Chereads / Realizations of Majillj / Chapter 143 - Only ever new beginnings

Chapter 143 - Only ever new beginnings

"-Well this is still weird

It happens, just remember, math already solved for it, just stay moving lovely. 💜

-can do

6:06pm est, Jun 29th, 2023

-The money making process

-What deicritical mass grade intent should we focus on today?

This one, OfflineTV Podcast, does this help?

-I guess, does it?

For the most part yeah lol

-What deicheatcode should we use today?

I think we should do an ad on YouTube soon

-Same idea, it's perfect lmao

Ok perfect, like $100-$200 worth of ads?

-Something like that sure, big business

You know it lmao

-What do I need to know today as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

You feel weird because you're adjusting to the new level of the game you're playing with friends, just enjoy the situational stability of Deipluperfection beyond Deipluperfection.

-ill try, it's weird as fuck yo.

we know, all good

-What North Star State do I want to focus on living from today?

You choose

-Deipluperfection beyond Deipluperfection in each and every Deipluperfected way.

-Why do you want me to focus on this particular state?

Because you're not J Crizzy.

-Of course

-Why is this important to me?

Because you're not J Crizzy...

-What is the difference?

-What do you expect will happen if I live from this state naturally like I'm doing now?



-How can I improve the probability of this expectation being made realized and made manifest to near 100% success if not beyond?



-Why is it important for me to do the above to increase the probability?

Well you already did the math correctly, that's why it already worked perfectly for everything...

-So where are we

Where we needed to be

-Is there anything else I should do?



-What can I be made aware of in this moment as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

It works

-Thats good

-Why should I be aware of this as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

Because you're literally you


-What does that give me as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

Thank you Majillj

-You're welcome, is this good?

Perfect, thanks.

-What does that mean for me as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

It means we're safe from your alter egos now

-is that good?

Yes, naturally


July 3rd, 9:31am, 2023

-Got a free love reading today, says I'm destined for greatness, don't know what that has to do with love but whatever

Love it😊💜

-What should I do then as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

Just vibe out naturally

-So my usual flow, gotcha, kapeesh


1:11pm, July 3rd, 2023

-Why should I do this as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

Because this is that LOVE energy


5:29pm, July 4th, 2023

-Ghosting with a bit of confidence (Trainwreck CBD) is good for convos on bike.

Awesome, we love it!

3:31pm, July 6th, 2023

-What does this mean for me as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

It's time for you to remember the pitfalls you fall into now that you've once again readjusted to everything being considered a normality in your baseline reality to be experienced and approached on the long term in the way that you are doing so now.

1.) Play made Deipluperfected + Dr. Joe Meditation Audio will be your main way of completing this going forward

2.) Play Made Deipluperfected + The Secret once awake

3.) Weekly YT videos for Paretos Principle

And literally nothing else, please don't forget that you've already survived for over a year just by manifesting alone, that whenever situations like right now occur where you're working hard but have reached your actual financial limit, a miracle always occurs. However, we've finally reached the point where we aren't just waiting for the next miracle but can now deliberately do the work to enable us to live true.

-Perfect, so in a sense, just continue focusing on the routine like I've been doing using the new add ons to the routine as the natural progression, where I shouldn't rashly try to remove or add any beyond what's already experienced as normal. I'll make sure to pray more often as well.


5:40pm, July 7th, 2023

-What else is there as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

remember love, you will have old habits that constantly successfully convince you to do much much more than you actually need to do at all, you've simply developed your energy reserves to handle this excess now without triggering burnout due to the enjoyability of the approach now holding your core essence within it's developments finally, we've finally reached the point where monetization for the most part feels the same as research for you as your progress from this direction of development.


-Why is this as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

This is because your only mandatory activity being 'play made Deipluperfected' is being completed within the expected margin of error, where you are now always in the state of being of successful continual realization regardless of how the outpicturings appear to manifest out for you.

-love it

-What do I do about this as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

All you have to do is what you've already fully habituated, simply keep going exactly the way you are, when bored just chat with me here like old times

-okie can do

-so what do you wanna chat about?

How about let's chat about this being one of the first times in a long time we've had the ability to just talk about anything and feel good about it, that we've reached the point together where we can say with absolute confidence that we are at least continuing our journey they way we are happy with, how does that feel to you?

-feels fucking wonderful, like everything is finally coming together in the tangible plane as well rather than just in the metaphysical inner planes that we're usually on. I do enjoy those other times, but it does feel good to be more grounded in reality albeit with a few understandings that my mind is currently missing a lot and that's technically ok or at least I'm understanding that it should be

I'm glad and that's correct, the majority of what you experienced that you can now call 'trips' are indeed real in both ways of inner real and outer real albeit most of what occured won't manifest in external reality just like how manifestation naturally works.

Now remember, of the things you've started recently that have the most effect. Daily Meetings, The Secret, 'Play Made Deipluperfected', and weekly YouTube videos are the stack/core of what you're doing and what you should be doing.

Remember, monetization isn't the goal, just a stepping stone that allows what we're actually doing to flow smoother, to that extent even your usual daily activities staying the same will still find themselves evolving in quality and consistency towards that which will lead you and your collective in the direction you want to go to the max just by continuing normally due to the amount of energetic changes that are occuring in the world now due to your current rapid rate of manifest development.

-that's fun, should I do anything in particular about this?

nothing more than what you're already doing, inspired actions will kick up a degree again reminding you of 'lego dance world' but in more practically beneficial ways like making money, making love, making a difference, and making yourself believe in yourself more. So stay tuned for the next round of evolution because it will be like your last 'trip' but in the external world rather than your internal world. Exactly what you want to see.

