Chereads / The War of the Roses / Chapter 1 - The Dawn Has Come Part 1

The War of the Roses

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Chapter 1 - The Dawn Has Come Part 1

(Armalan Citadel, Armalan City, Kingdom of Aretusia, Third Earth)


Within the Aretusian Capital City of Armalan stood the great Armalan Citadel, a landmark in historical engineering ability and the seat of government for the Five Heirs to the Aretusian Throne. The City is the last holdout against two hundred years of aggressive expansion by the Orcs, Runaels, and Torruete.

Five Thrones form a crescent within the throne room. The Five children of the late King Geralt VII Ar'Malani rule together, each overseeing a different part of the governing of Aretusia.

The eldest, Princess Anna, rules over the Civilian Populace and it's affairs as part of her Sphere of Governance, which is referred to as the Civilian Administration. But since this is often dependent on the assistance of the other Spheres of; Research and Development, The Military, Trade and Foreign Relations, and Laws, Justice, and Order, her powers are limited

Her younger brother, Prince Arstan commands the Sphere of Laws, Justice, and Order, being harsh, but fair in his judgment, and policing what remains of the land

Prince Arstan's twin sister, Princess Arianna watches over the Sphere of Trade and Foreign Relations. It is only because of her firm and diplomatic attitudes that the other four Kingdoms of Araacoen, Skirel, Dar'valethan, and Orocco still trade with them. Research and development is overseen by Princess Freya, and the military is overseen by the youngest, Prince Artur.

Prince Artur has watched as his siblings lose hope, the fact that the Strong Military Traditions of their Kingdom, which helped make it the strongest of the Five, did practically nothing to stop the Black Hordes advances, caused their patriotic fervor to change the allegedly inevitable outcome, to burn low, until only dying embers remained. Artur dreams of ending this, but he cannot declare an end to the isolationist period that the Kingdom of Aretusia has entered without a majority ruling from two or three other siblings joining him. And he can only overrule them if he is declared King, and his Four Siblings must be united in that decision.

Artur argues daily with his siblings, begging they allow him to test the outlying outposts for a weakness, but they remain reluctant. Unbeknownst to Artur however, a young woman, red of hair is coming with an opportunity...


(Princess Astryn Therison POV)


Princess Astryn, was fifteen years of age, she was King Llane Therison's Eldest Daughter and was coming to Armalan to once more ask for aid from the Kingdom of Aretusia. Her father and brothers had tried many times to make the Five Rulers see reason, and her father had dejectedly sent her as his last attempt to get them to cease their Isolation. From what her brother's told her Prince Artur was always in favour of the ending of the isolation, and though he came off as Militant, he seemed the most receptive to the idea.

If all else failed, Astryn was prepared to seduce Prince Artur if it meant getting him to bring his army onto the Black Hordes. Astryn knew her own worth even if the other Dar'valethana Nobles don't. With her fresh ideas and keen mind for Strategy, she knew she just needed someone to believe in her, and perhaps with the map of The Hordes Supply Lines, she might be able to coax the Aretusian's into an alliance.


As Tradition commanded, when meeting a royal of an opposing Nation it was expected to bring a gift that aptly acknowledged their talents and style.

Prince Artur was reputedly a highly skilled Archer, thus she was bringing a special Blackrock enhanced Bow. Blackrock was a magically imbued material that was unique to Dar'valethan. It's Ore produced Metal's that could be refined to a degree of purity that made the Metal capable of soaking up Magical Attacks, before channeling that Energy into a new attack.

Blackrock Bows could shoot farther than anything save a Dragon Bone Bow, and thus this Bow was Dragon Bone that had been infused with Blackrock Ore.

Oddly enough Blackrock Bows couldn't shoot Blackrock Arrows, something about Opposing composition and purity. The Bows instead fired Bloodbone Arrows, which were carved from the wood of The Bloodbone Tree's. These Arrows would never miss their mark so long as their shooter stayed true to themselves as told by Ancient Legend.


(Prince Artur Vels POV)


Prince Artur stood at the War Table, staring at the ever shrinking territory, he barely registered his sister's arrival.

''You'll go map blind if you stare at that for too long baby brother." Arianna joked.

"How long did Our father look at this, wondering if the ever shrinking territory would be the end of us as a Kingdom? I wonder if despite the hopelessness he would feel looking at it, that like me he feels we need only a small spark of hope to ignite our dying flames of fervor." Artur says looking at his Father's statue overlooking the room.

"Our Army is barely an Army, you've kept it alive, but we lack the troops to lead a full on war against the Black Hordes. If we were to wage war, we'd need resources, we'd need a steady stream of troops, we'd need infrastructure, and we'd need a King or Queen to lead us." Arianna says Sympathetically touching his shoulder.

"I know sweet sister, but even getting one Kingdom on our side could galvanize our forces, and I'd need a small string of Victories, a target that is vital to the Horde's advance, but not well guarded, they've had us on the defensive for two hundred years, if they aren't getting careless now they won't be." Says Artur.

"Princess, Prince-General! A Royal messenger from Dar'valethan has arrived, it's Princess Astryn, she wishes to speak to the Prince-General." Says The Guardsmen.

"Princess Astryn? That's King Llane's eldest daughter if I'm not mistaken. If she's here, she must want an alliance like her father and Brothers. Summon my Generals, Arianna as the Ruler of The Sphere of Trade and Foreign Relations your required to be there as well." Artur instructs.

"Oh you can karfing count on it Little brother." Says Arianna.

