Do you have ever think what is Success word means to you ? have you ever try to understand what does success really means ? Have you know what success is ?
To come with my experience and after searching about all successful people I will tell you what Success is ? maybe for someone getting corner office is succes. But I have question is it succes or not .
Yeah it is Success but there is condition we will come to know about condition in upcoming chapters .
So what does success really means ?
first you have to know this It's never too late to start and you get to write your own definition of success.
so let's understand it by an example what success is? there are two child's who goes to school . They study in same classroom and same teacher teach them . In future one child becomes an doctor and one become an engineer . As in your point of view the both child's are successful . On What basis , we considereing them successful because they have good job and high pay and ofcource a Social status . But are they are really successful ? Ask this question to yourself ?
and then ask yes why or not why?
Success doesn't means to have good job , high pay and social status and all that stuff .
That's because you can only measure success in your life when you define what drives your happiness and helps you find purpose.
As according to example we take let's explore more The guy who want to be doctor and he is doctor because he loves that profession and want to be in that profession . He wants to be master in his medical field . As he becomes doctor he get happy and achieve his goal want he wanted he did it He want to be in his profession and that what he is doing .
Being an doctor is Success for him because it brings joy and happiness to him . He following his profession and doing what he love.
On the other hand , the guy is engineer
being an engineer he have high pay and social status . But he is not successful you know why?
let's know why because engineering is not the profession he wanted . He wants to be a Lawyer but force fully because of society he push into engineering which he doesn't like .
But now he have to study and he became an engineer but he is not happier by his job .
anyways He achieve his goal but still he didn't feel Happy and Successful
so as there is thing having money is not real Success being rich is not real success .
Success is something that you have to define for yourself, and no one can do it for you. Success could mean a sense of giving back to the world and making a difference. It could mean a sense of accomplishment and career progression.
As there is something in example which you don't know and I know many more doesn't think what's that ? Ask your mind what's that thing in the example ?
it's that if you do something with your heart and put your 100% that thing going to accomplish .
if you do anything in this world with your heart ,love and with soul you are going to be successful .
As there is another quote "Help this world selflessly whole world will support you endlessly " . this quote have great meaning .
It's means of you help this world what whom to help? question popped in your mind Right.
Helping whom who need your help. As there are many people who need help it's not about supporting someone finically it's also support some one giving love to the people you need.
Giving knowledge to someone is the most greatest work in the world .
Share your knowledge . If you are that kind of people who think giving knowledge means losing your own knowledge . so you have to know that your knowledge is worthless .
Remember if your share your knowledge it's means your knowledge is greatest in the world .
As we are talking about Success there is again one thing that is "Understanding success in your terms doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, and many acts of courage, to uncover the deeper questions at the heart of your success journey."
if you really want to know what success is ask questions to your mind and one time you get answer and that time you are really going to understand what success is ?
Success means doing always best and givong your 100% to it .Success can be achieved when you try your best in all aspects of everything you do, even if that doesn't lead to big results. If you've done your best, you should feel proud of your efforts.
So giving your best is something which can make you successful . where you have to put 100% put there 110% .Success is long journey you have to be part of this journey if you thinking you can be successful in one day and learn what success is one day that not possible .
It's slow process and you have to know every
successful person is very patient .
Having patient is a quality of a successful people .
Success is believing in yourself that you can do it .If you believe you can, you will succeed. Self-belief doesn't come naturally to everyone, so if you're able to tell yourself that you can achieve the goals in your plans, you're doing great.
When people don't believe in you, you still need to work on your own confidence
so believing in yourself is very important . If you have self doubt tahg you can't do it and started saying yourself yaht I can't do it.
than you can't do it . Have a positive Gratitude for your goal and say I can do it, it is possible for me to do everything .
Believing in yourself is something which will make you close you to your dream having great thinking about your self .
Be patient , believe in yourself .
everything is good .
Success is taking care of yourself an your needs
Remember to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.self care is essential if you want to have any meaningful impact on the world around you.
keep an journal where you write your emotions.
writing your emotions on page is good thing to Share things with people as people can just make fun of our emotion nothing more than that .
But a page is something which is going to hear everything what we write and not going to make fun of it .
Success is being Greatful for everything you have . Having a positive attitude , be happy with life . Loving and caring is success .
living life for someone else too is Success .
Being a reasonable for someone happiness is success .
when. you make someone smile it means you are successful