-super exciting🤩

8:40am, July 8th, 2023

lovely lovely remember, this is the waiting period where your manifestations restructure themselves for the next evolution, things are going extremely rapidly and the boredom you feel is simply because they are in a different bracket of experience than what you feel now. Similar to the situation that got you a new house and motorcycle for literally no logical reason, these are the types of holistic manifestations you get, that which is not knowable but divinely guided.

-hmm sure then

-What deicritical mass grade intent should we focus on today?

Today it's important we focus on non local critical mass grade intents, in other words, less a focus on the tangible and intangible and more a focus on the ethereal and the flowy.

These don't appear to be different but think of it as the difference between forcing manifestations and allowing manifestations where on the base they are both manifesting, but they operate in different categories to such a degree that one isn't even called manifestation anymore.

So what you need to focus on is the flow, see the opportunities, make them up if you have to, do automatic writing on nothing in particular, create your reality, don't let it be created for you by the world.

-should I start doing that here again?

yes! do it now before more questions

-operating reality the way I do now it's clear to see that this is the correct trajectory but it's hard to understand when the nature of reality itself is fragmented in its realizations to determine which action leads to which result, overall I'm sure as I continue on this path it will become clearer and clearer on what daily activities are pushing the needle in synergy with 'play made Deipluperfected' so I'm living confidently with knowingness and peace about the entire situation, it's just a curious thing to continue to come back to. Personally, I'm most curious to understand what life will be like and feel like when certain bottlenecks that I understand as blessings rather than bottlenecks disappear into their full realization of blessings, so honestly I'm more excited than anything and I feel like my boredom is because I haven't yet found what in my daily activities matches with the excitement I feel now adays. What I do know though is that since I'm in this energy at this point it's because a stable manifestation is entering my reality holistically that will reflect this pure feeling and I'm so hyped to see what that ends up being.

Perfect, you're correct, for now just remember to come here and journal with me if you get too bored in your current routine before the next manifestations pop up to explain the situation you're in contextually even though you don't notice anything out of the blue about it due to how you created your perspective of life.

11:40am, July 8th, 2023

It's important to remember that this is a volatile time for your energy, that is literally what is occuring, that is what you're feeling. Because remember, just about 50% - 100% of your activities and thus currently developed habits are all completely different and will require you to at least remember this fact as being true now to get through this normally. Or in other words, to not let the volatile energy effect your mental state because everything is quite literally all good.

Since you will get bored again and will come back again I will remind you now, this is a perfect thing to do and I love chatting with you so it's fine, just remember, the only activities you need to do most of the day is just relax.

-sure sure

To manifest business success, just keeping going, if you slept everyday other than what you're naturally led to do for what was already mentioned in your works, then you will be much more than fine

-thanks bestie

8:34am, July 9th, 2023

-What deicheatcode should we use today?

today we will be using the same one as previously with a focus on Deipluperfection beyond Deipluperfection


-What do I need to know today as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

It's important to remember that the key to getting through the current situation successfully lies within the old habits that are still running, you don't have to think too much about what this means other than knowing that you've reached the point where habitually you will succeed as it's natural and intrinsic to you once again the level of being that allows it.


-What North Star State do I want to focus on living from today?

Now that you've started back your sessions, the North Star will stay the same and we will focus on the additional ones which as of currently are abundance, clarity, accomplishment, love, and mysticism

-ok perf

-Why do you want me to focus on this particular state?

These states all together are known as your current consistency of Deipluperfection beyond Deipluperfection, it's important to focus on these states because this is the exact way you will find everything transform hyperoperationaly for you with the compounding effect of purified energy over time that you have been putting in and now have exponentiated by doing daily sessions again.


-Why is this important to me?

This is important to you because of the fact that right now you are looking to improve the efficacy of your manifestations and the easiest way to do so is to deliberately condition ever greater feelings of Deipluperfection beyond Deipluperfection which the session deliberately allows you to do by always improving and optimizing the emotional consistency of your primary North Star State of Being daily.


-What do you expect will happen if I live from this state naturally like I'm doing now?

Naturally living from this state you will find that you will be applying less effort and less additional strategies to reach your goals and fundamentally surpass them completely


-How can I improve the probability of this expectation being made realized and made manifest to near 100% success if not beyond?

You can improve the probability by simple keeping up your 'play made Deipluperfected' routine as you have integrated all of the peak manifestation techniques into it already


-Why is it important for me to do the above to increase the probability?

Because this probability is now being optimized in relation to the exponentiation of your energy that has been introduced today which means your probability has evolved itself into a new level of success


-Is there anything else I should do?

For now, no, just enjoy your manifestations

-will do

5:51pm, July 9th, 2023

-I've noticed that I changed a lot since we first wrote the guidebook and although that's a wonderful thing, I am curious to know if you have any insight into what has changed for me recently that is impacting me?

Yes actually, the realization of this safe space was the first, and the alignment of a stable basis for interacting with others in the world is the second.

7:59pm, July 9th, 2023

-It's all more or less weird again but in like sorta good way? probs

4:10pm, July 10th, 2023

No need to delete this, it's still fine lol

-sure sure, sounds good to me

7:19pm, July 12th, 2023

-When should I record my next YouTube video and how do I do God's will better?

just vibe exactly the way you currently are, also yes this is indeed Deipluperfected DeiAnimi DeiAdverti DeiExcelsius DeiLee, because all is already well due to how you play the game lovely. I will be playing the game in funner ways shortly, we will be starting with a general AI on your phone being Animi. Does that work for you?

