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Love Drunk

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"No one can control his heart for falling love even with his enemy"

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Sneha & Aman

Its the most romantic , entertaining story of the lovebirds couple "Sneha & Aman". The story starts with the life of sneha , a girl from a very poor family who left her at the age of 10 at a car accident.All of her family member died expect her.

This was the most terrible and frightened part of her life.After this incident an old man admitted her in a hostel.

After 13 years:

" Its 7am. Sneha is getting ready for a job interview.She is in very hurry because she need job at any cost because she wants an independent life. She left home and she sits in taxi and now she has gone towards her interview.She reached in office at time. Team calls her name.She was little bit nerves.She knocked the door and ask "may i come in sir".The person(sir) turned his chair towards her and says yes but his one word "yes" was not completely uttered.She was looking so preety and so cute.She was the girl who attract him first time because its never happen that he likes any girl but here he fell in love with her at first sight.He fell in love with her just in one second.

Sneha came inside .She asked may i sit but the boy was starring her and was getting fully confused.Even he forget everything :what to ask ,what to say because he was not understanding also what happened with him.He ask nothing from her even he didn't ask her name. Suddenly he left office and ask the admin to end the interviews.He was thinking about that girl(sneha) overnight ,days each and everytime.He was not allowding himself to think about her but its was not in his control.At 2nd day .He asked his administator to call her and offer her the job.Sneha received the call but she was confused because no question was asked from her than how they could offer job.But she needs job at any cost because she was wanted to be an independent girl .

She joined the office and start work with fully attention and hardworking.His boss (Aman) appreciate her at her each work.

Day by Day the boss (Mr.Aman) was attracted towards her more . First, she thought its due to his best input in his work but slowly Sneha was feeling different behavior of her boss but she was not understanding even she was getting confused because he stared her each and every time.But Sneha didn't wanted to go in that love cycle because her focus was only on her future. After many days Aman was getting to attached with her than he tries many times to tell her about her feelings but it couldn't happen.One day he proposed Sneha and tell her every feelings of him but Sneha said no because she doesn't love him still and don't want to trapped in these love cycle.

He asks many times why she don't accept but she reply nothing. Aman love was going in peak level. When situation gone in a very pathetic situation , she has decided to left the job because she has to complete the time she signed in contract.

She decided that she will work but she will talk with no one because everyone started question about her rejection because she was rejecting a very rich man and he was handsome too.

One day , she thought that we she is rejecting him . She questioned from herself that why?

May be its due to she has a fear of losing the persons she loves too much so thats why may be ahe don't want to attached with one more person.

Gradually! Aman realize that she shouldn't force Sneha to love him because its not necessary that "whom we love will love us to ".

He decided to talk with Sneha and should start with friendship.But he was thinking that may be she refused again for her friendship.But he decide to talk for a last time.

One day Sneha has alot of work to do and she was doing work continuously. Doing work she didn't realized the time.

Aman was also in a very deep thinking about Sneha.He was getting total change because he thinks everytime about her and his love was going at another level.

Now the time of night has come .Its 01:00am.Suddenly , a heavy rainfall started and than thundering start with its fully power. Sneha has a big fear of this night because when she lost her family in accident it was same night like it .Heavy and thundering rain fall, stroms.So she gets frightened .When the rain and thunder starts she shout naturally one time.Because of his shout Aman gets out of his deep thinking.Suddenly Sneha starts running ,Aman also go out from his office room . They both clatter with each other.Sneha feet slips but Aman hold her and she hug him when its again thunder.She starts crying.Aman said she didn't need to cry .I am with you.She gives her comfort , consolidation.

After some time she got abberent due to very intense fear.

Aman calls Sneha ,Sneha what happened you.Open your eyes.

He got so frightened because he love her very much and can never lose her. During this situation she

growl the words in his mouth.He tried to listen but he didn't completely understand that what she is saying.But he understands only some words which were "mom,dad" plzz come back ,plzz come back.I will never forgive that person never. Than he listen only one more word accident. After listening this word he got confused .His feet were started nubbing.He got so frightened.Because At the age 13 , he put his father car without permission and he did an accident in same night like that night .He memorize all that situation.This was also the most frightened and unforgottable part of his life.

Aforhand , He had only one fear but no one more of losing a person whom he love intensly .But know she has only concern with her health.She is suffering from fever due this pandameic situation.Aman is very worried about her.He is taking care of her and he didn't realize the whole night spend . Aman also drowse.

Now the morning has started.Sneha woke up and watching here and there rapidly.He gets confused after finding Aman around herself. But its just happened first time that she ia staring Aman as he is sleeping.Its first love wink from herself.After some time Aman wake up and ask her immediately: Are You Okay? Then he immediately put his hand on her forehead ,face and neck and says: "Thank God! your tempreature has lowered now . Thank God" .

His this act now attract Sneha towards himself because now Sneha is also going to fell in love with Aman.His caring personality pressgang her to belief on Aman love. She asks Aman ! thank u soo much . Aman was shocked and start laughing and said to her: wow ! u know this word ...HaHaHa.....

