Chereads / Alexander Jackson and The Sea of Neptune / Chapter 12 - The Wizard used a spell

Chapter 12 - The Wizard used a spell

I had a dream where I saw Angel but a bit smaller and running from Cyclopes. I saw a boy who was killed by the Cyclopes. Then someone just like Michael came but of course nicer, and he killed one and yelled to Angel to run to camp. She ran and Michael came. She hugged him and then the time went like a spell make the time go super-fast. Angel was all grown up and Michael was too. I came to camp with Angel and Michael calmed some of the camper that were growling at me. I thought I had a flash back at the day me and Michael met but it wasn't cause I wasn't in Angel's past. Maybe someone was telling me showing me her story for some reason.

I woke up and I was trying to find Angel but I could. I thought they left without me. Until this happened. I bumped into Tom - Blackjack as most of you may know him as - 'Tom?' I asked and placed my hand on his head.

'Boss,' he muttered. 'What's up?'

'I'm good, you?'

'I was gone. Getting used to being a horse again. You know…' Tom muttered.

'Yeah, hey. Any chance you saw Angel passing by?'

'Yeah, she asked me where you were. I didn't know so I said I don't know and she headed to Zeus's cabin. I saw her and Dain running to Hades' cabin and not again, surly they were in Hades' cabin.'

'You're a genius Tom!'

'Am I? I mean… I do have a small head… uh… I mean of course I am!'

I ran to Hades' cabin. I saw Draco sharping his Iron Riptide. 'Alex!' He ran to me.

'Draco? You saw Angel or Dain anywhere here?'

'Uh… No? Why? I thought you and the gang left.'

'Uh… I didn't… I woke up like 10 minutes… Tom told me he saw Angel and Dain heading here.'

'Oh, I didn't see anyone…'

I knew what to do, 'Did you see a girl with long blonde hair and a dude with Brown hair?'

'Uh… Blonde? Yeah, I did.'

'Where did she head and wait. Where is Scarlet?'

'Not going to lie but I don't know. I think Chiron might?'

I ran to the big house and went into Chiron's office.


'Ah! Alex. I was expecting you. Angel and Dain were looking for you. You weren't in your cabin or anywhere in camp.'

'Uh… About that… Wait- I was in my cabin!'

'Uh? What?'

'I was! I know it! I was dreaming!'

'Child, you must forgot!'

'NO! I didn't! I know it was a dream I woke up on my bed!'

'Uh…? I- I- I don't know.'

'Ok now, where is Scarlet?'

'She is in prison.'


'Yes… It's a secret place…'

'Uh ok. Now where is Angel?'

'Uh… To be honest I don't know. Angel said if you found Alex tell him we will meet him at rock forest.'

'Ok! Thanks Chiron!'

'You're Welcome?'

I knew Chiron was confused because Angel or Dain didn't tell Chiron or anyone about us heading meeting Merlin - Yes, Yes! Merlin, The Great, blah, blah I don't care –

I ran to the rock forest and found a blonde girl. 'Angel!' I yelled.

The Girl looked at me and she was just like Angel.

'Who are you?' She took out her sword.

'Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Chill, I mean no harm!' I backed off. 'I am Alexander Legend.'

This is your right now and I mean it: BRUH! You ain't one of the Legends you one of the Legendary Jackson! Look I tell unknown people – people who I don't know – that my name is Alexander Legend, only my Friends or Enemies know me as Alexander Jackson, ok?

The girl looked at the camp and looked shocked. I thought she wasn't a Half-Blood. I thought she was a mortal until this happened.

'You are a Half-blood?' She asked.

'Uh… No?' I tried not to say yes.

'Then why did you come out of our camp?'


'I am a half-blood, daughter of Athena.'

'Oh… I am the Son of Poseidon and I am Alexander Jackson not Legend.'

'Yeah, Yeah. I know because every half-blood have two names. One that enemies and friends know and one name that unknown people know…'

'Oh. So… Your name?'

'I am Sally.'

'Oh ok, Sally. So… You saw any other girl walking by?'

'Oh another blonde girl with a boy? Yeah. They were talking about someone called Alex.'

'That's me!'


'Everyone calls me Alex…'

'Oh…? Uh…'

'Where did they go?!'

'Follow me.'

I did. I saw Dain and Angel running.

'Angel! Dain!' I tried to tell them I am here but they just kept going forward.

I saw Angel slowing down and she stopped Dain. She looked back and saw me. They both ran to me.

'Alex! Where were you? Not in the cabin or camp!'

'I was in the cabin…'

'Uh… I didn't see you.'


'Who's this girl?'

'Oh she's Sally. She helped me find you.'

'Oh ok. So… Dain! Tell him.'