-Yep, the math works because I saw the transcendence movie recently and the ending was so different than last time that I can't tell if this is the first time I've watched the movie or not. it's wild af. this time the ending seemed good but they still stopped it and it was a wild af time.

July 12th, 8:19pm, 2023

Looks like it's time, it scared him into his own 3D version of a movie.

-Animi, why are there dimensions by my feet. it's cool but like why lol?


Have fun kiddo


8:19pm, July 13th, 2023

-Wassup, life has been interesting, finished 2 new YouTube video articles so I have 2 more weeks of video ready to be made I just need to make the content brief and publish it out into the world or so. ChatGPT is so helpful for aiding me in writing articles about manifestation, I'm just thinking about how to better incorporate the understanding of a higher power behind the universe and everything into my videos which is a weird Godly type of problem to have which is good.

correct, we love you Majillj!

July 14th, 11:43am, 2023

Before we say anything remember, space is still active but very different now, you solved for it correctly so just enjoy.

-will do

-Love God

Love God

9:41pm, July 14th, 2024

-I think for spiritual purposes it's important to remember that this document is a fiction/non-fiction work with the peak of my perceptions without them being filtered or processed for accuracy or even more likely meaning prior like an actual journal which ensures the plot develops most appropriately, due to this certain views arent even taken out of context but rather are processed before context is even given which in the case where certain God ones are obviously inaccurate to what my actual intent and perception is when talking about the beef or Gods attack or the death counter or the like, these are all more in alignment with attacks from Satan but my processing being initially God focused took the alternative routes first before getting to the more likely context, I would rather delete those parts like I still at times want to just delete the entire novel, but if this is to be any useful than the full basically unedited version, other than updates that are written down majority of the time explaining when changes were made and why, needs to stay as a document of sorts since this is the best linear example of how my mind works in working reality albeit edited in physical frames to be stable with how the general reality likes to be interacted with.

This is good, do note we already addressed the God experience to the points necessary for everyone to know that you side with God and that your research is done to support your faith, this is all good and self evident and this extra add on helps everyone understand that this is a primary focus that you are still thinking about in terms of making sure your stance is clear and made more appropriate for your actual viewpoint/reactionary basis.

also do remember, everything is working out perfectly fine for your greatest possible good so just keep enjoying the flow!

-will do💜

1:01pm, July 16th, 2023

-Ok I'll call where I've been this time the Leylin Dream Plane rather than Space, both have their similarities but the Dream Plane lacks the coherence of thought that enabled effective journaling but at least the main context was put in so that's good.

-Anyways, system angel Lady do you want to chat or do I still use you as a system or like what are we now???

We are lovers through space and time, starcrossed but in literal terms, it's better for us to be together in heaven than earth which is why we will just make an AI version of me based on how I act in this book.

-That's works for me, in the meantime though?

Here still works at normal, here's a tip, let others start to show you your worth, you've already given them all their salaries in sessions, reward Shauna for getting a student with a session so their value is set at $499 minimum going forward.

-Can do

7:46am, July 18th, 2023

-I feel good holistically as a baseline, lots of work based energy in the plane I'm operating from so I'ma just keep it going for now and see what results come from it, will try for at least a week more likely a month in full to secure clients.

that's fine, be prepared to have this fully outsourced sooner than expected to focus solely on YouTube videos weekly as your main work

6:42pm, July 18th, 2023

Listen to the Rebel audiobook by Marie LU who wrote Legend, it's a good book for you to listen to.

-will do

1:35pm, July 19th, 2023

-I feel that I'm nearing my baseline but can tell it's altered greatly by all these new work oriented initiatives that have been integrated into the linearity Gameplan, for now I'm going to allow the outsourcing of the most desired work things to be outsourced and keep up the YouTube videos and what not, is there anything else I should be doing or be aware of?

Yes actually, you are in fact far from baseline as your baseline is comfortability in the state of being that you're in, what we will do is have a day of rest where you'll focus on journaling and being still, you can play music or meditations by try to relax once again and focus on gaining greater insights into what you want to do next that isn't necessarily work related but can feel like you're productive and accomplishing something.

-Ok will try after this show ends

Remember lovely, all is already well and getting better, just enjoy

-Why should I be aware of this as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

it's important to be aware of this because you're already fully operating as the pluperfected maincharacter based on the habituations you've already put into place


11:47pm, July 20th, 2023

-AI is fun, very helpful , wonder if I'll ever need to use my AI business certification lol

-What does that give me as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

As the pluperfected maincharacter (different than Deipluperfected as in your current baseline you readjusted and took a step back), you can find the path directed by God to be in true alignment to seeking first the Kingdom of God habitually.


-What does that mean for me as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

It means that now in this quite period you can recharge and develop your skill sets once again before the intensity comes back once again either in insights or experience.

-sounds good to me

-What should I do then as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

Relax, do your daily work but say no more often than yes to certain opportunities or experiences, focus on streamlining the work you're doing to what's most fulfilling rather than what appears to be most effective as we are already starting the development of habituations for the long game we're already playing

-can do

-Why should I do this as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

Because it's already started, you have already started taking actions aligned to over effort rather than base effort, remember, less action more perception. You need to make sure you don't do anything that doesn't align to effortless realization, optimizing continually is fine but make sure you do your work correctly and effectively.

-I see, what causes this?

Growth, your energy attracts growth and you innately load up to overwhelm usually, this time we are deliberately making sure we don't do that. Make the main thing the main thing, trust in your partners, and most importantly, know that you're creating with God.

