like these things, and I don't want to learn swords or other things. I am good as I am now"

Ronen reply politely " Eric, when you enter the paradise academy you have to compete with different princes and noble. you will be left behind others, princes from other kingdoms start their training at age of 5. you are already 1 year behind"

Eric reply with aggressively "Paradise academy is not the only academy. there are other academies too. and who knows if I will fit their condition or not, and if I fit their condition and get enrolled in the academy, I will choose that class in which I don't have to fight"

Ronen reply politely" Paradise academy is the number 1 academy in paradise. every royalty wants to enrol their children in this academy. that's why they train themselves at such young age. you should start your training...


(Eric said angrily)

"I don't want to hear about it, I am going to meet father"

(Eric came running towards his father who was in a meeting with the prime minister. He signalled for the PM to leave since his son Eric seemed to have something to say to him.)

Eric said "father I want to talk about something," the father says "what do you want to talk my son "

Eric says "I want to go to Boston. I hear there are some books in there, which aren't in the capital"

(Rawn city is the capital of the Rawn empire and Boston is a city next to Rawn city )

father said "why go there, send someone, he will get them for you"

Eric replies "I want to see the world, I haven't seen anything outside of the palace. I want to see how the world look like, how our kingdom look like"

father said" you can't go, there are so many dangerous things outside, that can harm you"

Eric reply "how can they Harm me, Ronen

will come with me, and some other guards too, I will be safe no one can harm me in their presence"

father said" you are a prince, this is the only reason for some people to harm you, you can't go"

Eric said "but fathe..

father said "I say no, so no"

Eric said emotionally "father, please this time. I promise I will do anything, you want me to learn swordsmanship, I will learn. but please this time"

(seeing Eric emotional and promising for learning sword, which he denied to learn so many times, he gives permission.)

(after getting permission, Eric was so happy he was happy more about seeing the outside world rather than books)

(on his journey, he see his Rawn city. which is beautiful, people are happy, seeing them like this, he can't stop the smile on his face and seeing Eric happy Ronen was also happy.

on the way, they hear the news, due to a landslide road connecting Rawn and Boston destroyed. )

then Ronen suggest going back but Eric said "there is another road connecting Boston, we will take that way"

Ronen said " that road is long and dangerous, we should go back"

(but after arguing for few minutes with Eric, Ronen lost and then decide to send one person back to report about their route to the palace.)

(when they were on their way suddenly a tree fall in front of them.)

In palace

(when the messenger reaches the palace, he give the message to the king about the prince changing route. king becomes furious and worry, he orders his general to come with him to get back prince.)

Ronen saw a tree and said " guards take your position"

guards surrounded the carriage.

Eric said "what's going on brother, Ronen said "it's a trap"

then a voice comes" isn't that our famous Ronen over there. if he is here, then there must be someone special in a largeee"

suddenly a hand come out of the ground crushed the carriage. Eric jumps before the carriage is crushed.his guard surrounded by bandits.

bandits leader come forward and see Eric, start laughing and said:

"he must be our little prince Eric " then start laughing.

Ronen said " if you know who I am and who he is, then you should also know the consequences of harming him, if you don't want to lose your life, leave"

bandits leader said " oh sorry, I can't leave because (aggressively) this is a world of strong and weak has to follow the strong, here I am strongest. your life is in my hand, and you have to do as I say"

Ronen said "what you want"

bandits leader stare at Eric and say "I want his life"

(hearing bandits leader words all guards were ready to attack)

Ronen said (angry) "you know the consequences of doing this. why you want to kill the prince"

bandits leader " his father kill my family, everyone that I love. his father kill all of them, I want revenge"

Ronen said " your family members were criminals. that's why they got killed by the king. if you want revenge, go against him. why go for a prince"

bandits leader laugh again and said " I can't go against the the the king. he is too strong for me. but if I kill someone whom he loves. especially prince, whom he loves more than his life. then what will happen I am eagerly waiting for that, I want him to feel the same as I feel years ago. ( evil laugh) kill them. (shouted)

all bandits run to kill them, guards trying to protect the prince, the battle prince seeing, he never saw that before, he listens to many stories about warrior using firewater, wind and many more. but he thinks they are exaggerated.

he always thought whenever he needs to fight. he can use those moves which he learns in his previous life. but the thing he is seeing is beyond his imagination. one by one his guard getting killed, and he can't do anything about it Ronen trying to protect the prince, his sword is full-on fire, killing tens of bandits at once. but against bandits leader, he is too weak. all guards got killed. only Ronen and prince remain, Ronen is under bandits leader foot, he is injured. one bandit tries to the caught prince, bandit let their guard down against Prince, but the prince has a small dagger hidden under his clothes. and use it to cut his neck vessel, and bandit die. but in this process, he falls. then, he understood that he is not used this body for doing those moves.

bandits leader smile and said " tiger cub is still a tiger"

seeing bandits going towards the prince. Ronen tries his last desperate move and uses his life essence to call fire. his full body covers red in the fire, and the bandit's leader get gets leg burned, he has to move backwards.

(Ronen use his power to make a firewall in front of him and the prince. in bandits are waiting for his life essence to run down)

then Ronen went to the near prince, hiding him behind his back saying "run"

Eric said "no I don't want to leave you"

Ronen said "think about your parents, what will happen to them if something happened to you. so run"

Eric with teary eyes "no I won't leave you, I won't leave you.

Ronen (shouted) "Eric" "do you want to waste the sacrifice of other guards, remember they sacrifice themselves to save your life, so you better live now, go"

Eric (tear coming from eyes) said "what about you"

Ronen (angrily)said " if you really think of me as your big brother then run, live on, and don't look back, it's an order from your big brother, live on.

(after hearing these words, Eric run towards to forest. he didn't look back, all memories of him and Ronen coming into his mind. tears aren't stopping from his eyes)

he is just running and running.....