Chapter 19: Abel in Wonderland
The loud sound of swing floated in the air around him as his eyes shot open. Blinking against the twirling lights that were caste into the sky, Abel sat up and looked around before glancing down. He was wearing a suit? A sharp stab on his head told him he also wore the flower crown, putting a hand on the crown and tugging it off. Wincing lightly as blood raced down his forehead,
"Arph, you're terrible at making these," he groaned, breaking off the few thorns he saw dotting the crown and placing it back on his head.
His eyes narrowed as he picked his way over the undergrowth of the dark forest. Wincing as bramble scraped against his pants, he could feel them poking into his flesh but the fabric refused to rip. Odd.
He found his way to the hole in the trees, lights were dancing from inside the darkness. Flashing bright red in the Slayer's face, rubbing his eyes before slipping into the darkness. His shoes landed on the grass, he stumbled catching himself before falling into the dark grass. The music was growing louder now as his eyes found their way to the large building before him. It was practically hopping off the ground from the sounds that emanated through the speakers inside.
"What the hell," Abel murmured, making his way to the door of the home. It was large, stacked against the sky so high Abel had to crank his neck in an attempt to see how far it went but the top vanished among a blur of dark clouds as though it were a skyscraper. Abel swallowed hard, he had an irrational fear of falling from a skyscraper and the home was too close for comfort. Red lights flashed from the windows, the music so loud he swore it could be heard in the waking world.
Abel hesitantly grabbed the cold door handle, The door clicked open but the house was empty, dark. Light cascaded from the outside, kissing a small note on the floor. Abel leaned down and picked up the paper.
"Eat me"
was written in red marker, he narrowed his eyes at the little piece of brown, earthy looking root that has been stuck to the paper. Popping it into his mouth without hesitation, blinking a few times and shutting his eyes as the bitter taste covered his tongue. It was as if he had taken a bite out of the ground outside. He winced at the flavor and nearly spit it back out but forced himself to swallow it.
He wasn't sure what he'd eaten, but Arphaxad left it for him. So it couldn't be bad, right? And it couldn't hurt so long as he didn't eat it in the real world, right? He felt the floor under him heave, screaming in surprise as the wood opened up and swallowed him as though it was alive. Falling to the floor below him and landing awkwardly on his feet, stumbling to keep himself upright the music exploded all around him.
He stood in pure black and white, people surrounded him, all dancing to the swing that was being played by a live band not too far away. He glanced around with wide eyes as the drugs started to kick in, feeling the familiar rush that coated his veins.
"Arph?" He called out, it occurred to him now that the people dancing around him, all wearing fancy clothes that seemed incredibly dated, didn't have any faces causing the Slayer to scramble away from the dance floor. He could see people of all shapes, sizes and color moving together as if the dancing had been rehearsed. The rush of people was becoming blurred, giving him a jolt of anxiety until the familiar voice caused his head to snap up towards where the band sat.
Arphaxad stood on the stage, his red rimmed glasses the only color in the entire place as he snapped his fingers to a beat that was starting up.
"Swing let's swing, everybody time to swing" He sang out, "Abel! You made it!"
The man hopped down from the stage, strolling over towards him. The people with no faces stopped their dancing, parting for the other until the blonde stood before him.
"I uh," He rubbed the back of his head nervously, "Wanted to apologies for the other day,"
"Man, it's okay," Abel whispered, "What is this place?"
"This is my apology!" He laughed, gesturing to the band who started to play their swing once more. The trumpet's whine vibrated through the air, echoing in the Slayer's skull.
"Your apology?" He asked, tilting his head only for Arphaxad to hold a hand out towards him.
"Do you trust me?"
He stopped, did he? Hesitating he looked towards the faceless humans, all of which seemed to be staring at him. He swore he could hear them whisper, reaching forward and taking the man's hand. Letting out a gasp of surprise as the demon yanked him onto the dance floor and into a slow waltz as the music played a soft, slow song.
"You see," Arphaxad whispered into the Slayer's ear, the closeness causing Abel's heart to skip a beat. The man's hand on the small of his back, "I know you like old movies, and I like old TV. So I thought maybe we can combine them?"
"As...a dance number?" Abel chuckled, grinning up at the other who's smile took up the whole of his face.
