Zero two: I want a bath
Captain: Not again Show some self-restraint
Zero two: Hey how do i smell
Captain: Let the man rest, My goodness why must he always be such high maintenance
Zero two: You Ask, i want to swim in some clear ocean water
Assistant: I'm sorry to tell you there's no ocean down there
Zero two: Can't you Just Take a Shower, I'm in the mood for a swim
Captain: We'll be starting our descent soon, Please take your sits and buckle up
Assistant: You got it, save that thought
Zero Two: i really hate how i taste
Hiro: The Jean is also known as the bird that shares wings, I read a book about them a long time ago that they can't even fly unless, A male and female support each other, they're pitiful creatures, Until one finds a partner that money can take finally flight into the skies, Blood, Hey wait something where does a bird, Never end up flying go?, I know the answer to all of that too well, The answer is found one