5:30 AM - Tuesday
(alarm sound)
someone - Not now kids , I don't have chocolates for you....(sleepy voice)
someone - shut up now ( woke up ) , what's wrong with this alarm... (stops alarm) (talking to alarm đ) you dumb thing it's Sunday today. now let me sleep đ¤
10 mins later
( mom pov)
mom (from downstairs) - lily wake up dear , your getting late for your work , get down here
( someone aka lily)
lily - mom it's Sunday today
mom - lily it's Tuesday my dear, wake up now I made pancakes for you .
lily - okay it's Tuesday , WHAT TUESDAY , WHAT THE HELL , MY BOSS WILL KILL ME ,I AM LATE AGAIN!!!!!!!
(Rushing to bathroom)
(20min later)
(lily pov)
oh hey guys I am sorry I forgot to introduce myself. hehe đ
so my name is Lily Smith, I am 23 years old , I am an independent woman , and there are 4 people in my family , me , my mum , my dad , and my dumb brother.. and right now I am late for my work so talk to you later...
lily- (back-hug) good morning my beautiful lady...
mom- good morning darling. come now let's eat.
lily- okay
lily- mom?
mom- yes honey?
lily- where are those two troublemakers?
mom- (giggling) probably sleeping
lily- oh okay
(10 min)
lily- okay mom I am leaving now, I'll be late don't wait for me, and I'll have dinner outside so don't worry about me .
mom- ok baby be careful~ I love you.
lily- I love you too mom
I took my car keys and left for work
(on the way)
lily- dude chill I'll be there in 5
lily- okay bye Martha
Martha- bye
(at office)
I ran to my cabin and took the important files and then went to my boss
Martha- hey where are you going?
lily- meeting room
Martha- oww about that, dealers left...
lily- what why??
Martha- You are asking why you are 30 mins late...!! and about boss he is in his office!
lily- oh no man I am in deep shit
Martha- good luck
lily- oh thanks I need it
(knock knock)
unknown- come in
lily- g.good morning si-
unknown- why are you late?
lily- mr.ben I am really sorry for that..
Mr.ben- lily I know you work hard and I love that about you, but you are not responsible for your work sometimes
lily- sir I am sor-
Mr.ben- save it , we lost the dealers today , just because you ware late
and as punishment you are going to finish all this files today
lily- b-but sir
Mr.ben- no buts go and finish this and one more thing you are not allowed to leave before you finish those.
lily- okay sir
(in cabin) (8:00AM)
lily- I am dead this time.. let's begin
after 3 hours
you heard a knock
lily- yes come in
Mr.ben's secretary- lily boss is calling you
lily- oh I'll be there in a minute
secretary- ok
lily- oh no what now
(Mr Ben office)
(knock knock)
lily- yes sir
Mr.ben- oh lily umm look I am sorry but I had to do it
lily- huh? what are you talking about sir
Mr.ben- umm you are not going to work for me anymore-
Mr.ben- let me finish my sentence lily...
lily- oh I am sorry sir
Mr.ben- you are going to work for Mr.Andrew from Thursday. and umm also you are going to be his secretary . and he is short tempered person so be careful with your words. and one more thing you are going to live with him from Thursday.
lily- no not gonna happen.. sir please don't do this
Mr.ben- look lily it's very good job for you and he is my close friend . so I can tell you one thing that he is cold but he is so nice .
Mr.ben- okk now go back to work and you are still not leaving without finishing those fils
lily- sure
(back in cabin)
lily- The worst day of my life
(sigh) let's finish this
(evening 7:10)
Martha- are you out your mind bit*h. come on dude you can finish those later
lily- no chance
martha- okay then I am leaving now and go to cafe or something and eat. I love you babe and be careful ...
lily-love you too...
lily- owe I am hungry....I guess I'll finish these tomorrow.. and it's also late now I should go back home I don't even have energy to walk
( pack her stuff and leave)
( in car )
lily- I am exhausted.. and hungry
and guess what!!? all shops are closed
can this day get any worse...
(10 minutes later)
lily- oh finally one place to eat
(time skip)
lily- ohh it's midnight .. to be honest I ate alot đ..
and now I have to drive back to home
(30 min later)
lily- finally home sweet home... my bed đ I am coming....đ
time skip
(next morning 5:30 AM)
(alarm sound----)
lily- (crying dramatically) I wanna be baby again I hate thissssss...
lily to alarm clock - ohk now shut up I am awake
get fresh and went downstairs
lily- Mom good morn-
lily- mom? mom where are you?? Daddd!! sam!!!!
lily- (worried) (checking all rooms..)
where are they ohh my god...