The Flame Beast's health hits zero and falls over. The boss disappears and the giant gates on the other side opens they all proceed to the gate when all of a sudden the floor opens up and Isao, Sakuro, and the two other players get swallowed by the dark hole.
They plummet to the bottom and finally hit the ground a fourth of their HP drains. Sakuro has a confused look on his face and is wondering how this happened. Isao, still in his game avatar, can feel the pain that the avatar felt, looked around the dark, fog filled room.
"This isn't what happened when I played it!" Sakuro said confused.
"What if the game glitched?" said one of the mysterious players.
"I'm Yui by the way. After this is done, I can friend you!" Yui exclaimed.
"Okay, let's hurry it up. I'm Sinon. Now let's just continue forward." Sinon said.
The fog starts to lift, but a noise comes from the back of the dimly lit room. The fog lifts just enough to see where the source of the noise is coming from. Its a white scaly serpent, but its tail has a chain scythe end to it. The name of this beast is Sythen Serpent. (Don't ask me how I came up with this.)
"We need to wrap this up quickly! I'm running out of coins!" Sinon exclaimed.
"I've got this!" Yui screams while running at the beast.
She summons a sword a goes to cut, but Isao realizes that this beast, is one of the characters he made.
"Wait! Its scales ar-"
It was too late. Yui was already in midair and on trajectory with her sword. The sword hits the serpent's steel scales and shatters.
"What!" they all exclaimed.
"My sword!" Yui screamed.
While everyone was in shock the serpent had no time to waste and swings its tail into Yui.