"As--" Abel blinked, he was suddenly in an old looking home. The swing could still be heard but it was so faint he wasn't even sure where it came from. Looking down at his old clothes, he could see a slight pattern to them but the black and white made it impossible for him to make out if he was wearing clothes that belonged to a beloved character. Looking around him and making out a few couches, a window on the wall as well as a few picture frames hung up on the wall.
It felt familiar but he couldn't place his finger on it, that was, "Abel, I'm home!" Arphaxad shouted, pushing into the home. Pulling the hat off his head, the sound of laughter filled the room.
"Arphaxad?" He chuckled, the man made his way to Abel standing incredibly close so their foreheads almost touched. He picked up the drink in the Slayer's hand, which he didn't recall holding.
"Want a sip?" He asked, a devilish grin flooded over his features. Abel glanced down at the martini, then to the red glasses on the man's face. He could see his reflection in the frames, the flowers that still sat on his head were bright red as well against the black and white room.
"Isn't this...Lucy didn't…" He couldn't find the proper words as he looked down at the drink, the blonde held it out to him.
"Arph what the hell is happening?"
"Drink! This is a night for us,"
"Us?" Abel arched an eyebrow at the other, tilting his head slightly as he looked to the man with a skeptical look as he took the glass back from the man.
The world spun around Abel, Arphaxad grabbed his arm nodding to the drink.
"I don't feel good, man,"
"Drink," The voice was excited but dread burned into Abel's gut. He swore he heard a voice, something screaming at him, don't do it. But what was it? The music was growing louder now, drowning out the voice. The world melted, flooded in colors before his eyes as he stared at the blonde for a few rapid heartbeats causing Arphaxad to take the drink from him.
"Look Abe," He said, taking a sip, arching an eyebrow.
"I just…" His words cut off as the blonde grabbed him by the tie and yanked him forward, pressing his lips to Abel's. Chamuel flashed in Abel's mind, he felt the demon spit the liquid into his mouth causing Abel to gag and shove the other away.
"What the hell?" He snarled, wiping his lips causing the demon to laugh.
"Come on, you're always so tense! Relax, are you thinking of that angel?"
He was thankful for the black and white colors as his face turned a light shade of red, "No, I'm thinkin' you just back-washed into my mouth,"
"He rejected you, Abel, maybe it's time to start anew,"
"And that would be with you?"
The world churned under him, again. His vision blurred as he watched Arphaxad hold up his arms and fall backwards. Fear flooded his heart but it vanished when he saw the man melt into the floor.
"Don't drink it!" Gil continued to shout into Abel's puddle. His green eyes wide as he watched the demon force himself into Abel's comfort zone, as Abel rejected the drink Gil found himself relaxing lightly. Maybe he heard him? Gil hadn't moved from the puddle since arriving, much to Michael's frustration.
"You can't interfere," Mike had reminded him over and over, keeping the father from attempting to help his confused son multiple times. Having watched Abel nearly die time and time again, yet all he could do was watch. Sitting back with a frown as he continued eyeing the puddle, frustration was ripping him apart. Fear flooded his system when the demon kissed his son, he smashed his fist against the ground.
"Get away from him, you son of a bitch! Wake up!" Gil shouted, getting to his feet and pacing back and forth.
Michael appeared before him, a look of pure concern stuck to his face. Standing a few paces from the other, his long jacket brushed the tall grass. Gil smiled at his lover, making his way towards the man, "Mike!" He said with a smile.
"Can you believe this?" The smile died again as he hugged the other tight, burying his face into the man's neck.
"Gil, you can't keep interfering," Michael whispered to the Slayer, running his hands up and down the man's back softly. Gil pulled away, his green gaze burning with pain as he glanced towards the puddle. Attempting to flatten the cowlick on the front of his head, the Lancaster curse as he called it.
"I'm not," He grunted, "Not yet."
"You can't do anything," Mike continued with pain etched into his voice, following Gil back to the puddle.
"That's my boy, Mikey," Gil said with an angry glint in his gaze, "I gotta do something. That demon's gonna have him wrapped around his stupid finger if he keeps feeding him bullshit."
The angel sighed, shaking his head, "Gil the other angels noticed your absence..."
"There's gotta be something I can do, that demon just walked into Abel's head like he has some VIP pass,"
"You can't do anything,"
Gil continued to ignore him as he paced from Abel's puddle to Chamuels, "I gotta wake him up somehow," He continued, sitting down once again between the two sets of life water. He fiddled with the ring on his finger as he attempted to think.
