Teresa who was now left with her last 3 children ,Max,and the twins Sally and Molly ,even though max was 17 and the girls were both 19 and could care for themselves ,it was still alot for her to deal with .
Teresa was strict and a little bit harsh ,teresa is a 47 year old ,now widowed due to josh dying of his cancer ,woman.
She was sad and lonely ,she'd do house work because "thats what josh would have wanted " she continued to think to herself ,she'd wake up super early 4:30 nearly 5:00 a.m. to make coffee,cook breakfast ,get herself ready for the day ,clean the kitchen ,clean the house ,you know ,womanly activities .
Teresa kept all her feelings and emotions to herself ,if she was upset or hurt in front of people and in public and especially in front of her children she would basically suck it up ,not show she was upset or cry and kind of become emotionless which resulted in her being and coming off as cruel,to her it wasnt cruel,but to the public and especially her children it came off as very cruel and wrong .She shut herself off to the world and becoming so emotionless it was numbing and it seemed as if her body had no soul .
As soon as josh passed she kind of spiraled and her mental health deteriorated and got worst than ever ,you couldnt talk with her or have a conversation or even hold one without it eventually leading to her either getting really angry or her yelling and shouting at you,and even sometimes you could as her things about certain topics or even just try to strike up a conversation with her and she'd stay completely silent and not respond as if you werent there and she couldnt and didnt hear you,it was like talking to a wall ,you'd get absolutely nothing out of her when it was like that .
Teresa and the kids had just moved into this big beautiful old house ,very antique vintage house ,very very old but very very nice and spacious ,perfect for a widowed mother and her 3 kids,plus there was enough room in that house so that if her oldest son christian and his wife shyanne ,yes her name is spelled like that ,could move in with them if need be .Even though teresa kind of dislikes shyanne because shyanne is a very laid back ,chill,gives off hippy vibes ,very colorful and tie-die printed girl ,she just didnt approve of ,plus shyanne smoked pot ,and she smoked alot of it ,even though christian was in the military and was working for and serving the country that didnt mean anything to him ,love was love to him ,and he happened to have fell in love with shyanne and he was happy so thats all that mattered to teresa so she has still tried to get past her "low-life useless daughter-in-law" for christains happiness and sake .Shyanne had very long beautiful golden locks down to her hip-bones,very wavy ,very beautiful hair,wasnt to thin and wasnt to thick,her hair was still full and volumtuious and thick but it wasnt to thick ,it was actually quiet perfect ,she had this beautiful white skin ,she was pale in the winter but the rest of the year around she had this natural beautiful tan and glow going on and her being a white girl ,her getting and having that natural silky beautiful glowing tan was amazing .She had beautifully cute freckles on her face and along her nose ,not to much freckles on the face but just the right amount of them to be considered deemable and attractive ,she also had these beautiful goddess like eyes that always shined no matter rain or sun ,cloudy or sunny,grey or bright ,they always stuck out and shinned these beautiful colors ,her left eye was a beautiful bright bright light crystal blue eye with hints of white making it a even lighter shade of blue than normal ,kind of like a bright icy blue color ,and her other eye was a shinning and bright green color almost a neaon mint green ,she was beautiful .
She had a flat stomach ,no fat at all on her body ,she was a c-cup up top and she had really desirable curvy hips ,she also had a thigh-gap,what evrry girl wanted ,she was like a fairy goddess in human form and every man wanted her and wanted to be her .
She is the sweetest girl ever but that doesnt matter ,teresa still didnt like her but she kept that dislike for shyanne under her breath and to herself .
Shyanne is 26 and works with animals but that doesnt mean shit to teresa ,teresa is a very hard person to please ,but basically loving christian as much as she did compared to her other children,just having christian as her son made her happy so to her ,in teresa's mind she thought "christans a good boy,he's my best child and even though he is married to a useless slut like shyanne im still pleased with him so if hes happy im happy."
Teresa didnt think as highly of her other children as she did with christian ,its really really sad actually .
It is now about 6:45 a.m. and teresa was the only one awake ,as usual and she was washing dishes looking outside of her big bay window in front of the kitchen sink she continued to was and kind of slipped off to somewhere else mentally while just watching outside and looking at nothing honestly ,just staring she accidentally cut herself while washing one of her knives ,teresa sharpens all of her knives daily ,sharpining them all at the end of each and every day ,shes been doing it for about 35 years now ,its kind of like her hobby ,but since josh died she has been doing it more and more excessively due to the stress and loss of her beloved husband she had been married to for 22 years ,she loved him and he loved her .
She realized she sliced her finger open and shut the water off quickly and went to the 1st of 5 bathrooms in her house ,obviously the one that was right down the hall,she cleaned herself up,and washed her wound out with alcohol exclaiming to herself "good lord teresa what have you done ,youre such an idiot ,how could you cut your damn finger open while washing the stupid dishes ,youve been doing dishes since you were 12 teresa ,stop being a mindless idiot and pay more attention to things !"
she finished cleaning up her finger with the rubbing alcohol and opened the mirror cabnet to get out some bandaids ,since she was the only one awake she could hear everything in the house ,even in the walls ,she happened to hear this evil snapping,crinckling,crackling sound coming from in the walls down the hall,she had left the hallway light off ,with the bathroom door slightly cracked open ,she continued on what she was doing even though she heard some weird noise but dismissed it and didnt really pay it no mind ,she continued to look for the bandaids ,she heard it again but this time louder and more aggressive ,it sounded closer this time ,way closer ,the hallway was pretty long ,it wasnt really small or short ,it was lengthy and long and tall ,the first time she heard the noise it was at the end of the hallway but this time it sounded like it was about 10 feet from the bathroom door ,so she stopped doing what she was doing ,didnt make any noise and she stayed quiet ,and she waited and waited for whatever that was to open that door and come into the bathroom with her ,so she waited quietly and still,she was frozen with fear so she just stood there at the sink in front of the mirror which was behind the bathroom door ,so she just stood there terrified in one spot ,the door creaked open and much to her dismay it was sally ,her oldest daughter and oldest twin ,teresa was dismissed and felt relieved as her heart calmed and slowed down from her terror she held her right hand over her chest and exhaled a sigh of relief eventually spitting out the words
"my god sally!you scared the shit out of your mother ,dont ever do that again " sally gave her mother a look of disgust with her mother beginning to exclaim and say something cruel as she usually would to her mother ,she disrespectfully said "oh my god mother get over your lonely old self ,i dont even see why your standing in the downstairs bathroom quietly in front of the mirror like a creep,i cant believe someone like you is my mother ,now get out so i can piss " teresa stared at her daughter sally with a look of confusion and tried to explain herself but sally didnt care and got tired of hearing her mother talk and babble on about nothing and shoved and pushed her out of the bathroom and shut the door and locked it ,teresa felt disrespected and upset but let her daughters actions and attitude slide and let it go .
Teresa becsme paranoid and confused the rest of the day ,she thought alot about what she expiereinced in the bathroom earlier that morning and eventually came to her own conclusion and illusion to try to make herself ignore it and not think about what she expierenced in the bathroom that morning ,so she looked for a quick exterminator phone number one that was in the local and general area to come into her house and clean for,look for and exterminate animals,bugs,and anything that could live in her walls .