The Journey to Nowhere, is an allegorical realistic Novel based on disorder crested by the European Churches in Africa. In the narrative, the arrival of Mr. Bigthan in Kingakati, the setting of the novel, brings serious changes in ways of living. This due to the arrival of the new faith. After a sudden death, Mr. Bigthan leaves his associates in a deep shadow and instead of keeping the way to the New Land, they get lost. The Senenes are on an journey, but a journey with no destination, je Journey to Nowhere. Finally, instead of being United, the new faith collapses into innombrables groups charactezed with vices rather than values. It's easy to see how there is no faith at all, they are just clubs of evildoers.
The first chapter of the novel, stars by describing Kingati and its inhabitants, the Senenes. It provides clear details about the tradition and customs of Senenes and the harmony they lived in. Then show how the introduction of the new Faith in Kingakati beings about changes, quickly dividing the Senenes into two groups: The sene