The blonde gets out opening the house then goes out to wake the brunette. Ma'am we're here she finally stirs n leads her carefully to the house. She gets her onto the couch. She tells the brunette that she needs to undress her to dry her clothes n warm her body. She carefully undresses her brushing her plump breasts n crotch but not being abusive but convincing herself it was accidentally but feeling herself get wet. She snuggles the brunette in a few blankets. She puts the clothes in the dryer n heads to bed. Knowing that she must now help her till she can leave. She also gets lost in desire for her new guest and gives in to her urge to masturbate. She falls asleep to thoughts of what may be but doubts it'll happen.
The blonde watches over the tired brunette as they sleep eat n use the restroom but not communicating. Finally after 4 days the brunette Finally awakens startled, confused and naked wrapped in blankets. The blonde walks in 20 minutes later seeing the brunette she explains how she got her here and the finding her on the roadside. The blonde then hands the clothes to the brunette. The blonde turns around as the brunette gets dressed out of respect. After the brunette taps her on the shoulder blonde turns around. I'm Janet the blonde announces. Th brunette thinks recalling her own name and says I'm Clarice .