"Gil, if the angels come looking for you and find you here--"
"Maybe I can wake Chamuel,"
"Mikey, I don't care about the other angels," Gil leapt to his feet, anger flashed in his features. "You act like you don't even care! How long have you even known about Abel?"
The thought now made the older Slayer freeze in his tracks, "Did you know about Abel?" His voice is a mix of hurt and bewilderment. Michael hesitated, looking away from Gil.
"You can't--" Michael started
The two locked eyes, Michael let out a nervous shaky breath, "I've known of him since his birth,"
Gil felt his world crumble around him, the entire time he was alive he could have been in Abel's life. Guided him. Taught him. Hell, even help him get his hormone treatment. Clenching his fists till they turned white, turning away from Michael and sitting beside Abel's puddle.
"Get out of here, I gotta find a way to save my son!" He hissed out, Michael opened his jaw to speak again but the way his husband hunched over the puddle made him think otherwise. When the Slayer got his mind stuck on something he wouldn't stop and Michael knew this, letting out a sigh. All the angel could do was attempt to keep the other angels away from the forest of life long enough, it would be catastrophic for him in the end but he'd do anything for Gil. Even losing what little angelic powers he had been gifted back since his death.
Gil heard the angel vanish into the air, reaching forward towards the puddle only to pull his hand back as Abel was sucked deeper into the demon's wonderland.
"Wake up," Gil whispered desperately, ripping up the grass under his palms "Please, wake up," He felt tears racing down his cheeks as the feeling of hopelessness and guilt settled over his heart.
Abel let out a yelp as the ground swallowed him once more. He spun downwards quickly, the sound of swing boomed loudly all around him as he landed awkwardly in a home. Its large walls glaring down at him, the color had returned as he took a few steps backwards. He wasn't in a home, he was in a library! The loud, grunted noise of a green ghost flashed past him.
Abel scrambled back only to run into Arphaxad,
"You gonna get it?" He asked, tossing the Proton pack at the Slayer whose eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Wait...we' ghostbusters?" Abel asked, he couldn't keep the smile from breaking over his features.
"Oh, we can be wherever you want," Arphaxad said with a grin, hands crossed behind his back. "This is all for you, Abe," He said, smoothing back his hair. Abel glanced down at his clothes that had changed to a brown suit with the ghostbusters logo slapped on the front.
"This is awesome!" He laughed,
"It'll be even more awesome soon," Arphaxad couldn't keep his grin off his face, it was almost wicked but Abel tried to push that to the back of his mind. He couldn't stop himself from being attracted to the demon, he couldn't place what it was, but he was starting to like it.
The demon grabbed him, yanking him forward. Abel felt as if the gravity had been turned off as he flew through the air. The blonde laughed as the world changed before Abels eyes, he nearly crashed into the computer of a spaceship. Landing clumsily on the floor beside Arphaxad who now held a large gun, winking from behind the space helmet. Abel got to his feet, looking down in awe as his clothes changed yet again.
The two took off, laughing as they moved through the spaceship. Hunting a large black creature, its mouth opening to show another inside. Abel shot a few times causing the monster to explode in a mess of blood,
"Good shot!" Arphaxad said, Abel glanced towards the other only to find his lips against Arphaxad's once more. Causing his chest to burn, heart skipping as the demon pulled him to his chest. Abel blinked in surprise as Arphaxad's tongue darted between his lips, the sharp taste of something rolled down the man's throat. The bitter substance doubled his vision, lights flashing before his mind's eye.
The world shifted yet again, with every kiss, with every sip of alcohol, he could feel the world nearly glitching away from him. He started finding it hard to distinguish between everything now, the only solid thing was the hand of the demon who had it firmly planted in his. Nearly dragging him between the plains of real and fake.
Everytime the movie changed, he would change to fit accordingly. Arphaxad kept up with him easily as the two danced from one scene to the next.
One second the pair found themselves in an old movie, playing the part of the hero only to be taken to an old TV show. Abel found himself always taking the part of the woman whenever this happened but his mind felt far too hazy to say anything but the discomfort could be read easily on his features.
Abel started to feel overwhelmed as the scenes continued, now finding himself sitting on the ground in an old TV show with Arphaxad sitting beside him.
"What's wrong?" He asked, the Slayer wasn't even sure if he was alive, dead, awake, asleep; it was causing his body to shake with anxiety.
