I was woken up by my mother as she called out to me to wake up. "Lulu wake up sweetie, I need to get your bedsheet cleaned as May- san will be taking a leave to go visit her parents grave". May-san was our housemaid who was raised by my mother's family who was a really kind lady and due to which she had easily become our house manager within a year of her employment in the Ouyang household. It was ancestor veneration day tomorrow, so most of our servants were on a holiday. I woke up but I suddenly felt something wet under my blanket, and when I looked over it I felt so embarrassed and ashamed that I an immortal cultivator had wetted his bed. My mom was still in my room and as she saw my changing expression she knew that something was wrong with me so she came near me and she was able to smell the bad odor of my accident but she still looked at me with a bright smile and told me in a reprimanding tone "Sweetie, it's alright you don't need to feel ashamed about it and I won't blame you for it. Lulu, you had also reminded me of my negligence as a mother who didn't take into consideration the fact that you had very little experience with a girl's genitals, so from today onwards you will need to wear a diaper until you can remain dry for a week." I was about to sob due to my embarrassment that I wetted my bed but when I heard my mom that I would need to wear a baby diaper from now on, I had a sudden urge to vomit blood! but I had no choice but to agree to her words if I didn't want to get spanked and if I think about it properly I wouldn't want to get my panties wet in front of someone as it would be more embarrassing than wearing a diaper, so I just nodded to her and wanted to run off to get myself washed but I was stopped by my mom as she told a piece of very bad news to me as I would need to go over to our ancestral home to recognize my ancestors to get my name officially registered in the family tree as Lulu and meet the other members of my family as Ouyang Lulu for the first time. I also need to wear a traditional kimono and would have to act like a proper young lady of a noble family. "Lulu, you don't need to worry too much as we still have about 5 days before we need to visit the ancestral home and before that we can definitely make you a proper young lady who is a very good wife material that Gu Chen will fall head over heels on you! Now go and get yourself undressed, I'll catch up with you in a second" she held her fists tightly as a sign of absolute confidence.
I went over to get undressed and went inside the bath area as I went over to get my body wet. Before I could clean my body with body wash, I was greeted by a hug on my slim waist due to the surprise I squealed in my new high pitched girly tone."Uuh ee" When I looked back I saw my mom who had came over to give me a proper bath. " Mommy I could take a bath myself, you don't need to worry yourself over such a ..." Before I could say anything else I was cut off by her "Lulu! you are my precious daughter, I always wanted to have a mother daughter time with you when I first saw your innocent and cute face a year ago. So please let your mother take care of you as the past year had been very tolling on us" I nodded to her as it was due to my negligence that I made my loved ones worry about me due to being too over confident on my abilities. I was then cleaned and washed like a fragile little doll in every nook and crani of my body. After getting myself washed my mom brought me back to my room as she had princess carried me and placed me on my bed which now had a princess bedcover on it. My mom then brought a one piece blue dress for me while she made me wear a matching pair of panties after forcing me to wear a powdered diaper and a sports training bra as I still didn't posses much curves on my body, though I say this but I was actually a lot more mature in terms of my body growth than an average 7 year old as I already had an cleavage of around A-cup. She then made me wear the dress as she zipped it from the back. "Lulu now that you are fully dressed, we need to get you a new hairstyle, so for starters we will go to a parlor today with your sister and get you to experience some of the merits of being a girl hehehe..." "So for the time being let me tie your hair in a pony tail to give you an energetic look" She then brought me towards a pink colored dressing table which I hadn't noticed before was placed over in my room, which had a lot of girly accessories in its drawers. As I sat down on the chair, my mom used a hair brush to comb my hair as she made my hair styled into a ponytail with some cute pony hair clips. "Wow! Sweetie you look so cute! You are such cute young lady that any young man would become head over heels for you and would be willing to do anything to take you home as there wife or even there daughter or daughter in law. So you need to be careful when you meet someone and you must keep a bodyguard by your side at all times, otherwise I'll not feel safe about you sweetie, 'do you understand?'" I replied to her in an half insincere tone "Okay Mommy, I'll follow your instructions. Now lets go and eat some breakfast" I made her leave the room with me as she held my hands. We walked together hand in hand towards the dining table where we saw Mary-san serving the dishes to my father and sister. Mary-san was like a mother to me, so we had come clean with her about everything related to me and how I came to be known as Ouyang Lulu from Ouyang Ming. I went over and greeted Mary-san "Good Morning! Aunt Mary" When Mary-san saw me she was really entranced by my cuteness and due to which she just nodded to me in an robotic manner as she went over with mom to get us some more dishes. I once again sat down on the high leveled princess chair which was slightly difficult as I had to smoothen out the hem of my dress with a brush of my hands otherwise it will hinder my movements. It was a lot more comfy as I was now wearing a diaper under my panties though it made me feel a little uncomfortable it still brought a little security with it. When I sat down I greeted my dad and sister, before I could start my breakfast my sister told me "Hey Sis! It would be best if you eat a lot otherwise you won't have the strength to complete todays regimen that mom and I prepared for your training." when I heard her giving out this sweet warning I was really vexed but I couldn't retort back as it wasn't something I could say about, so I just pouted and ate my fill though I still took in a bit more nutrients inside my body to convert them into spiritual energy to help me fasten the clog resolvent. So I had eaten around twice the amount of food my sister had today. "Lulu! come over in the gym area with your sister, we need to start your lesson" After eating I was supposed to accompany my mother and sister as they would teach me the very first basis of being a girly girl and that was ........