"Guardsman, summon our other siblings, we cannot greet a foreign princess without them. Summon the Council of Archmages, and Grandmaster Zel, I want them present as well." Says Artur.

"Yes, Prince Artur." Says the Guardsman


The Five Royal Heirs sat on their Ebony Wood Carved thrones inlaid with Silver, which denoted their status as below the King/Queen. Above them sat the Royal Throne of Bloodbone inlaid with Gold and Iron, sat within a Dragon's Maw as it was a trophy of the first King of Aretusia.

Princess Astryn entered in riding leathers and did not look like the Princess Artur had been expecting from his past dealings with her father and Brothers. The lot of them came in Finery and regalia of past honors, but the fact Princess Astryn came in wearing the clothes she was wearing was interesting to say the least.

Dar'valethan Women seldom wore the clothes Astryn was wearing when meeting other Nobles or Royalty.

''You stand in the presence of the Council of Five, The Council recognizes Princess Astryn as a guest of Royal Blood and Bone, and offers right of guest welcome.'' Princess Arianna intones, as she motions a servant to offer the traditional Aretusian Right of Welcome, which is Bread, Salt, and Water.

Astryn and her companions eat and drink as tradition demands, before handing a Scroll of Parchment to the Council Guard Commander.

''You know why I'm here, to ask for your aid against the Black Horde. That is a Map detailing the Hordes Supply Lines, consider it a Gesture of goodwill and Token of Esteem.'' Princess Astryn states.

''Prince-General.'' The Commander says offering the Map.

''Let's see, Taelmar Crag, Hargiens Hills, and...That no good slimy Traitor!!!'' Artur snarls.

''Brother?'' Princess Arianna asks.

''We've been betrayed according to this map. Geldspeire Caverns, the Seat of House Lucilla is marked as Their Main Supply Source.'' Says Artur showing his siblings.

''This cannot go unanswered.'' Prince Arstan in tones.

''No it can't Brother, and I intend to do something about it.'' Artur says.

''You can't act without a Majority ruling.'' Says Princess Anna.

''You know what, fuck a majority ruling, fuck this whole process and fuck you lot too! I have honored fathers last wish to the letter, but I will not honor it any more if you refuse to act. Call the Grand Assembly Captain, let's see if the rest of the city is a bunch of gutless cowards like my siblings.'' Artur instructs.


Within the Grand Assembly Thousands of People stood wondering why they'd been called. Four Royals watched from the observation balconies above, while the Prince-General stood on the Stage.

''I know that I don't speak for every one, but I for one refuse to watch My homeland continue to shrink and burn, to see my countrymen beg for help and be ignored by the other Councilors. We know where the Black Hordes Supply Lines are, so I ask you this, will you let this opportunity slip us by? Will you be content to stay here knowing that one day the Black Hordes will March into this city, rape your women, plunder your gold, and kill your children as sacrifices to their heathen Gods? Because I can't turn a blind eye any longer. I say we take this map, and shove it down their throats. I'm not ordering, begging, or asking for you to help save this Kingdom because I don't care for it anymore, I'm asking you as a proud Aretusian whether or not you wanna die like a dog or live like a man or woman who spat in the Devil's face and told him to fuck right off and lived to tell the tale. I'm asking if you'd rather die by starvation or live with the Knowledge that you had the courage to say no to the Black Horde and meet your maker head held high. I'm asking if your willing to join me, to join me in at least dying with a bit of dignity. I'm not asking for volunteers, because this will only end one way. In death, either the Death of us....or them. And I say them! I ride within the Hour, any who want to fight, find me at the Gate.'' Says Artur as he descends from the Steps, and walks out.

As he leaves, a Voice Calls out.

''Dar'valethan stands with the Prince-General.'' Says Princess Astryn as her party joins him on his way out.

''The Brotherhood of The Golden Dusk Stands with him Too!'' An Archmage calls out as they trail behind the Dar'valethana Royal Party.

''Fuck it! The Guild of Adventurers Is in too!'' As more and more Factions voice their support, The Crowd begins to rally as more and more voice their support.


From the Observation balcony the other Councilors watch their Youngest Brother depart.

''It seems that the people have made their decision.'' Says Anna.

''If he survives he'll either be put on the throne or continue to string along victories until being defeated.'' Says Arstan.

''Indeed, I say we Name him King. He has the drive to succeed, let us hope he returns with the mettle and support needed.'' Arianna says, drawing her line in the sand.

''I agree, he would be am acceptable King.'' Freya speaks up.

''That decision can be discussed later.''Arstan comments.

''Yes, Brother, yes it can.'' Says Anna.


As Prince-General Artur mounted his Horse, he, the Dar'valethana Royal Party, Brotherhood of The Golden Dusk Archmages, and Guild of Adventurers shared one last look with each other, knowing that with such a Small host many of them would not survive.

''Looks like it's just us.'' Says Artur with no small amount of disappointment conveyed in his tone.

He spurs his horse on, and they leave the Armalan Citadel Grounds. They ride through the streets, and notice that bit by bit, little by little more and more people begin to arm themselves as they join the growing procession. It isn't long before those who don't or can't fight begin cheering for the Prince who dares to strike about, but these grinds to a halt as the sounds of many armored footfalls are heard, and the Army arrives at the crossroads before the Main Gate. Forty Five Thousand Men alone stand tall and proud as The Generals walk to the front.

''The Army is with you Prince-General.'' Says each General.

A small smile creeps up onto his face as his heart swells with pride.