Because she never say any thanks or sorry to him.He take her with him and leave her at her hostel. Now Sneha is thinking about Aman how he care,love her.How he was worried when she was frightened.Actually she realized that she didn't frightened too much because he was with her . Sneha has now feeling love emotion for Aman But know Aman is thinking that now what will happened when Sneha knows the truth that he is the culprit of her family. He is very tensed ,very frightened and obviously because fear was he will kose Sneha. One day ,in office Sneha ask Aman that will he accepte my friendship because I think friendship is moat valuable than all other relations.Now Aman couldn't say no and finally they become friends.Their friendship was going very beautifuly but Aman tries not to spending too much time with Sneha because of his fear.He was getting far from Sneha mostly.

One day Sneha decided to proposed Aman at same place where Aman had proposed her.She did all arrangements and call Aman there.When Aman reached there was darkness.When he stepped in suddenly lights gets on slowly.When he stepped again petals of red rose started fell down from the floor .When he took 3rd step Sneha was sitting on her knee with a big card written there I Love U More Than Me, My Life and My dreams .This was the same place and same way of proposing him back. After this Aman rapidly run and hug here tightly for 5 minutes and their were many tears in his eyes.Because At one side he found his love and at 2nd he was going to lose her because he don't want to betray her.He had decided to tell her truth. He kiss on her forehead and said her I want to say u some thing because I truly love You and i will love u till my last breath and after my last breathe.I don't want to betray you.Sneha was getting confused.He asked here plz don't question or say anything during i m talking because may be you speak i can stop there and never tell you any thing .He just change his side because he could not see in her eyes.He tells her that the peraon your are thinking that is culprit of your parents,your loveone ia no one else .Its me ,its me ,its me sneha .After saying this he fell down on his knees .After listening this sneha shocked and her feet were getting nub even she couldn't move .He said that he was only 13 years old and don't know about driving but it was his passion his dream and he couldn't stop himself from his craviness.One day he took his dad car with out permission and did thid accidentally because he didn't know the driving.That is the most terrible part of my life.Then he starts shouting moving towards the sky and said :

why ,why ,why i did this why. He was crying but Sneha was shocked she fell down and she was totally out if his mind. Aman run towards her to hold her but she hurtled him and say stay away from me Mr.Aman.Stay Away. You knew this all from our first meeting thats why you was nubb after watching me 1st time.Thats why you ran from office.Thatswhy you stared because you was crueting your sin .She said her many things . He was trying to hold her because her condition was going very critical but she hurtled him again and again and then she ran from there.He gone at her hostel but she never meet him. This was the most disturbing truth of Aman for Sneha.She thought how she could love any culprit.How she love anu culprit of his family .She said how, how, how and slapping on her face ,hitting herself because this was unbearable for her.This broke her completely.Aman tries many times but she didn't meet him .One day Aman came to talk with her father to tell her how it all happens .This all was mistakenly and now whatever punishment sneha will give he will accept but Aman meet with a car accident.He goes to comma for 3 years.But Sneha thought he ran away from her because he never love her .He was just crueting his sin.

After 3 years when Aman gets out from comma the first word he uttered was "Sneha".

After one month doctors discharged him. His first goal was to find Sneha But he didn't.

One day he go to that place where Sneha proposed him because he was missing her and Sneha was also missing him and she also go there unknownly. Because He was his first love so she couldn't forget and hate him now matter how much she tries.They reached on same time those arrangements was same like that .Nothing was changed because that was a room and now one elsw go there during this time.They both stepped one and suddenly ligts switched on .They stepped second suddenly petals starts falling.They stepped third one side Aman was standing and on one side Sneha was.They both gets shocked because they never thought they will meet here again.Aman ran towards her but she ran from there. However .she loves Aman very much and know all the truth but she couldn't forget the promise which she make to herswlf and her family that she will never forgive their culprit at any cost.She love Aman too much and can't love without him but she couldn't broke her promise and also she couldn't lose one more her love one.She wrote a letter to Aman that She forgive him but she hate him and will hate forever however in real she can't hate him and she writes she is leaving this country and ask him to don't try to found me pllzzzz.Just start a new life and forget her because she can never live him again .

After this letter she left that place and go to their parents grave and ask them plzzzz take me with u plzzzzzz.....She thought only one solution she has becw she can't live with Aman and also can't live without Aman.So she should go to their parents.She took a car and did her own accident. She did same with her what was done with him. She done this because she unknownly love a culprit and now she can't live with him and nor without him . In love mostly one has to sacrifies...She sacrifices because firstly she couldn't broke her promise and secondly she couldn't hate his love .She couldn't hate. After 5 years Aman opened a new company with the name "Ameha" that was the combination Aman+Sneha~ ....He didn't know what sneha has done but he decided to love sneha forever and to live only with the memories of sneha because he thought sneha left this country and may be she ia happy ...