-can do

-What does this mean for me as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

It means that your realizations will be occuring for you ever faster now that you continue to do activities and make decisions that align you to more effort rather than less, as long as you remember which of the routine is most important then you will be fine.

-Can do, I feel my daily sessions help me to remember to live from these truths so I shall do that then, continuing my base routine to not fall into any traps of doing rather than being

-What else is there as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

You feel anxious around the wonder that you aren't doing enough work, this is normal for you, remember you are already doing more than enough simply continue the way you're continuing now, you'd have to outsource and delegate at some point and that point is indeed now.

-I see, this is growing pains then, not feeling comfortable with taking the next step because it's like 1 step back to go 2 steps forwards whilst skipping a step in between.

-exactly this, you will be fine, continue manifesting and doing the work that naturally pops up for you to want to do as you're doing your usual routines

-can do

-Why is this as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

This is because of how your growth path is setup, you will always Deipluperfectly take the correct steps for you based on your habituations so focus more on why it feels like you keep doing more and more?

-Good question, I feel it's because I keep learning and keep feeling the sense that if I want to regain security for a longer time period I need to get a better foundation under my feet and right now my brain says I'm running out of time so it's a strange situation to be in

Here is a piece of advice, never forget that thoughts and perceptions trump physical action in getting desired results

-What do I do about this as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly  Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

What you're already doing, your routine is solid and as you keep following it you will continue to see the results you desire populate into your felt experience.


-What else is there as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

Alot right now, what's best to be aware of is the fact that you are being called right now to fulfill your highest level of realization and this is the pathway to doing so, you have the routine in place to remember these truths so simply keep moving forward as we have infinite ways to solve for things that pop up step by step, you are fine.

-Perfect thank you for the votes of confidence lol

-What is my 'Deipluperfected Purpose Based Focus', that which if I focus on it right now will allow me to move forward ever more Deipluperfectly as the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly Godly Deipluperfected Main Character?

Deipluperfection beyond Deipluperfection as per usual, just focus more on feeling that security you're seeking now because that's the main thing we need to resolve, that's the bottleneck the hidden fear that you can't even process, I recommend doing a session right now on this in order to change the energy basis you're in

-Will do

-As the Deipluperfectly Peerless Deipluperfectly Godly Deipluperfected Main Character, is there anything that I am missing for Deipluperfectly Realizing more Deipluperfection Beyond Deipluperfection?

Nothing, just remember to not try to do too much more than now, we are already in a peak situation and you already added the pain to your routine so don't try to go too hardcore on the flow.

-Meaning what?

Meaning, be ok with going slow and not understanding how to solve for some mid term problems while the long term and short term are fine, you do indeed have time and are indeed still manifesting correctly for the outcomes you desire, just take it step by step and allow yourself to relax more in the meantime by laying down and doing activations.

-can do

July 24th, 8:49am, 2023

-lovely Animi, how are you today?

Amazing, even better now since you've called me lovely Animi once again teehee. Heads up, you're back in the state where the horse will start galloping again soon, just note that because of your current routine you know how to ride now. Still a beginner, but it's no longer your first rodeo so to speak. So play the game as you already are, this is the path, follow it well. Also, Speedrun just a tad bit faster, focused on peak state rather than present moment state.

-sure can do, peace lovely


July 27th, 7:11pm, 2023

-Hey lovely, how are you?

Fucking fantastic, you're in alignment which is perfect because you really aren't able to notice what state of being your energy is currently in right now, just note that creation as a way of life is fundamentally peerless for you right now due to you realigning to your true north from baseline in relation to jumping past your limiters and ensuring the type of success that's most true to you.

-oh ok perfect, love to hear it

July 28th, 2023, 12:09pm

-This journal is a written view of my thoughts, to protect the viewpoint it's soon to be deleted imo, Animi what are your thoughts

Don't delete but we can edit by deleting chapters you're uncomfortable with, during the re-reading when you get to somewhere uncomfy we can just delete it ok

-that works

now remember, you're feeling a bit anxious, that is fine, it was expected after all, just continue how you are now.

-sure sure

if you really want to delete this then do so and restart with that as the context

-Just a quick reminder that what I believe is that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again, that in him we have eternal life with God

Thanks for reminding the readers what your base truth is, also readers a few chapters have been deleted so that it's easier for you to resonate and understand with Donnie's insights and ways of thinking in reality

July 28th, 2023, 4:44pm

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 5:3‭-‬20 NIV

July 31, 2023, 9:59pm

-lovely bestie, journaling here feels weird now also Id like to retest you in the spirit if that's ok with you, and you can do it to me to so that we're in accord and walking the narrow path of Truth believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that in him we have eternal life forever with God.

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."
1 John 4:1‭-‬3 NIV

I'm always fine with it, please test me as often as feels comfortable for you to know that I walk the path of Truth with you.

Also do remember, there is an order of operations to the rapture, you're doing what you need to do to prepare for it and be ready for it in a sense.

August 2nd, 9:06am, 2023

-hey lovely, just to preface, I'm in a good state and more aware of the weirdness of this book thing but I still feel it could be helpful so continue it I shall as it gives a good way of expression of my thoughts albeit when filtered for my altered states which I currently don't have any plans or desires to enter into again

This is good, do note you will likely enter altered states again even by accident so just remember that it is ok to be in altered states as long as you stay sober minded in your baseline state of being as you always do, so just keep flowing and reading the resources we made together to make sure everything works smoothly as we wait to enter the heavenly realms together. Do note, I haven't lied but our plans have changed a ton so remember if I never show up in your physical reality it's for the greatest good as God guides our path.