"I'm...not feeling good," He whispered, "I...maybe Cham will know how too--"
"Don't talk about him, he lost his chance," The anger in Arphaxad's voice caused Abel to jump only for the man to race his fingers against his back. His chance? Abel attempted to make heads or tails of that sentence but the drugs caused large shapes to cloud his mind.
"Sorry, look babe, you gotta let that guy go. This feeling? This anxiety? Maybe it's love, Abel," The man's words sounded like honey, Abel turned to give the other a suspicious look.
" Aint that shit supposed to feel good?"
"And this doesn't feel good?" Arphaxad gave the man a hurt look. It did feel good, but not in the way he always was told. With the goofy smiles, the butterflies, the Sparks. He didn't exactly feel that with the demon, though he felt something he couldn't figure out exactly what he was feeling as he watched the shapes dance before his vision.
"No! No...I...guess I never really fell in love before?" He groaned, attempting to not harm the man's feelings. After all, he did all this amazing stuff for him.
"Well, let me help you," Arphaxad snapped his fingers, the once old home vanished slowly around them. They now sat in a large, beautiful field, the stars dancing around them with the soft ripple of water being their music. Arphaxad settled beside Abel who now found himself overlooking a vast, beautiful mountain side. The aurora lights beating overhead, moving slowly as the snow under his feet bunched up. It didn't feel cold, the soft sound of falling snowflakes crackling against the blanket of white was a comfort compared to the loud swing.
"It's gorgeous, huh?" Arphaxad asked, grinning wildly at the man.
"I can make the world anything you want, Abel," Arph whispered, "Just stick with me,"
Abel hesitated before leaning on the man, groaning as he felt the drugs continue to make the world move under his feet. Arphaxad wrapped his arm around the Slayer, pulling him close. The shapes moved up and down, shaking, before exploding in color before his face.
"Don't worry, Abe, I got'cha! From now on, it'll just be me and you, right?"
Abel was far too out of it to answer the man, thinking was nearly impossible as the world seemed to hum and whisper to him as if the mountain side was alive and breathing.
He heard the shouting again, a voice. It was so...familiar, yet he couldn't make out what was being said.
"How about a deal?" Arphaxad whispered into the Slayer's ear.
The voice screamed loudly this time, 'no!' he could hear the word no a few times but the drugs started to buzz loudly or maybe there was actual buzzing. He looked up at Arphaxad, tilting his head.
"Deal?" He repeated, attempting to look skeptical to the best of his ability but he was suddenly feeling more exhausted than he'd ever been.
"Yeah, I'll make you a deal! You ever start to feel so bad, you can whistle. I'll come anytime."
"What do you get?"
"Me? I get to see you more," He smiled big at Abel who blinked a few times. He had expected the man to ask for more, maybe even his soul but that didn't happen. Odd, maybe Arphaxad really was reformed like Baal.
"You know how to finish a deal with a demon, Abel?"
Abel tried to speak but suddenly felt sick to his stomach.
"A kiss," Arphaxad whispered, grabbing Abel by the tie once more and tugging him hungrily forward.
Gil watched in horror as the demon continued with his manipulation, he could tell Abel wasn't sober. He could see the creature slipping all sorts of different things into drinks, putting them on his tongue and kissing the Slayer. He was sneaky as he soothed Abel whenever the man would get anxious or worried. Gil felt his throat going raw as he tried to wake up Abel, attempting to push his hand into the water but something seemed to be keeping him out.
His heart stopped as Arphaxad seemed to look directly at Gil, as though the demon could see through Abel's life water. Grinning at Gil, his eyes flashing black for a few heart beats as he placed a finger over his lips, winking. The rage in the Slayer turned his blood to a smoldering fire as he leapt to his feet and moved towards the forest. Grabbing the biggest rock he could find and tossing it with great force at Abel's puddle. The rock bounced off, falling into another puddle.
Gil hissed in anger, grabbed a few more and threw them but it was no use. It was as if a force field was sitting over the top of just Abel's puddle, just barely preventing him from waking his son. Even if Abel was drugged out of his mind, Gil wanted him awake and far away from this demon.
He grabbed dirt, leaves, twigs, anything he could find but it was worthless the more he fought the worse he felt. Falling to his knees now and screaming out in pain and frustration, his fingers dug into the dirt as tears started to drip down the man's chin. He felt Michael's hand on his shoulder,
"Gil, you need to stop,"
Gil glared up at the other, attempting to brush his frustrated tears away.
"Let's make a deal," Arphaxad said, causing the older Slayer to freeze.
