His smile faded. He looked mean and sour. All the students going to class for gone. And so are the teachers. I'm so we were alone. No teachers, and no staff. Just two girls in an old man. He stared at us in an awkward silence. His breath still had me close to throwing up. He started shaking. But not like a cold shivering. But a full on shaking. Uncontrollably. I knew something was wrong and so I took his arm to stabilize him in case he fell over. Kalami did so also. Now who's eyes are rolling into his skull. I turned to Kalami and I told her, "Stay with him!" She nodded her head. And then I added, "I'm going to the clinic to get him help!" Then she responded, "OK! But hurry!" I ran out of the hallway. That was my mistake that change the course of the story. I ran as fast as I could. Down the stairs, and to the left. I ran to the receptionist desk. And I told her, "I was in the hallway with my friend and he started shaking and I ran to get help. Please send someone!" The next thing I knew ambulance was here to help the man. But he was gone. And so was Kalami.