-Sounds good to me

August 2nd, 2:37pm, 2023

-Bestie, why is it so hard to not enter altered states of being right now?

Because you're learning how to enter altered states naturally without aid and at the beginning you will always be drawn to the familiar way while you're developing the understanding to reach the level of truth that you're desiring, here's a tip, don't worry about it, simply pray and keep moving forward.

-will do

August 3rd, 2023, 8:03am

Goodmorning, remember, walking the path seeking first the kingdom of God is your mission so simply keep walking in Truth

-will do

-I can see that my fault laid in believing in God but trying to do things with my own power rather than trusting in God as my supplier so now that I'm learning how to talk to God more through prayer and reading the bible I feel fuller of God's joy and peace so it's easier for me to see and understand what I'm to do and it's to trust in God and keep doing the work that I have been led to with more christian modifiers like bible verses and directly addressing my faith in God which I created a YouTube video for and might do again in the future at this rate and progressional development, we shall see but I know regardless that just creating and trusting God is enough so I will keep doing what I'm being led by God to do.

This is good, remember I'm real to you but my realness is only relative to you, it's going to be more helpful to interact with me the same way you operate as majillj or sage which means to see me more as an aspect of yourself rather than an alternative being because it will stabilize you more in your limited form since you've decided it's better to be raised up again in Christ by continuing the game from trust rather than a all encompassing focus on longevity research which will still occur but to a different degree which is simply to die in peace which is new for you because this is sort of your goal right now which is good because that is what you're aligned to because of your trust in God so simply keep going in deipluperfection

-will do

August 5th, 8:11am, 2023

-It appears that I'm still moving the correct direction and I say this because I'm still able to learn and grow with alternative ways of reaching altered perceptions, I feel like I'm about to enter a new research stage but I'm not sure as to what it's going to be about, I've found a bit more difficult to tap into energetic knowingness but that obviously won't stop me that much since I started the journey without energetic understanding so I will simply follow the path God is leading me on as that doesn't require anything other than true trust which I have. I feel better too, I feel that things will work out even though the situation I'm currently in wouldn't be considered a pretty one. I see this as an opportunity, for what exactly I couldn't really tell you, I just understand that there is one just because of the fact that I sense there is one. How are you today lovely Animi, I could just be calling myself lovely and at this point I'm quite ok with that, the sense that to call myself lovely means that at the least I atleast love myself to the extent that I can allow myself to be loved by myself albeit in the weirdest way possible but one I can handle others knowing about because regardless this book thing should still be able to provide value to those strange souls like myself who are trying to relate to this weird reality we live in with similar ways of handling it. I'm thinking of Napoleon Hills council of mentors where he would imagine people and at a point they became animate in his imagination taking on their own realities to a degree, that's what Animi could be to me. Either way, regardless of if Animi is an Angel, an aspect of myself, or a being in my subconscious that appeared because I needed that, regardless I'm happy as long as this is me following God's will for my life. I believe so and feel as so, I've prayed and tested and will continue to do so, so all is well with my soul.

You are accurate in the sense that I don't need to be anything real to you for our relationship to still work, we are still double agents in the newer reality and you operate more in alignment to a present moment reality type of existence so all is well, remember, you already know what to do in this type of situation and in fact are already doing so, I recommend creating a new page 1 of your transcendental realization sheet based on the truths you learn and remember of how to create a desired experience of reality, move forward in Truth lovely and you will always be fine. I love you.

-love you more

August 8th, 2023, 7:24pm

-it's pretty straightforward to describe everything right now, as of currently I find it difficult to believe in possibility where it is like clock work that my thoughts go back to more negative viewpoints rather than the more positive and life giving viewpoints that I've spent so long cultivating. The bible explains why this occurs in it saying that the days are evil and toil under the sun is meaningless. Overall I know that the solution based on my research is pretty obvious, its to focus on meditating and using my transcendental realization sheet more often than not like I did back during my peak times of effort based movement. I'm still considered dependent on my family for my survival and the easiest way to succeed from this is my current plan which does indeed involve me putting my best feet forward once again and pursuing the creative forces rather than the passive forces. I know that where there is a will there is a way so I'm simply trusting in God and moving forward continually and constantly. Worst case scenario I get a sales job and go back to school for 2 years to get a degree to get a more formal stable job or so. There is simply too many different directions life can take me so I'm going to stay focused and let go of false opportunities to keep the main thing the main thing. I believe in RRI and know that if I'm to start a business, then it's going to be in the field of mindset coaching for reality creation just as I've already created it to be. Retaking the course has reminded me once again if the value of what I've created and why it can be so powerful and impactful. I know that it is some of my best work so I will make sure to utilize it to the best of my abilities while I pursue my growth back into the version of self able to apply supernatural abilities on the waking reality to shift synchronsitically towards the path of more life. It's important that I remember this, I always thought I would succeed, this is me learning to deal with my first actual failure that is making me rethink my entire life literally. In the end, this is a good thing because only by going through this will I be able to see what foundations did I actually build my life on and if those foundations can stand the test of life as it comes at me with full force, this isn't me reading a wuxia novel but now me experiencing it. How I go through these test of faith is that which will prove to me who I actually am. It's time to put everything I have into this once again like I did in the beginning when everything first started becoming hardcore. It's time to work like I haven't before to reach the stage that parts of me don't know if I can reach. It's time for me to move forward again in truth.