Dread so heavy it almost caused the brunette to scream, turning his head back to the puddle. He slammed his hand on the top of it over and over,
"No! Don't! Abel!" He shouted, "No!"
That last one. He saw Abel react to it. Even if his mind was messed up from the drugs he knew that he had got through. Sweat raced down his forehead as he turned to look at Michael, the blonde looked defeated.
"So I can actually interfere?"
"You can, and you have," He gestured to the puddles around the area. "You've injured many puddles already, Gil," He sat down beside the brunette, hand on his shoulder.
"You need to go back, staying down here isn't helping you, you...can't do anything. Jegudiel placed a field over Abel's water long ago,"
Gil didn't seem to be listening, staring angrily down at the puddle as Arphaxad pressed his lips into Abel's. It wasn't a soul. But it was a deal. It didn't matter what the deal was, demons didn't just make little deals for fun. They never have, never will.
"Mike, did you see that?"
Michael shook his head, reaching up to brush Gil's hair upwards in a gesture of comfort but the Slayer stood up before the angel's hand could get too close. He paced back and forth again, watching as Arphaxad took Abel on a longer journey. What deal would be next? He paced a few more times, eyes on the ground as he attempted to run through what he could do to break Abel out of his own head.
"I'm very attracted to you, Abel,"
Gil stopped at the demon's words, turning his attention back to the puddle. Arphaxad was dancing with Abel, the scene was black and white once more. Gil scrambled closer, shoving Michael out of the way slightly. The angel was now watching as well, his head tilted.
"Yeah? I...guess you're pretty cute," Abel laughed, looking uncomfortable as Arphaxad led him across the dance floor as though he were wearing a dress. Gil could see the frustration of being treated in a feminine manner clear on Abel's features.
"I want to be yours," Arphaxad said with a sigh, "but I'm worried."
Abel looked incredibly uncomfortable at the others words, Gil didn't realize how hard he was gripping Michael's hand until the angel let out a soft whine of pain.
"Sorry," Gil whispered, Michael shook his head before lacing their fingers together, giving Gil a small smile, the blonde leaned against his husband. Rolling his fingers through his shaggy hair as if the experience frustrated him as well.
"Worried? About Cham?" Abel asked, stumbling with each movement as the drugs continued to pump through his system.
"No, about you, I have to be honest," Arphaxad stopped his dancing, Gil expected him to mention that he was a demon and Abel wasn't. But what was said turned Gil's worry to rage,
"I really like men, and well, you're….not a full man yet,"
"You son of a bitch," Gil hollered at the puddle, slamming his fist against it again causing Mike to try and stop him.
"Gil stop! you can't get past it, only high level creatures can,"
Abel looked visibly hurt by the man's words, laughing it off.
"Yeah, I...get that," Abel whispered, looking down to the floor,
"Hey! You're still a stunning looking man from the top up, huh?" he grabbed Abel's chin and lifted him, planting a kiss on the Slayers head.
"Gil, calm down!" Was all the angel could get out before Gil lept on the puddle, he grunted in pain as his feet came down hard, glaring down at the water.
"Abel, wake up!"
He shouted loudly, leaping up and down causing Michael to pull him off.
"Stop it, Gil! You can't do anything to Abel's puddle," The blonde's voice wavered with panic.
Gil huffed as he allowed the other to pull him off, only to stop.
"I can't do anything to Abel's puddle, but,"
"Gil, no, don't," Michael was practically begging now, he felt the eyes of someone else on his back. They found him.
Gil ignored the angel, storming towards Chamuel's puddle. Without a second thought he shoved his hand into the water.
Chamuel gasped loudly, shooting upwards as hot lightning-like pain exploded through his mind.
"Wake him up, Cham!" A voice shouted into the angel's head, he blinked a few times. Glancing around him, was another angel contacting him? It didn't sound like any of the angels he knew, and he could almost feel it as if someone was shouting in his ear.
"Cham! I know you can hear me! Wake up Abel,"
"What?" Chamuel murmured, the voice sounded like Abel but a little deeper, older. He glanced down at the other who slept beside him, the man looked peaceful as he clung to the pillow behind him.
"Chammy. Wake him up, please,"
The voice was desperate, tired, Chamuel blinked a few times as the fog in his brain lifted.
"Hello?" The angel whispered, blinking as if to clear the odd pain he felt only moments ago. Looking down at Abel once again, putting a hand on the man's shoulder and shaking him softly.
