Ice was quite a respectful child, He respected his mothers decision about not telling him anything about his Father. His mother always told him how she wished she could go back to him and his elder brothers but due to The accident that happens years ago she decided not to.
She thought it would be safer for Him and his Father and elder brothers if she didn't go back since Everyone thinks that they have been kidnapped by some sort of kingdom. She thought that way it would be safer for him and his Father and elder brothers. Although His mother did not speak about his father She spoke about his elder brothers.
His eldest brother, A soldier, A warrior on the outside but on the inside a soft, caring and kind person
His second eldest brother, A musician, A poet and A kind and caring person both inside and outside
His third Older brother who was only who was only 3 when him and his mother got kidnapped and taken to another village, but his mother said that he had the same Golden hair as him and their eyes Looked the most similar out of the whole family, She said that even though she only knew him for three years she knew that he was a kind, sweet, caring and Amazing child both outside inside even though he can be stubborn He is Still a little sunshine.
Little sunshine His mother called his Third older brother, A poet His mother called his second older brother, And a Warrior she called his eldest brother, His mother told him about how he is her little snowflake or ice spike.
But even though ice was A respectful child he still was a bit curious.
Ice and Khori were planning to go to the Sniffle Forest River the other day in the morning, It was quite a walk but he would be back for dinner.
The next morning Ice packed chicken For both him and Khori For their trip to the River. Khori was jumping up and down as Ice put some food into his wooden bowl, Ice put Khori's wooden bowl down it contained some raw meat just for khori, Since khori was still a dragon fledgling he couldn't really eat anything cooked other thank cooked chicken.
Ice got some soup into his wooden bowl as he sat down next to his Mother"Mum I wanted to ask you if khori and I Could go to the Sniffle forest River, Aida told me yesterday that there is gonna be a fluffle of bunnies,I would like to hunt some for the festival in a few days. "He said to his mother. " Of course you can ice spikes if you want I can tag along"Her mother said to him, "No thank you mum I appreciate it but I also wanted to ask if you could add a bit of design to my crossbow? maybe some ice spikes?" He said to his mother as he finished his soup, "of course I'll get on with it now! it'll be in 3 hours though, so I suggest you taking a different crossbow or just a regular bow. " She said as she finished her soup