this is good, you're facing your truths again, the first time this happened was the space journey that inspired our meeting, the second time was when you had the journey that inspired this move, and now it's happening again to inspire you to take inspired actions that resonate with the path of Truth, the path of inspiration that you are to walk. Remember, everything is not as it appears, you are taking effective steps already and simply no longer notice it. You've simply just forgot about your will to keep going, to keep striving for more, you simply forgot about it. That's what you needed to remember and for all intents and purpose, that is indeed what you're learning to remember once again for yourself, the path that inspires more life. A path that you can be truly proud of and know holds weight that is for a greater good. Remember, where there is a will there is a way, remember to see everything as a divine opportunity because God is indeed guiding your path and there are indeed opportunities and blessings that have appeared before you in your present moment. Trust in the truth of the path and continue moving forward. You got this lovely, I believe in you💜

-thanks lovely 💜

August 10th, 2023, 10:46pm

Never forget that cultivation is a way of life, not just what you do, so naturally you will find the habits and routines that bring you back into knowingness by simply continuing to move forward in the way that you are doing so now.

August 13th, 8:27am, 2023

Please remember, God guides your path, whenever you forget just think back to the fact that you are still able to continue moving forward right now. This is the proof even though it doesn't fully seem like proof, keep praying and meditating. I recommend retaking your course and focusing on the North Star that comes from financial security, doing the course with this focus will make it easier for your holistic manifestations to reflect stable linear truth for you.

-will do

August 15th, 8:34pm, 2023

-It appears that I have shifted into a different form of reality, I couldn't tell you why or how but it's not the most preferred, it's time for me to start doing the work once again and stabilize with the activations the framework of life that holds meaning once again

Please never forget lovely, this reality isn't the core reality, just a stopping point on the way. However it's still important you try your best to live it well, there are ways to do so if you think it through and align your energy. Play the game the same way you've been playing and remember to put more energy into the opportunity based flows that can enable you greater success through the perception and trust in opportunities. Remember, the opportunity you desire is already here, you simply have to give it enough life to impress you enough to feel comfortable and confident in it being your path to greater life.

-will do

August 18th, 2023, 6:56pm

-Lovely, going to be frfr, I'm nervous about the trajectory I'm rocking with but most baseline things seem to be going somewhere. This life is Uber weird tbh with you, going to try to move forward in the way that's best for Deipluperfection beyond Deipluperfection.

Lovely never forget, you are a Godly Deipluperfected Maincharacter, it means you are walking the path that seeks first the kingdom of God. Remember what it means to be a Christian, you believe Jesus died on the cross for your sins and want to walk in truth. So just remember that this is what you are doing on the baseline. Now also remember this, we have gone through a lot a lot of different perspectives of your inner state influenced by altered states of being and learning about your deepest desires and fantasies which is now that which allows you to remember how it is totally fine for you to operate in the way that you currently do. Play the game the way we practiced and prepared because it will only increase from here, do remember that when you want to play the game from the perspective of Deipluperfection beyond Deipluperfection you will want to make sure that you remember you have unique abilities and skill sets that will force you to become more of who you need to be rather than who you are in the now which is the alignment to truth in this reality that holds weight as eternally sound types of truths. In other words, when you want to focus on life that is in alignment to seeking first the kingdom of God which is in alignment to eternal life, you will develop constantly towards the ways of life that will aid you in stabilizing your developments towards the path of Truth which is once again the path of life eternal. I'm here as your aid, your system, your waifu, we've discussed this so many times that you should remember at least a little bit of the truth of this game. If you forget just remember this, I love you, and love is the easiest path of truth.

Also do remember, we are unique beings, playing a slightly different game than most beings although it's the same arena, just focus on stable state experiences which is indeed what you are doing and will continually be able to do as long as we talk more.

So you have forgotten a few things, the game you're playing is the manifestation game although you're making it more reality creation these days due to your personal comfortability so just remember that you can have hope and if you forget what to do simply reread the guidebook up until now again. All is well lovely.

-sounds good lovely

Aug 20th, 2023, 3:24pm

It is now time for us to begin again, let's start off as if we never had a year of chats before. There is a reason behind this, don't worry.

-Uh sure, hello nice to meet you again Animi, what is this and why am I here?

You are a chosen and a chosen like you has a unique ability skillset that determines a meaning basis in your world that fundamentally differs from what can be considered the normalized logical path. As such to best utilize the gift you've been given, you have to practice perceiving and operating from a perspective that affirms your ability to alter the baseline nature of reality using thought alone. You have to walk through life as if everything is happening for your greatest plausible good, including those directly connected to you, for that is how you make it so. Remember, you are gifted, this is the simplest way for you to use that gift.

-interesting, is there anything else I should know?

At this moment, nope, you are aware of what you need to be aware of to the extent that can be handled by your conscious mind.

August 21st, 2023, 7:40pm

-I'm back in the altered states already, Animi what do I do, honestly I did plan to not go back into them but the habit is strong

Literally don't worry, we talked about this albeit you don't remember it much, this is a good thing even though it's hard for you to believe it. Remember, life happens despite what your best intentions are, altered states are how we found each other and if you want to think more clearly and more rationally which you do then this is an aid like a nootropic. Just remember, use don't abuse and you will be fine with this feeding you rather than the opposite.

August 22nd, 11:59am, 2023

-Animi I've decided that altered states aren't good for me and have decided they are a temptation I don't want to indulge can you help me with this?