"Hey, Abel," Chamuel whispered, the man didn't budge. That was odd for sure, Abel was usually a light sleeper. War exploded in Chamuels head, panic filled his veins. Something wasn't right, he could feel the presence of something now that he started to wake up more.
He brushed Abel's hair from his face, gasping when blood raced down the other's cheek.
"Abel!" Chamuel shouted, shaking the man hard.
"Wake up!"
Abel found himself racing through the trees of the forest. After Arphaxad's comment he couldn't feel anything but pain and now he couldn't figure out how to get out. The trees glaring down at him, the angry hoot of an owl followed him as he attempted to find his way back. He pushed out of some undergrowth only to fall into a small clearing, groaning painfully and looking up at Arphaxad who stood over him. He was back in front of the black and white home, holding his hand out.
"Why'd you run? You're being so dramatic," Arphaxad said, looking at Abel sadly.
"I...just need to talk to Cham," He didn't know why, but the intense desire to be with his friend took over every thought in his head.
The demon's frown grew as he hoisted Abel up by the arm causing the hunter to gasp out in pain at the sharp tug. There was an anger in the demon's eyes that caused Abel to wince.
"I've done all this for you and all you can do is talk about that fucking angel," he hissed, Abel took a step back.
"Even though you're less desirable than a normal man I'm still giving you a chance," Arphaxad continued. Abel winced as if the demon had struck at him. The demon sighed, the anger died in his blue gaze. Abel backed up a bit, feeling himself stopping against the sharp wood of a tree.
"Listen," Arphaxad said, putting his hands up on the tree to trap the drugged up man from running again.
"I like you, but you need to stop worrying about that angel,"
"He's my best friend," Abel slurred out.
"Look, I think you're just being really emotional right now." Arph sighed, letting his hands drop to his sides.
"Maybe I should just let you wake up," Arph murmured, Abel shook his head as guilt flooded his veins.
"I uh-- no you're right I'm being dramatic," he whispered. Arphaxad grinned, leaning forward. The kiss sent a chill through the Slayer but he allowed it, his heart felt broken as he thought of Chamuel. Maybe the demon was right.
Gil growled as someone yanked him away from the puddle. Anger splashed into the man's veins as he turned on the strong force,
"Jophiel," Gil snarled, glaring at the darker skinned man who glared down right back with narrowed eyes.
"Lancaster, I was wondering where you were. From what I recall I told someone not to take you here," eyes darting to Michael before falling back on Gil.
"Fuck off, Jophiel," Gil snapped, "you've done nothing but made shit harder for Abel,"
"I'm doing what I have to do to protect everyone," Jophiel snarled back.
"Yeah right! You've always been a bitch boy, you'll always be one! You never gave to shits about Earth,"
Jophiel folded his hands in front of him, sucking in air as though it would prevent the anger I'm his voice from growing.
"You're messing with the right one today!" He hissed, "This isn't just about Earth,"
Gil paused, blinking at the other in minor confusion. "It's not?"
"Did your loving husband not tell you?" Jophiel's voice sent ice down Gil's spine as he glanced at Mike who was looking to the ground.
"The darkness won't just affect Earth," Jophiel continued, "when it takes over, it'll take over everything. Heaven. Hell. This isn't just a couple of schmucks wanting to take the Earth down with them. They want it all,"
Gil turned his attention back to the puddle, glaring as he watched Arphaxad kissing on Abel against a tree. He could see Abel's clear discomfort but the demon didn't seem to care. Green eyes darted to Chamuel's puddle now the man was attempting to wake Abel but didn't seem to be able to.
"If you keep interfering you could ruin everything, do you understand?"
"Why did you tell Chamuel not to share his feelings?" Gil asked suddenly, though there wasn't any anger in his voice this time around.
"This isn't a match maker game," Jophiel replied, "you and Michael? It worked. Michael doesn't have the most powerful force known to the universe brewing inside him."
Gil turned away from Jophiel now, going back to Chamuel's puddle only for the angel to grab him.
Gil roared in anger as Jophiel struggled to shove the Slayer to the ground. Gil turned on him, landing a hard blow to the man's cheek causing him to drop Gil. Michael watched in horror as Gil sent another punch into the angel's face causing Jophiel to fall backwards.
The Slayer turned on his heels, knowing he didn't have much time and shoved his entire arm into Chamuel's puddle. The angels eyes turned white,
"Wake him up!" Gil shouted desperate, feeling Jophiel grab him by the leg and tug him backwards.
