Kagea pulled her hood back, a pair of gold colored wolf ears twitching and swiveling towards the sound, the jewelry giving little jingles as she did so. Kibo looked up from his sandwich and tilted his head, his wings stretching out. Inko sighed brushing a few black strands of hair from her face, she looked between the two, "Don't..."
Kagea looked to Inko with a huff, her tail beginning to swish about behind herself, "Oh, come on..."
Kibo looked to Nezu with a small grin, "I promise to bring her back after we check it out!"
"Arthur..." Nezu looked to him, Kagea took her chance and leapt up, running towards the explosion.
"Shadow!!" Ink glared, calling after her dog-headed sister. Now it was Arthur's turn to take off and follow the sound, he opened his wings and kicked off the chair, floating over the table before flapping the wings and truly taking off after her.
"Arthur! Amaya!" Nezu called after the two, but they were already long since gone.
Inko sighed and looked to Nezu who hand a paw over his mouth, "should I follow them sir?"
"If you don't mind Inko..." he gave her a small sigh.
Inko nodded and slowly got up, dusting herself off. She stepped forward, but as she stepped, she grew lower and lower till she disappeared into the ground.
Kagea skid to a stop and tried to look over the crowd, "damn my short middle school-NESS!" She yelped and looked to the draconic boy, huffing at him as he placed her on his shoulders, "That's rude you know."
"Yeah, but you can see now can't you?" He gave her a toothy grin before looking out, "Oh shit..."
"Hu?- woah..." Kagea stared at the large slime villain, the heroes seemed to avoid him... "Wait a minute..." Kagea pulled down her cloth face mask and sniffers the air. Muddled by the smells of everything else around her, she could barely smell the panic of the boy trapped in the slime villain. As Kagea opened her mouth the call out, something made Kibo move, knocking the two off balance.
Kagea fell off his shoulders and hit the ground, but Kibo kept his eyes on the green haired kid as he charged forward... Kagea groaned and sat up, rubbing the back of her head.
"Shadow, that kids gonna get himself killed..." Kibo didn't look to his fallen Sibling, not daring to look away from the sight.
Kagea huffed and climbed a nearby tree to get a better look, the green haired boy was clawing at the Slime villain with very little success. What was he trying to do? Why were no Heroes helping? With a second woosh, the number 1 hero appeared, ending the Slime Villain quicker than the two had ever seen. She sniffed the air as a drop of water hit her nose, and soon, a whole mini down pour. The mini rain storm put out all the fires in the area and soaked those around as well.
Kibo and Kagea looked to one another than out to the two boys and AllMight himself. A large grin slid across Kagea's face as she pulled her cloth mask back on, "I wanna do that."
"Do what?" Kibo looked to his sister.
"Be a hero. God damn, that was awesome..." her tail swished and flicked behind her.
"To UA?"
"To UA."