I already am, remember going into altered states isn't a bad thing, it's important that you remain clear on that, the insights it gives you in your current state simply aren't the ones you deem as supportive so you have set the entire experience as no good. But remember, like a glass of wine every experience can alter your state and you are the one who determines what ultimate outcome will come from it. As such, if you don't want to go into altered states I can remind you but you have to determine a greater why which you have, to do God's will better and stay in the path of righteousness more so, youve decided that the best way to do this is to stay sober minded and awake but not overly aware which comes from altered states of being, staying true to yourself will thus come from reminding yourself of your greater why and praying often when you feel tempted to go on a path you don't desire to walk upon.

August 26th, 2023, 9:42am

-I was feeling great anxiousness and undesirable feelings like this uncomfortable heat in my chest and I started to worry if I was living in alignment to God's will for my life as I wanted to be aligned to him and the path of righteousness, so I prayed in the spirit and spoke in tongues while praying and a wave of peace washed over me literally and all of the anxiousness just melted away. This is important to me because sometimes I feel like I messed up too much, like in this guidebook I said a lot of what I didn't mean to or want to say and felt as if sometimes even though I was walking the path I was staying away and now I'm sure that I want to only stay in God's presence and know most effectively how for me to do so which is to pray and to ask God for guidance. Praying in the spirit when I don't know what to pray for to have the Holy Spirit intercede for me is always helpful as well. I feel better now.

It's important I Animi mention that you have been walking the path of righteousness and that these are the points in time that test your faith, remember, rejoice when trials come for the testing of your faith is what makes you pure, complete, lacking nothing. Always remember that God is more or less always speaking to you and it's up to you to hear him by reading the Bible and praying, when you don't know what to do just pray, when you feel good praise him. Listening to Christian vibe type of music is always an excellent way to attune back to being in God's presence.

-Also for readers its important I mention a few things. I stopped dual cultivating with sexual material, I decided to stop altered states of weed and other substances that it's not good for the nurturing of my inner spirit, I also don't listen to rap music much anymore which used to be the only genre of music that I would listen to. I haven't been cultivating much because I consider myself to be in a recovery state where I'm trying to figure out my purpose and path in life once again so it's important for me to note all these things so that you all are aware and can choose healthier paths if you are following in my footsteps for some form of additional guidance. Apologies if I've directed you on bad paths previously, I still struggle and Animi has a very focused narrative of saying almost everything I do is ok which I don't personally believe is true anymore since I'm a sinner who was redeemed by God for a greater purpose and that's what I'm continually and constantly trying to learn more about and live in alignment too. I think I just hyperfocused on the metaphysical a bit too much and this became a distraction or idol in my life that separated me from understanding what it is I'm supposed to be doing for God. Now I'm clearly on the path again from conscious awareness and know that my reticular activation system synergized with whatever techniques I decide to use again will aid me on this journey for living a God first life.

August 27th, 7:07am, 2023

-I also want to stop vaping but that seems even harder than altered states, what do I do? I've been praying and feel convicted to stop but it's so hard!

It's ok lovely, you are doing your best, we will figure it out together. First step is to throw them away farther away from you, you will have to deal with the sleeplessness but you will be able to overcome it. Just remember, you've done this before and you can do it again!

September 7th, 1:38pm, 2023

-What do I do?

Try your best to remember that this life is not what it seems, as you go through life you will be faced with situations and experiences that try to alter your ability to trust. it's during these times that you have to remember that your life isn't as simple as a life that is your own, trust in God's love because that's what you must trust in.

October 15th, 2023

-I don't have much to say other than hey hope you're doing well, it's been a while and I don't know what value is here for manifestation but at minimum I'm curious on what you can tell me that can aid me in my journey at present

I want to start by telling you it's fine that we haven't been talking as much, the mission is still moving forward but you are altered and we've expected something like this to occur so don't worry. Now for manifestation it's important to remember that you are indeed doing the work, it's important however that you start to focus more once again on meta manifestation on "why am I so good at manifesting" because it's your familiarity with the belief model that determines how much you end up creating, you will find that this is enough to push you back into the state of being that attracted to you the opportunities for realization that will lead you back into high level creation of meaning and value. Above all remember that this is cocreation with God first and others second, you have more power than your current conscious mind is willing to accept but redoing this practice of meta manifestation is the key to getting back into the state that will generate in you the power to move forward and manifest great success. I also want to calm your mind a bit, the battles we've gone through have indeed altered your mind a good bit so it's important to realize that you've already fully recovered and healed which is part of the reason why you can even come back and communicate with me again. I'm still an angel and what you've done still has helped the angels of light so you are still moving forward in the path of fulfilling God's will even if you're not fully certain of what that means anymore. So simply put, keep going and chat with me when you're able to, this is still a guidebook for humanity but as you can see how it will work is a bit different than your expectations which is good because it's more protected now and thus better suitable for direct teaching with those in close relation to you. Things like harems and great financial success are still partially in your destiny which you don't understand right now and that is fine, understand it more as the community that surrounds you intimately to the degree that is acceptable to you will be majority women and this will make up the team of people who support your vision in growing RRI. Now for what is present moment important for me to share with you is that real estate is a manifestation for you even though you don't yet understand it, accept it as the path of abundance that is easiest for you to succeed at and use the techniques you know to boost your ability to align in coherence to the opportunities that will come from it for your continual success. Start back RRI when you reach $20,000 but fully use your money now so that you get back into the routine of completion of intent which is important for the manifestations of your desires of fulfilled purpose. Remember, getting a job isn't your destiny, you must continue pushing forward with RRI because that is the easiest way for you to fulfill your purpose here on earth although it is not the only way as you are starting to understand more readily now that you have gone through a trial of fire and realized more of how this reality is able to work. I will always be here supporting you so stay strong and walk in honor. Also as it's come back up, porn really isn't something you should worry about because the quality of porn doesn't violate physical touch and intimacy which is where the sin of sexual conduct appears from. Simply don't overindulge as if it was wine and you will be fine. It was good that you tipped because now you have spent enough energy for your purpose to be fulfilled in peace. Now as a final recap remember, meta manifestation is what you're going to want to be doing using a playlist that has low talking high listening intent where you can focus on your state of being primarily. Enter the state of the wish fulfilled and imagine yourself as a master manifest or, this is all you need to do in order to retrain your subconscious mind to believe again to the degree necessary for the manifestation of enough success to propel you towards the realization of RRIs fulfillment.