'We couldn't find Merlin in his lair but we found this note. I suppose it was for you as it has your name on it.' Dain gave me the note and I read it.

It said "Alexander Jackson, if you wish to seek me, I must say you already have. Many times. I have sent you to the past. That's the sign of the new war."

I tried to figure out what does that mean? Sent me to the past? Does that have to do something with my dream? Or that I wasn't in my cabin but no one could find me? Who knows? But what did Merlin mean by "Many times"? What does that leads me to? Maybe he summoned the World "Genshin Impact" in our world (Yeah, Earth I mean… Whatever. I am confused, like that world is earth too! Isn't it? AHHH.)

'What does it say, Alex?' Angel asked.

I shook my head. 'It says Merlin sent me to the past and I have already seen him. Many times…'

'You have?'

'No… I- I don't think so.'

'Well, this is a pickle.' Sally muttered.

'Maybe.' Dain confused us even more.

'What do you mean "Maybe"?' I added that confuse percentage.

'Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Hold up! I was the "Wise Girl" wasn't I? I think I can help.' Angel made a good use of the nick name I gave her.

I really wanted to say "L.O.L!" but I could or Angel would kill me for laughing at her as I never ever did. I really tried hard not to laugh. I mean it HARD.

'Ok, so what's in your mind little Miss Princess?' I made her a new (disturbing) nick name.

'Well, Seaweed Brain.' She kept my old name. 'If Merlin said you met before and that he is the greatest wizard of them all, he might be in disguise, No?'

'Nice one, Wise Girl.' I used her old name cause I like that one more. But saying little Miss Princess was fun. Say it, 1, 2, "LITTLE MISS PRINCESS!" Feels good, eh?

'Yes, indeed "Nice one" but his disguise work very well and hard to remember.' Dain dropped the plan to the House of Hades.

'I know,' Sally thought. 'Alex if he have seen you that means he is in a disguise and wasn't going to show himself in public. Alex do you remember seeing a weird person?'

'Besides for the one who told me to go to Greece, No.' I answered and for some reason I remember that weird quest man.

'Oh… uh…?' Angel got confused and sat on a log like she was about to faint with her brain working too much.

'Uh…?' Dain and Sally were just like Angel, about to faint to death.

'Guys? You all ok?' I muttered and Angel stood up.

'I am, let's head to camp no?' Angel pulled me, leaving Sally and Dain back as Angel was the fastest in her cabin.

We made it to camp and Dain and Sally were not in our sight.

'Alex, come on.' Angel pointed to her (private) cabin.

I was looking for Dain and Sally but she was in such of a hurry that she pulled me (again).

'Alex… look…' Angel stopped her voice.

'What?' I muttered.

'It's… It's a dream I had. I was there. You were there. Draco, Dain and… Johny… You and Draco were trapped from a magma demon and we saved you. After the Demon hit me I woke up with fright that if something happened to me…'

'Hey, it's ok. I have dreams like that. I see the bad part too.'

'Maybe that will happen now? Like the Minotaur attacking my mom.'

'Maybe… I am not sure either.'

'I don't why but no one had a dream for us going to the sea.'

'About that… uh… I did.'


'I… I forgot…'


'I'll now but that's already done!'

'What is done? Nothing that big happened!'

'For me and you it did. You almost drowned! In my dream as well… about to die…'

'Oh… Alex… I- I am so sorry that I had to remind you that moment…'

'It- its ok…'

'You sure?' She studied my face with a hard stare. 'Yeah you sure.'

I went out the cabin and went to the camp-fire. The red fire, glowing. I thought about Angel's backstory. Johny poor kid lost his life in a young age… When I thought Death I thought the name Hades then Draco, The ghost king. Maybe he might help me. I ran to Hades' cabin.

'Alex! You found the gang yet?' Draco yelled.

'Oh that's long gone. Hey as the king of ghosts can you seek the souls of the dead people?'

'Yeah, Yeah!' He closed his eyes and asked, 'Soul's Name?'

'Johny Jackson.'


After some time, Draco opened his eyes and patted my shoulder. 'None souls called Johny Jackson, Alex. I'm sorry.'

'That means he's alive?!'

'Or sent to Heaven or Hell.'



'But still chances to be alive?'

'A slight chance, yeah. Like one percent.'

'Well then… Never mind…'

'I am Sorry… and who is he?'

'Angel's Brother.' I explained him the whole back story of Angel with Michael and Johny. Used to be normal before Johny died. Then Michael became Angel's brother, well type of.

'Oh… So Michael saved Angel?' Draco looked at me like I was falling in into Tartarus.

'Well… Yeah.'


'Well then… I'll be heading to sleep. See you later buddy.'

I went to my cabin and Angel went into hers.