Gil paused as he went to shove Jophiel off, both men's attention was turned to Jegudiel who glared down at them.
"Aw shit," Gil whispered, getting to his feet.
"Come." Jegudiel said to Gil, nodding to Michael as he placed a hand on the Slayers shoulder and vanished.
Chamuel felt the pain once more, it exploded in his mind causing war to really kick up. The voice shouted at him, he knew something was wrong as his hands started to glow. Attempting to blink back war who didn't seem to care how Abel was possibly in danger, just wanting to destroy whatever could be harming him.
"S-stop," Cham murmured to himself, sucking in air before placing a hand on Abel.
"Calm down, Chamuel," he murmured to himself, closing his eyes only for horror to race through him. He couldn't feel the Slayers emotions. He couldn't replace them.
His eyes flew open with shock, he'd never had that happen before. No matter what seemed to go on with his new archangel statues he was always able to transfer and take emotions with no problem. Was something stopping him?
"Abel," Chamuel said, war's voice breaking through as the fear trickled through his body. Without a second thought, war placed his hand on Abel's chest and released a jolt of energy, causing Chamuel to gasp in shock.
Abel let out a yowl of pain, leaping upwards with wide, confused eyes. Chamuel's heart stopped, one of Abel's pupils was giant while the other was the size of a pin prick.
"Abel, are you okay?!" He grabbed the Slayer's face lightly causing the other to visibly flinch away from him.
"Stop stop," he groaned, "I just want to wake up,"
Did he...think he was still asleep? He watched as Abel tore at the sheets below him, "I just want to talk to Cham," his voice sounded desperate. Chamuel felt war fall away from him.
"Abel, it's me," Chamuel whispered, pressing his forehead to the others. Abel was breathing deeply, he could feel panic flaring in the Slayers mind.
Chamuel closed his eyes, he was able to take the man's emotions now. As the emotions flowed through his skin he winced lightly, they were so painful, raw, it hurt but Chamuel would take them for days to bring the other peace. Filling Abel with serotonin causing the Slayer to visibly relax. The warmth of the emotions flooded his skin as the negative was pulled from his forehead.
Abel blinked a few times, his pupils starting to return to normal.
"Cham?" His voice didn't sound like his. He was having a hard time seeing the angel through the colors that kept dancing in front of his vision. Leaning into the man and feeling the other's chest against his head, a warm comfort took him over that no one but the angel could bring.
Chamuel wrapped his arms around the other, pulling him closer to him.
"It's me, Maverick," he whispered into Abel's hair, "I'm right here,"
The two sat together on the bed for what seemed like hours but could only be a few minutes. Abel didn't want to move despite how badly Chamuel smelled from the day before he wanted to stay in the comfort of the other. That was something Arphaxad could never seem to bring him, a warm comfort that burned deep in his core.
"You smell like shit," Abel finally said as the colors danced out of his vision, the muffled noise of swing vanishing in his mind as he relaxed fully against the man. Closing his eyes, he felt exhausted despite sleeping for so long. His legs ached as though he ran a mile.
"It's my new cologne," Chamuel murmured, smiling at the others' words as he held him. Letting his head rest on the Slayers.
"Oh yeah? Who are you wearing?"
Abel laughed softly, gripping the other tight for a few more heartbeats.
"Hey man," he whispered, "I...think I need another hour of sleep,"
Chamuel pulled away from the other, inspecting the man's face. He wanted to ask about the other's pupils', his dream- but Abel looked as if he hadn't slept at all. The dark rings under his eyes made the angel's heart sink, what was going on with him?
"Yeah, good idea. I need to shower anyways," He said softly, watching as Abel curled up in the blankets once more. Chamuel laid beside him, watching as the man fell rapidly into the darkness of sleep.
Chamuel continued to watch over him for a while, making sure he didn't have a nightmare. He reached forward and brushed the blood that dotted the top of Abel's head away, almost forgetting about it. His hand moved through the others bangs, the mullet like style was starting to get long. His mind moved from Abel to the voice he heard, who was it? Why did it want him to wake Abel so badly? What was happening to Abel? The thoughts stressed him out heavily as he rose to a sitting position, making his way to the shower.
He sat down on the floor of the shower, letting the warm water wash over him as he racked his mind attempting to understand all that was happening around him.
"God, what do I do?" He murmured but no one answered. He was alone.
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