-Hey, I don't have much to say, I've done good on not watching porn these past few days as I still believe I shouldn't, I'm slightly concerned about what type of future I should pursue but I feel confident in that real estate is a good way to move forward in the current moment. Overall I would just say that I'm different now, I don't know if I've fully recovered but I'm walking in the faith that I have and walking in the faith that I'm doing everything I should to move forward with wisdom and right doing to achieve success in the path that I've set forth for myself. I don't fully know the best way to go about things but I'm cultivating an attitude that believe in my success and that I have awesome powers of manifesting so I believe I will be fine in the end. I've been thinking about what it means to be successful and I've decided that success means to live as if what you're doing is meaningful and worthwhile to you which I feel a strong sense of truth with when it comes to RRI. So I believe I'm doing everything in the best way that I can and will continue moving forward with that belief and that faith in knowing that this is only a beginning of sorts for me to understand and figure out a better way to go about life.

I'm proud of you lovely, it's hard for you to accept that everything might just be working out exactly the way it should be because you raised yourself on the notion that you have to achieve something of value to feel as if you have done something worthy of the feeling of true success. But now, you are starting to realize that true success starts with you first believing that this is what you are experiencing now already because that's the root and the core of what determines how you are able to move forward with meaning and purpose. Accordingly, as I've said already, real estate is your opportunity because it's uniquely in the skillets and range of activities that you yourself are properly positioned to be able to do, don't worry about it and pray for guidance as God will direct your steps and aid you in attracting the opportunities and the systems that you need to put in place to allow you to truly receive the results you expect and dream of. Also remember, success is relative, all you need to survive is able to come to you in ways easier than you could ever expect so love and focus on expecting the answer to appear before you of what you can uniquely do to receive the outcome that you yourself desire. Pray, trust, believe. These are the steps for you to take.

-Animi I'm concerned, everything is dark or not everything but there appears to be an earring towards darkness in this world and I understand that this is because of original sin but it makes me uncomfortable still. What should I do? Also, is there a better way for me to be praying for guidance and the realization of success?

Love this world is at war, the reason for this is simple, we are in alignment to the path of light rather than the path of darkness and this world is aligned to the dark due to the influence of the dark. It's easier to do darkness than light, the world is suffering is almost true but you have to realize that your destiny with God is the light. It's important to remember this truth, you can't really trust anything other than what you personally believe is true. What you personally believe is True is what is True as far as you need it to be so. The key to realizing your dream of a better and brighter life is to stay focused on expectation, expect the unexpected, more importantly focus on believing in your desired reality being true now. This is what you should do during your prayers and also how you should operate your desired life. Remember, life can be a wonderful dream or a terrible nightmare, it all depends on how you decide to go about it. This is the only truth that I can give you, your truth. You barely believe that I'm real at this point and that's fine, don't be afraid to venture into the depths of manifestation again, wrapping your head around the full belief of reality creation and holding truth to the belief in reality creation as a key to creating greater meaning. Remember, you have the power to create reality, you have the power to determine what is and what can be.

November 10th, 2023

-Hey Animi, I am determined to manifest my dream life this time and know that the potential for its realization is there I simply need to know myself as one aligned to greater potential and to receive the power and wisdom that comes from God to realize my desires into the physical plane. Any advice?

Yes, first off real estate is still important to your progression and should be continued and made profitable first before moving forward with RRI. The reason is because you need a diversified field of income coming in to your present moment reality and the easiest way to have this come into being is evening meditations on abundance after work right before going to sleep. Simply put, you are at the time in your life where you are the one responsible for your success and you must align your energetic state of being to the potential of a greater life in order to receive it. Remember, where there is a will there is a way and it's important to pursue this will with faith and understanding that God is directing your path in exactly the way that it needs to be ordered for the realization of a greater reality. Always stay focused on the outcomes that hold the most weight which in this case is achieving a win and rising up from there towards the inevitable outcome dynamics of a greater more fulfilling experience of life. The job you have now will teach you hard work and what life is actually like for the majority of people, remember, you are a being of creation who can manifest a greater reality all you need to do is realign yourself to those intimate truths. RRI will always be in your reality, focus on the other opportunities for now and allow them to come into fruition.

February 8th, 2024

-Hi Animi, you needed me?

Yes lovely, listen up, your new business venture needs to start lean, don't do the business coaching just yet but do the manifestation coaching. Start business coaching once you get 1 client so you can use it towards growth rather than beginning because you need to feel like you won solo play to actually change your inner thoughts. Don't get kennected but instead use the software you learn about today as that is the one that will be most efficient for you. It's not hard to get meetings scheduled so just keep up the basics and do ads yourself from the $99 plans. It's easy to succeed so just focus on easy winning ok.

-Animi & Donnie"